about to throw in the towel..



  • PRobertson71
    PRobertson71 Posts: 18 Member
    Dont give up on your fitness and overall health. Your at 152 lbs, make eating right and fitness a goal and the weight will come. But your doing good hang in there!!!!!!!!!! Also, you can check other things just to be safe, like vitiamains ans minerals to balance funstions or go to a doctor hormones can play a roll...
  • KeyoriNyte
    KeyoriNyte Posts: 13
    I know the feeling .... I watched you tube and I saw that you have to shock your metabolism..........
  • I am in the exact same place as you! I am down 10 lbs and now trying desperately to get down to the 140's. I am taking some drastic measures. I am putting my total (not net) calories at 1200. I put my goal to 600 calories so that when i put in my exercise (which is 600 calories) my total will be 1200 calories. Yes my net will only be 600 but I'm taking in 1200 total calories so my body shouldn't go into starvation mode. I know I'm going to get a lot of slack for this, oh well.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    There is something wrong either with your calculations or you are not logging correctly, perhaps underestimating what you are eating/drinking. Firstly it is best to set your calorie allowance at sedentary and then eat back calories, this seems to work better than estimating your activity level. You have to drink lots of water and remember that not drinking enough or having high salt meals will make the body retain water which is heavy. If your calories in are less than your calories out, you have no alternative but to lose weight, the first law of thermodynamics ensures that. Yes a slower metabolism will use less calories, but the law still applies. Lastly I would say if you weigh yourself today and you haven't dropped any, drink plenty and weigh yourself tomorrow and the next day.

    Oh, and remember the 'starvation' effect is a myth, google the 'starvation myth' for more info, even Weighwatchers call it a myth.
  • bigtim9
    bigtim9 Posts: 5 Member
    Ive been stuck for a few weeks also. Break it up, get a massage and relax. Stress is hard on you and can promote fat build up. Try walking and not running, for a week or so. I did for a week and it dropped right away. Now it went back up this week due to weekend parties and such other bad behavior, but heh, gotta live once in a while.
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    Oh please don't give up - you've done a great job so far! I say go out and buy yourself a new outfit to celebrate how far you've come. When you see how many sizes you've dropped already, I'm sure you won't want to give up and go back to where you were. I'm just starting on my journey and can only hope for that kind of success 3 months from now :o)
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I lost 20 lbs since march 1st, and since the beginning and mid april I have been stuck at 152 lbs.. yes it weights different certain days a lb or two, but juts 152.. I feel I have tried everything..upping calories..working out more.. lowering calories... cycling.. I can't seem to get it to change..I'm to the point of just throwing in the towel.. What else can I do.. this week (besides for one day) I was strict on logging everything... I'm trying to up the protein to over 100grams a day..I havent lost anymore inches or weight! Help MOTIVATE ME! lol


    You haven't plateaued, you've stalled.

    You need to pick one thing and stick with it for a good 4-6 weeks before deciding it isn't working. How many calories are you currently eating? Do you eat the exercise calories? Knowing more will help decide whether you need to up your calories or not. But you need to give it time!!
  • SchroederNJ
    SchroederNJ Posts: 189 Member
    well can you throw it over here, cause I just got out of the shower and forgot to take a towel again and i'm cold and naked and dripping on the rug.

    Creepy much?
  • jpalocy77
    jpalocy77 Posts: 114 Member
    water is not an issue.. i drink water all the time..i always have been a huge water drink.. i drink 3 cups of coffee in the AM..and water the rest of the day.. usually 2-3 liters if not more..
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Unless I am misunderstanding your post, you lost 20 lbs. in between March 1st and the first of April? Now you are doing everything right but haven't lost weight since the first of April? Whatever you did between March 1st and April 1st worked for you, so do that again. Long term weight loss is a series of rinse and repeats. Every day is a building block for tomorrow, so just keep working toward your goal and you will get there, no matter how long it takes. You can do it!
  • culkin1
    culkin1 Posts: 21 Member
    Don't talk about throwing in the towel because that means weight gain. You are changing your life not just your weight. So don't quit. You'll break the wall eventually. Keep up with the tracking and the exercise. You "throw in the towel" and it is guaranteed you'll head back to where you were. Just relax. The goal you set will come.
  • jpalocy77
    jpalocy77 Posts: 114 Member
    I opened up my diary..the last 2 weeks I have really logged as much as possible.. minus yesterday... but I've been trying! I'm sticking with the protein 100g a day (well trying to stick with that from this week on) and sticking with the exercise 3 times a week. . I work in a grocery job, and work 4-5 days a week..on my feet lifting, walking, jumping..for 8 + hours a day at my job...
  • Don't throw in the towel, you now what will happen, all your good work will be undone and the next time you step on the scales you will probably be in tears.

