
rtctfield Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Dave. I've been eating right AND exercising for three days straight! It may not sound like much, but it's an accomplishment for me. I'm enjoying the tools available on myfitnesspal, and I hope and pray that this is the time that my commitment to good health lasts longer than a month or two. I have two small kids that need me to be an example of good health for them.


  • trisha329
    trisha329 Posts: 266 Member
    Welcome to the site, Dave, and well done for the past three days! I just joined yesterday, and believe me -- this is the place you want to be! The support is amazing, and the people are so warm and friendly!

  • Welcome to MFP! Congratulations on the last 3 days! That's the way to do it....one day at a time. It is too overwhelming to look at the whole picture. Set small goals and as you meet them you will reach your big goals. Good luck!
  • Hi Dave and welcome to MFP!! 3 days is a huge accomplishment cuz it's 3 days longer that you'll get to live!!! Woohoo!!! I've been on this website now for almost 50 days and have lost 24 lbs. For the first time in my 39 years, I feel like I have a permanent fix to my lifetime of dieting. I dieted for years and got no where or put it right back on. I haven't deprived myself of nothing this time. I simply count calories and exercise 30 mins a day every day. Once you make it your habit, you'll be asking yourself why you didn't do this sooner. The best part is that this awesome website is FREE!! It enabled us to all become lifetime friends and be healthy!! Jillian Michaels said you must count calories and exercise daily for your lifetime. If you want something bad, make room for it in the day and have only a part of it and cut out something else that day. God bless you on your weight loss journey and I can't wait to see where this takes you!!!
  • lessjess1
    lessjess1 Posts: 71 Member
    DAVE! Keep it up, you won't be sorry!!
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