Looking for Motivation and Support

Hey everyone! I have used MFP before and worked very hard and seen little change. My motivation went downhill and I quit. Now I'm back with vengeance! I'm tired of looking in the mirror and disliking what I see! I am looking for friends to share this journey with. I WILL make this work! Please feel free to add me :)


  • deedzzz
    deedzzz Posts: 220 Member
    Hey Gina,
    good luck!
    I learned that if you work the program, the program will work you! :D
  • Bigworm06
    Bigworm06 Posts: 3
    Hey Gina I feel the same way. I am on my third day today and taking it 21 days at a time to create a lifestyle. Let's keep each other motivated on our task.
  • ccshopsalot
    ccshopsalot Posts: 31
    Something you need to say to yourself every day (I know I do) - "Only I can get the body I want by working at it and putting good things in my body" - You can do this, it's something we need to focus on EVERY day and when we reach our first goal, we need to set another so we don't get lazy.

    Best of luck to you :)
  • GinaBoBina26
    Thanks everyone for the all the support and kind words! I am determined to do this. I am 26 yet I feel 46. I'm ready to feel great about myself!