    It is not easy losing weight, if I were you I would stop fretting for a day or two, plateau's are quite normal when losing weight but i promise you, that if you are not going over your calorie allowance for weight loss the weight will start to come off again. Just don't give up, you have worked very hard to lose the weight already, just take a rest and with all this support you will succeed. Check your portions just in case they have creeped back up and start a food diary this week to check nothing naughty is creeping to your allowance. Good luck.
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    I was on a 7 week long plateau that just broke. It took 7 weeks to see a 3lb loss. I've lost 7lbs this month. If you weigh less, it will take longer to lose weight. Give it time, it will come off.
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    i'm definitely not at a healthy weight..i'm 150 and 5'2.. I FEEEL better than i ever have.. I eat clean.. I eat whole grains food, no more white starchy food for me! When I do eat it, I feel the bloat and yuckiness... I am doing just a little bit of toning. Right now I stick to DVD's. . I may join a gym once summer starts up, and i have more time to do something. its just frustrating..cause inches and/or lbs are just not moving... i'm sure eventually I will figure how to get through it.. at least I hope I do!

    You are far from being obese. I'm your height and I was fairly happy at 150. It's all perspective. Could we be lower sure, but don't concentrate on a random # that doesn't mean anything at all. The longer I've been at my journey, I've come to realize that a scale # means absolutely nothing. Someone can be 175lbs and look like they are 140 because of how their body has been shaped due to lifiting. You are probably just at a plateau which I just got through. It was 2mos of hell. The same 1-2lbs up and down, up and down. If you feel better then you ever have, don't concern yourself about a stupid #. Again, they mean absolutely nothing!! Try lifting, it will do wonders but give it some time. Don't expect a ton of changes fast. You may even and additional lb or 2 but that is just water weight due to the muscles retaining water after lifting but it will go away. Lifting's purpose is to reshape and see changes in measurements not necessarily see changes on the scale.
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    I am in the exact same place as you! I am down 10 lbs and now trying desperately to get down to the 140's. I am taking some drastic measures. I am putting my total (not net) calories at 1200. I put my goal to 600 calories so that when i put in my exercise (which is 600 calories) my total will be 1200 calories. Yes my net will only be 600 but I'm taking in 1200 total calories so my body shouldn't go into starvation mode. I know I'm going to get a lot of slack for this, oh well.

    When you want to do something that is actually healthy for you, give me a jingle because what you are doing now is extreme and really unhealthy. Have fun with the consequences of eating below the amount of calories that it actually takes to keep your body alive while you sleep.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I remember a similar post back in December. The young woman was extremely frustrated that she was under her calories but not losing weight. She finally opened her diary and a very smart responder noticed that she was eating a lot of chicken. When she was asked about all the chicken, it turned out that she was eating at KFC once or twice a day, but was logging it as plain chicken. When she relogged it as per the KFC site, she was actually over every day.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    1. stop worrying about the scale. Its just a number. You said you are feeling better than you have ever felt, and you are making healthy food choices. Your body is probably just adjusting to the MASSIVE weight loss you have experienced so far.

    2. if you want to trigger fat loss, try HIIT...high intensity interval training. There are lots of ways to do it...including following along at dailyhiit.com (formerly bodyrock.tv). True HIIT would look like this....go all out until exhaustion and then rest until your heart rate drops again and then repeat that interval 6-12 times. Before I hurt my Achilles, I did sprint intervals where I did an all out, pushing from my *kitten*, sprint for 10-15 seconds. Sometimes I would add a bodyweight exercise after the sprint. And then I would rest until my HR dropped below 130....and then I would do another interval. With my Achilles on the mend, I am doing med ball smashes for my work interval. If done currently, its a full body exercise that can jump your heart rate very quickly. Anyway, if you do just a handful of minutes of HIIT 3x per week (along with continuing to eat well), I bet the scale number will drop.

    3. I'm not sure how much water you are drinking, but aim for 12-16 cups per day.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    You lost a lot in 2 months.... Your body is most likely making some adjustments (moving things around so-to-speak). Keep doing what worked for you with the first 2 months and if after another 2-3 weeks there are still no changes, then make 1 change at a time and maintain that 1 change for at least a few weeks before trying something new. You have to give your body time to adjust.

    Good luck and keep up the great work! 20 pounds is a HUGE success :smile: