Hi there! Any advice?

I am 18 years old and in need of some motivation. I have AT LEAST 100 pounds to lose! I have struggled with my weight my whole life and am sick of feeling gross and large. I need to make a change. If anyone has ANY advice or words of inspiration or even prayers for me it would be much appreciated!


  • cloben35mm
    cloben35mm Posts: 5 Member
    That is a great decision your making to make a change in your life. If you put in the hard work and dedication, you will see results! And if you fall off the wagon, don't be too hard on yourself, just get back on tomorrow. I also need help staying motivated, hope this helped a little. Have a good day :)
  • Mrstracey76
    Good luck, nip it in the bud while you are young! Develop healthy habits now, in exercise and eating. I agree with cloben: if you slip a little one day, don't throw in the towel! Most diets suggest you take a day off each week (not to totally binge, but just to take a break from weighing, measuring, and counting!). Good luck to you!
  • faithsimmons526
    faithsimmons526 Posts: 162 Member
    Welcome danni. Here are some words of inspiration my daughter sent me a couple of days ago. Hope it helps:

    Never give up on a dream because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyways.
  • danni766
    danni766 Posts: 23
    Thanks guys! It is great to have some support! Cloben and MrStracey it's funny because that is just what I needed to hear! This week I have been trying to eat healthier and have incorporated more exercise, but these past two days (Wed. especially) I have tripped up a little and have made some not so great choices. As a perfectionist I find that I am aspiring to be 100% healthy now that I have decided to make this change and now that I see that it's harder than I thought I have been tempted to just give up. I suppose I can't be THAT hard on myself. Faithsimmons, those are some inspiring words! I'm always so anxious to just have all the weight gone and patience is not my strong suit. I cannot even begin to count the number of times that I have tried to do this healthy thing and then given up after just a couple of days because I wasn't seeing results fast enough. Now that I look back I realize that had I just stuck with it, I probably would have reached my goal weight by now. Here's to never coming to that realization again and making a change for good!
  • gracetillman
    gracetillman Posts: 190 Member
    Congratulations on your decision to take control of your health.

    Focus on health first -- the weight will come off as a consequence. Don't substitute low fat versions of unhealthy food choices -- you have not changed your habits which is essential. Give it time. I once heard it takes two -three weeks to create new habits.

    NEVER get so upset with yourself that you make a bad situation worse. If you make one bad choice don't compound it by making another. Just start over at the very next meal or snack time. If you tripped and fell down one step you wouldn't throw yourself down the rest of the flight would you?

    The best advice is to get moving!! Exercise makes you feel good -- slow and steady wins!! You are not in a race with a clock or calendar don't let numbers on the scale be the measure of your success.

    I wish you great success.
  • danni766
    danni766 Posts: 23
    Thanks Gracetillman! Your example of not throwing yourself down a whole flight of stairs if you fell down one actually stuck with me all day long and probably prevented some bad decisions!