losing weight, is a negative calorie intake what i need?

basically i eat around 850/900 calories a day. i know about 'stavation mode' but i seriously just cant eat 1200 calories there no point me eating when im not hungry! i try to work of arount 700 calories a day should i do more? sometimes i do less. im just so confussed in what to do to lose weight! someone help me please.


  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    What you need is to eat a decent mix of carbs, protein, and fat, and get to at least 1200 calories. If you're working out a couple hours/day, you need to eat more. What you're doing is not sustainable and will make you feel horrible.
  • OnDatBulk
    OnDatBulk Posts: 10
    800 cals a day is nothing, you should be eating more than that imo.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    800 calories, sounds like dinner.
  • jessicae1aine
    jessicae1aine Posts: 885

    If there's "no way" you can eat 1200 calories, why are you here in the first place? You get fat by eating a whole heckuva lot more than 1200 calories, even at 5'2". Feed yourself. Seriously.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    this just proves why more girls need to play sports. it's the best way to learn to feed your body for the results you want.

    and yeah what the others said, you need to be eating more
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    People have successfully lost weight here in MFP by eating at a reasonable deficit. Read about BMR and TDEE. If you can't do it, I suggest you seek professional help from a doctor or a psychiatrist or both.
  • nomorebamboozles
    nomorebamboozles Posts: 73 Member
    When I started MFP I also had this problem where I couldn't even eat 1200 because of the drastic change in diet left me with foods that are low in calories but physically quite massive (mainly vegetables). As time went on, however, I found myself branching out of my strict routine and started eating "normal" "non-diet" foods in moderation, which then allowed me to start meeting the 1200 calorie goal. I recently bumped it up to 1500 calories (and I often go over by 100 or so) and have been losing the weight at a steady, similar rate as before. My point is: Don't be afraid. You were eating probably twice as many calories at some point to gain weight so those 400 calories aren't likely going to make a huge difference in your overall progress. Just try to stay positive and keep to it, and if you ARE hungry, eat what you want in moderation and don't deny yourself food when you feel you need it... especially if you work out. When you feel that 1200 isn't enough, bump it up. The extra 300-400 calories you'll be eating a day will keep you satisfied and keep you sticking to the plan longer... and you'll still be losing weight.
  • maryjkar
    maryjkar Posts: 9
    Thanks for an actual reply rather than saying i have a problem! I'm not anorexicot anything like I do eat quite abit. Maybe I should be eating more i just keep decreasing it and didnt really realise till I saw these comments. Thank you xx
  • maryjkar
    maryjkar Posts: 9
    Because I keep working out my appertites just decreased. I'm not aborexic so that's abit rude considering I'm asking for help as I'm just a girl who needs advise to loose weight so I feel comfortable.
  • jolt28
    jolt28 Posts: 218 Member
    I always wonder how someone that is "trying to lose weight" can't eat calories in a day? How did you do it before you started trying to lose weight? Doesn't make sense; exercise or not - actually exercise should make you more hungry.
  • meadowsmummy
    meadowsmummy Posts: 108
    If your at 900 calories for the day- grab a handful of almonds and a glass of milk that would add to your macros and not fill you up.
  • kjoy_
    kjoy_ Posts: 316 Member
    there's a reason my fitness pal gives you a red warning when you're under 1200, no you won't immediately go into starvation mode but your weekly average should be at 1200 or above calories. if you're "not hungry" or "can't eat all your calories" one day and are at 800-900, make sure you eat more the next day to average out to a healthy weekly caloric intake.

    there are healthy ways to reach your caloric intake goal. try adding a protein supplement to your breakfast, it's not too "filling" so if your issue REALLY is that you're too full to eat, that's a healthy option to take in calories or nutrients.

    try adding bars - such as Kind bars (or another low sugar, high nutrition) meal bars as a snack. they are a healthy option that are small, so they won't take up too much room in your stomach.

    i'm not sure how long you've been at this whole 800 calorie a day thing - but eventually, it will backfire. if you've been at it long enough then that's your problem there, you're so low-energy from lack of nutrition that you are not hungry.
  • Celebi03
    Celebi03 Posts: 310 Member
    I had a similar problem to yours, when I started here I would eat around 700-900 cals because I wouldn't be hungry. How did I fix it? I started waking up early, around 7-8, had oatmeal, eggs for breakfast. Whole grain pasta for lunch, and a huge smoothie for dinner. Losing 2-3lbs a week, never felt better.
  • maryjkar
    maryjkar Posts: 9
    Okay ill definitely start to eat more calories. Didnt realise it was this bad! Thank you. Also how many calories should I burn if I eat 1200 calories a day to still lose weight?
  • Celebi03
    Celebi03 Posts: 310 Member
    First of all, to lose weigh you need to create a deficit. Google BMR, and figure out how much calories you need to eat. Also, keep long term in mind, quick fixs won't last long.
  • kjoy_
    kjoy_ Posts: 316 Member
    Okay ill definitely start to eat more calories. Didnt realise it was this bad! Thank you. Also how many calories should I burn if I eat 1200 calories a day to still lose weight?

    you should net 1200 calories. aka if you eat 1200 and burn 300 exercising, you should eat the 300 back to equal 1200. exercising = more leeway to eat.

    i hope i am not wasting my time if you're not being serious with these questions, but try reading up on the forums for some of the starter guides. aka "in place of a roadmap." or talk to you doctor, but you really need to get at least slightly educated about calories and nutrition before diving into a long-term diet weight loss plan. learning how your body works will set the foundation for a healthy continuing lifestyle - not a crash diet doomed for failure eventually.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    My Calorie Goal is 1500 calories per day. I generally exercise so I have 1700-2200 calories for the day. On my rest days, I have to really pick my spots to stay under 1500. It always astounds me when people can't exceed 900 calories.

    MFP is setup for you to hit a given number to make your goal loss rate. If you exercise you will have even more calories to consume to be on target for that loss rate.

    Exercising lets you eat a little more. In fact if you exercise you NEED to eat a little more for fuel and recovery...
  • rose228822
    rose228822 Posts: 186 Member
    800 calories, sounds like dinner.
    LOL...thnx I needed a good laugh:)
  • maryjkar
    maryjkar Posts: 9
    My bmr says I need to eat 1420 a day so how much should I eat and burn?