Help :(



  • SansSerif421
    SansSerif421 Posts: 10 Member
    Check out this podcast, it convinced me and I was in pure denial, thinking i needed to lower my intake and exercise more.
  • journeytocaitlin
    journeytocaitlin Posts: 49 Member
    I'm 5'10 and hovering around 197-198. Before I started this program I was eating 1200 a day....but then everyone says you should eat back some calories if you burn a decent amount. I might try hitting around 1300 instead of the 1500 I've been doing the past couple weeks and see if it helps.

    I would suggest you are under eating. Based on your stats and exercise routine, I would suggest 1900 calories would be better. I would also add more protein and less carbs. You are tall and young, two major things that require some extra calories.

    The thought of eating 1900 calories TERRIFIES me. I have some people telling me to eat 200-300 less and others saying eat 200-300 more. Ahhhhh lol.

    I updated my my profile to lightly active and it bumped up my calories to around 1300 ish. I know I can lose 2 pounds a week because I've done it before also around this weight and it hasn't been a problem. I'm thinking I may need to start drinking a protein shake too maybe after workouts.

    Sure you can lose 2 lbs a week, but you will be losing muscle and fat, not just fat. You want to optimize fat loss and minimize muscle loss. The less muscle you lose, the less weight you need to lose to get fit. But if you want to be flabby, just have a huge deficit. I am guy, about the same stats as you, and I lose at 2500-2700 calories and workout about the same.

    Why does 1900 calories scare you? I know 50 yr old woman exercising as much as you and eating 1700 and losing. If you want more validation, here is a thread with over 500 post about women eating 1800 + calories.

    This thread is AWESOME. Thank you. I guess it scares me because 1200 has been beatin into my head so much. I just need to change my mindset and just do it.
  • bonitacash08
    bonitacash08 Posts: 378 Member
    I will add that I am 5'4", 23yo. I started at the end of January at 180lbs. I ate at or under 1200 calories for about 2 months and lost 20lbs. I wasn't hungry. But I was irritable. I was exhausted. I didn't have any desire for my bf (poor guy). I couldn't concentrate at work or school. I was so tired all the time, but couldn't get a good night's sleep. There are other side effects of not eating enough besides just being hungry. They should scare you more than eating 1900 calories.

    I've gradually increased my calories over the last 6-8 weeks, from 1200 to 1400 to 1600 to 1900 this week. I can eat up to 2300 and still lose weight. Women, we are made of some pretty tough stuff. We need to feed ourselves. Enough of this dainty "oh I'll have a salad" crap. EAT!
  • bonitacash08
    bonitacash08 Posts: 378 Member
    That's true. I guess I look at it differently since I know why I gained so much weight as I was going through a lot of changes in my life and just not being happy. I don't HAVE to lose 2 a week, I'm happy to lose anything as long as I'm losing I guess :)

    I look at my body and I can see some changes, there's just something about seeing that number on the scale that really gets in your head.

    I can definitely understand the power of the scale. But try increasing your calories, ditching the scale for a few weeks, and relying on pictures and measurements?

    Take some measurements of yourself today. Take a photo. Then each week, instead of weighing in, do a photo and measurements.
  • journeytocaitlin
    journeytocaitlin Posts: 49 Member
    I'm 5'10 and hovering around 197-198. Before I started this program I was eating 1200 a day....but then everyone says you should eat back some calories if you burn a decent amount. I might try hitting around 1300 instead of the 1500 I've been doing the past couple weeks and see if it helps.

    I would suggest you are under eating. Based on your stats and exercise routine, I would suggest 1900 calories would be better. I would also add more protein and less carbs. You are tall and young, two major things that require some extra calories.

    The thought of eating 1900 calories TERRIFIES me. I have some people telling me to eat 200-300 less and others saying eat 200-300 more. Ahhhhh lol.

    I updated my my profile to lightly active and it bumped up my calories to around 1300 ish. I know I can lose 2 pounds a week because I've done it before also around this weight and it hasn't been a problem. I'm thinking I may need to start drinking a protein shake too maybe after workouts.
    What if you complete the 90-day Body Revolution program because you enjoy it? Because it gives you energy? Because you can set a goal and achieve it?

    Then, after those 90 days, assess your progress. Make changes then. If you start making changes every week - or even every four weeks - you aren't likely giving your body time to adjust to the changes you are making. You end up chasing this elusive "right program" or "right diet" and it can be crazy-making.

