Im new HI

HI everyone my name is stephanie and I am new to the fitness pal and really anxious to get thiss going, If anyone has any fun excercising tips please let me know, cause i dont have the money for the gym and i find walking boring, lol, pleeeasseee help me, and I like making new friends so add me thank you lets do this peeps whoop whoop


  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    Hi Stephanie, welcome aboard!
  • Rivah67
    Rivah67 Posts: 91 Member
    hi and welcome
  • dansdeb
    dansdeb Posts: 164
    Welcome! this is a great site for encouragement and friendship. wishing you the best
  • trisha329
    trisha329 Posts: 266 Member
    Hi Stephanie! I just joined yesterday and am totally addicted to the site -- and I lost two pounds already!

    I so get you about not being able to afford the gym, and the walking thing! I bought a fitness ball at WalMart (it came with an instructional dvd), some small free weights, and a small trampoline. I'm sure I paid less than $50 for all three, but so worth it! I also use my stairs to run up and down!
  • Kpatty
    Kpatty Posts: 41
    HI! Welcome! Feel free to befriend me! I find the gym expensive, too, so I make it a point to be outside! I am fortunate to live near hills/mountains AND the beach so I try to work out on these often!

    I don't know where you live but there usually are local pools you can swim laps for free (or a small fee). Swimming is GREAT full body exercise! Biking is also GREAT! I found a Husky Beach Cruiser at WalMart for $84 bucks (With a $40 gift card and FREE shipping to my house!) I ride everywhere (with my kids, too). There are so many dance studios, Pilates, and aerobic classes you can take!

    Being creative and doing what you love will keep you motivated and help burn calories.
    Enjoy YOUR journey!
  • lessjess1
    lessjess1 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi! Welcome! Have you ever tried fitness videos? Jane Fonda, the FIRM, Richard Simmons, etc. - those can be fun! Good luck!