Getting frustrated...need input

I have been getting so frustrated lately. This morning I was up 6 pounds from last week. Whose weight fluctuates that much in ONE week?

I have a friend and her weight never fluctuates like that – EVER. She stays within a pound consistently. I just don’t get it. Even though I ate over what was needed to "loose", I still should not have gained 6 pounds in one week. I wonder if I have screwed up my metabolism over the years. I feel like it will take me 3 weeks to get back to where I was last week. Why can't I at least stay the same from one week to the next?

I do workout too - about 4-6 times per week - anywhere from 20-40 minutes too.

Thanks for any input my MFP buddies.



  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    My weight fluctuates 3-6 pounds from day-to-day, let alone a week so I know how you feel. If you have been keeping track of your calories and weight loss I would just chuck it up to water weight babe.
  • sorellabella
    sorellabella Posts: 133 Member
    This happens to me when TOM comes to visit, I carry water weight anywhere between 3-6 lbs. It is frustrating so I just put it all in perspective by eating well, drinking more water and continuing to excercise. I know it will go away.
  • sandyvanderstelt
    my weight fluctuates a lot too... if i go over my calories or miss a workout one day i will be up 1 lb by the next day. very frustrating. i used to be tiny in high school but i guess my kids ruined my metabolism lol
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    Are you drinking enough water through out the day? Are you watching your sodium intake? Try drinking over 10 glasses of water daily---and really watch that sodium!
  • unocentavo
    unocentavo Posts: 82 Member
    Yes, it's most likely water weight. Weigh yourself first thing in the morning before you eat from now on and see how consistent you stay. Another thing to remember to is, when you change your workout to a little higher intensity than before, your weight will temporarily jump a little because your muscle will hold more water. It's ok to flucuate 2-6lbs per day really.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Yes, it's most likely water weight. Weigh yourself first thing in the morning before you eat from now on and see how consistent you stay. Another thing to remember to is, when you change your workout to a little higher intensity than before, your weight will temporarily jump a little because your muscle will hold more water. It's ok to flucuate 2-6lbs per day really.

    Good point!
  • Tamie_Girl
    Tamie_Girl Posts: 218 Member
    Jamie, okay, that makes sense, I'll try to up the water to 10 glasses. I usually get about 6 for the day. :drinker:

    I know the Wegman's turkey off-the-bone lunch meat is high in sodium, but I'm only eating 4 ounces for lunch.

  • Tamie_Girl
    Tamie_Girl Posts: 218 Member
    unocentavo - good point, yes.

    It's nice to know I'm not alone. I also think I shouldn't weigh myself so much. Maybe I should do every OTHER week.
  • kapajak530
    hang in there. I lost 35lb over the winter and haven't lost any since march. Just dont give up.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I was at a stable weight on the high end for about 3 years. I would get on the scale a few times a month and the number was always 220 to 223. There was one time when the scale said 227 after eating Chinese the night before. :laugh: So that's a 4 pound swing if you don't count that 227 number (which i mostly don't because I was down to 223 the very next day).

    Now that I'm maintaining, I am seeing even bigger swings. I think this is because of my exercise. Whenever I increase my intensity, I find I drop pretty low until my brain catches up and makes me hungrier so I eat more.

    The other issue is TOM. I find that on the months i ovulate, I go through a 5 day feeding frenzy where I can't get enough carbs and I eat a lot of junk food and my weight just SHOOTS up. But it's all water. I lose it within two days after ovulation is over and then I go through a few days of being completely uninterested in eating and in sweets.
  • faithstephenson
    faithstephenson Posts: 280 Member
    It looks like you're getting a lot of sodium. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water and consider limiting your sodium a bit. I also will see a spike when it's that TOM.
  • cuppycake22
    Are you drinking enough water through out the day? Are you watching your sodium intake? Try drinking over 10 glasses of water daily---and really watch that sodium!

    I agree with this one! I notice a HUGE difference if I am not getting at least 10 glasses of water in a day! I was eating a lot of seafood for a week as well and the sodium was crazy high (i didn't realize) I think both of these are a major thing with weight loss!
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I have been getting so frustrated lately. This morning I was up 6 pounds from last week. Whose weight fluctuates that much in ONE week?

    I have a friend and her weight never fluctuates like that – EVER. She stays within a pound consistently. I just don’t get it. Even though I ate over what was needed to "loose", I still should not have gained 6 pounds in one week. I wonder if I have screwed up my metabolism over the years. I feel like it will take me 3 weeks to get back to where I was last week. Why can't I at least stay the same from one week to the next?

    I do workout too - about 4-6 times per week - anywhere from 20-40 minutes too.

    Thanks for any input my MFP buddies.


    Some of the weight will be where you have gone over your calories for the week (over by 1600), but it won't be all 6lbs of it.

    To be sure, you would need to try for two or three weeks, not going over your allowance at all. That way you can see a pattern emerge.
  • tamitam
    tamitam Posts: 7
    I have also done that and it is very frustrating. Maybe try to up your exercise a little that is what I am going to try
  • Tamie_Girl
    Tamie_Girl Posts: 218 Member
    I did fabulous today - wish everyday could be like today. :heart:

    But I really do need to "up" the water ... I seem to average 6-8 and should try for more like 8-10.

  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Glad you had a better day today,well done.

    I too fluctuate hugely and gain weight very easily. I've only just turned a corner with this and am now consistently losing 1lb each week, it's not lots but it's stable, so I will share some things that seemed to help., maybe you could try some of them out

    - try to stay within your calories each day
    - zig zag your calories (I do 3 days of 1250 and 1 day of 1700 then back to 3 days of 1250)
    - try to double your water intake
    - swap out simple carbs for more comlex ones e.g those cinamon bagels could become multigrain bagels
    - try to reduce sugar intake (that includes sweetners etc)
    - add strength training to your workouts if you're not already doing it
    - eat little and often roughly every 3hrs
    - include lean protein with every meal/snack

    I am by no means an expert, just someone who has had a difficult time losing weight and mainintng the little loss I've made so far. I hope you can use some of these to stabilise your weigh as I know such huge fluctuations can very very demotivating.
  • Sharont213
    Sharont213 Posts: 323 Member
    I know exactly what you mean.. I can have wild swings too. So many things can affect you daily so I even though I still weigh daily, I just use my once a week number as my guide to sucess. Sometimes, I have to shake things up a litte so my body rethinks how to process exercise and food. I just try to stick to my new lifestyle and trust that this will work. Good luck and hang in there.
  • julienamana
    as an x addict of the scale im goign to sugget something radical-get rid of your scale, lol. Seriously I feel like I kicked a drug or something. I weigh only when I go to the doctor and go mainly by how I feel and how my clothes fit. I threw my scale away and I am much less stressed
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    same thing happened top me...I had my womanly thing...and my weight went up 5 lbs!!! Now Im freaking out and second guessing myself :sad: im frustrated toO!
  • Tamie_Girl
    Tamie_Girl Posts: 218 Member

    I weighed this morning and was down 4.2 - unbelievable. :drinker:

    I guess I shouldn't get so upset in the future when this happens. I promise not to freak out so much in the future when this happens.

    It probably was the weekend meal I had out at a restaurant. :yawn:

    Thanks all,