I need to be lifting..but where do I start?!?!

KAS0917 Posts: 172 Member
I get it. I've read it over and over. LIFT HEAVY. I'm not the least bit scared to do so, but I haven't a clue where to start.

A little background: I grew up playing sports, so I'm somewhat coordinated. I've lost 30 pounds with 35 pounds to go. I have a pretty decent handle on my eating, although I tend to do bad when I'm traveling for work. (committed to changing that!) After a long talk with myself Monday (and basically maintaining my weight for 5 months), I quit WW and joined MFP this week, and I'm fired up and energized and back in a good head space. I know WHAT to eat, it's just a matter of consistency. :smile:

I like to be active, but again, have had NO consistency. My typical activity is classes at the gym - zumba, aqua fit, yoga/pilates, spinning, etc. I do classes because I have a short attention span for cardio. I haven't been to the gym in a while, but I'm on week 4 of a 60 day Insanity Challenge. I am doing it 5-6 days a week, not real well, but my fit test numbers have gone up! I did the challenge to get into a routine.

My lifestyle is hectic. I'm single, no kids, but I travel about 60% of the year, and there's no consistency in my schedule. (sensing a consistency trend in my life?!?!) Sometimes, like this week, I sit at a desk M-F, 9-5. Other times I'm at events all day - NASCAR, state fair, baseball games, etc. I'm in the event marketing business - new stuff daily.

Ok, now that's all out of the way - how do I find a 3-day a week lifting routine that makes sense? I need to find something that I can do when I'm at home or on the road or in the gym - where obviously the equipment isn't always the same.
Can I just do body weight stuff? Or do I always need equipment? I'm not trying to be a fitness model - just a strong healthy girl without loose skin when I finish this weight loss! I've googled routines, but it just overwhelms me. I tried a few trainers, but the minute I tell them I'm leaving town for 5 weeks and won't be in to see them they lose interest in helping me (or at least that's how it feels). They don't 'get' my lifestyle, I guess.

I do have this book, if that helps (I mean, I haven't USED it, but I own it. ha!) http://www.amazon.com/The-Womens-Health-Book-Exercises/dp/B00CC6DG7O/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1369940050&sr=8-1&keywords=women's+health+big+book+of+exercises

I know about different muscle groups, but I just can't find something that says "do this on Monday, this on Wednesday and this on Friday" so I just end up not doing anything on the lifting front....appreciate any advice!


  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member

    It's as good a place to start as any.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    There certainly are body weight routines you can do. Nerd Fitness has some good ones (I've been told) and you could look into Convict Conditioning or You Are Your Own Gym.

    Free weights are typically preferred because they produce results faster. I would imagine that when you are traveling, you could find a local gym with access to free weights. I stayed at a Holiday Inn not too long ago and got into a nearby Gold's Gym for free. Most gyms in larger cities have arrangements with the hotels in the area. It might require 10-15 minutes of research before your trip, but I would consider that worth it.
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member

    I can't wait to see the replies. I'm in the same boat - I want to get back to the gym and start lifting, but it's all very intimidating lol.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    What I would do:

    When your on the road, do bodyweight workouts. Something to help you maintain your LBM.

    When your at home, maybe do workouts that use adjustable dumbbells. There is a thread somewhere on MFP that talks about lifting heavy with dumbbells. It is possible, but you will reach a point where you can't increase any further do to the limitations with dumbbells. That doesn't mean though that you won't see fantastic results with them.

    When you can make it to a gym with a barbell, do a workout like stronglifts 5x5. I suggest this workout when you have access to a barbell, because it is an easy program that uses compound lifts 3 days a week.
  • Welshlad82
    Welshlad82 Posts: 1
    Just a thought, but as an alternative to dumbells especially if you travel alot maybe consider tension bands which are very good if used correctly. I have completed the P90X workout and got good results from these as they maintain the muscle tension throughout the rep.
  • KAS0917
    KAS0917 Posts: 172 Member
    Perfect, thanks! I will look into those websites mentioned here.

    I would imagine that when you are traveling, you could find a local gym with access to free weights. I stayed at a Holiday Inn not too long ago and got into a nearby Gold's Gym for free. Most gyms in larger cities have arrangements with the hotels in the area. It might require 10-15 minutes of research before your trip, but I would consider that worth it.

    Yes, that's possible in some of the cities. Would I actually make the effort to drive to the gym though? Probably not. It's usually just a matter of me waking up 30 minutes earlier, or working out late at night, but usually after a 15 hour day (pretty common on the road), I'm doing good to walk downstairs to the fitness center. Have to be honest with myself. :) But doing body weights on travel days and trying to hit the gym when I'm home is probably more realistic for me! Thank you!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    strong lifts or staring strength are excellent places to start
  • aeverton
    aeverton Posts: 359
    good replies so far...

    consider ChaLean Extreme. Dumbbell (or bands) lifting program that is 3 days a week.