    What if you finished the program and didn't weigh yourself until you are done?

    I do really enjoy the program. I feel so much stronger and feel great after the workouts(although a little sore lol) I'm gonna try to just start weighing myself weekly again so I don't drive myself crazy again.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I'm female, age 50 and 5'6. I eat 1800 a day to lose. Someone more than half my age, and taller, should easily be able to eat more than that.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    That's true. I guess I look at it differently since I know why I gained so much weight as I was going through a lot of changes in my life and just not being happy. I don't HAVE to lose 2 a week, I'm happy to lose anything as long as I'm losing I guess :)

    I look at my body and I can see some changes, there's just something about seeing that number on the scale that really gets in your head.
    Look, you are losing weight. You are being successful. Revel in that fact. Seriously. Realize it. You are a success. You may not be finished. But you are successful.

    Please do some research. There are some very smart, very helpful people on MFP. Fast weight loss is certainly possible. It's rarely very healthy. Unless you are morbidly obese and have a lot of weight to lose, the 1-2 pounds/week maximum is a healthy recommendation. Basically, the human body can't lose weight quicker than that without muscle loss. So, while you *can* lose weight faster than 2 pounds/week, many will tell you it's not healthy because of the potential for muscle loss.

    If you are exercising, and eating enough, you can prevent a lot of muscle loss while you lose weight.

    I sense that you are anxious and like to worry. I get that. I really do undertand. But try not to get too hung up on a number. 1900 calories might sound like a lot. But, depending on your weight, you could burn a quarter of that in a workout.

    psulemon is giving you good advice. There is good info on MFP, you just have to look for it.
    This thread is AWESOME. Thank you. I guess it scares me because 1200 has been beatin into my head so much. I just need to change my mindset and just do it.
    I do really enjoy the program. I feel so much stronger and feel great after the workouts(although a little sore lol) I'm gonna try to just start weighing myself weekly again so I don't drive myself crazy again.
    Yes again.
  • MrsBrauer
    MrsBrauer Posts: 1 Member
    You are eating to many processed foods ect... You need to eat more lean protein, complex carbs, healthy fats.. You cannot out train a bad diet. Your body reflects what you put into it, Try switching up you food, and I am sure you will see results then, I eat over 100 grams of protein a day..

    Absolutely this. THIS!!!!! Hit those weights, and since you're body and my body share the same genetic cesspool of misfortune, i KNOW this is what you need. Eat clean!
  • paday
    paday Posts: 24 Member
    I personally feel 1200 calories is a ridiculous goal. Your body needs fuel to function properly and to sustain you through all those workouts! 1200 calories would barely sustain someone in a coma! Up your caloric intake a little at a time. You don't have to go balls to the wall and eat 1900 right off the bat. Maybe eat 1400 for a few weeks and see how that does. Also, and I've said this on 3 different posts today (and believe this wholeheartedly), stop weighing yourself! The scale literally means nothing. You can find before and after pictures of people whose weight never changed by a single pound yet they are obviously more toned and much thinner. You aren't discouraged by the workout itself or any other factor other than what the scale is telling you. You are doing good, said you loved the workout, and feel stronger. Focus on that! That alone should tell you that you are on the right track. If I were you, I wouldn't weigh again for at the very least a month. The scale has a bad habit of making you feel bad when the number isn't what you think it should be. That alone is detrimental to weight loss. I agree with other posters as far as taking progress photos and measurement but even then, these things take time. There is no way you are doing so much for your body and not making any progress. I find that nearly impossible!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    My guess is that you are doing TOO MUCH exercise and not giving your body enough time to recover. One thing that happens when you don't allow for recovery is that your body retains water that it needs to heal your muscles. More exercise does not usually equal more results. Sometimes more exercise can be counter productive to your goals.
  • TAKE MEASUREMENTS!!!! Jillian gives a list of about 10 or so in one of the body revolution books - maybe the journal? I am on week 5 and I have only lost one pound but have lost over 6 inches so far. I can feel and see muscle. I actually can see some slight formation of abs under the fat... LOL! I am one pants size smaller. SO, don't let the scale depress you. : D
  • Also, if you do not have one, buy a heart rate monitor with a strap! I was overcalculating my exercise burn and it threw off my daily total so I was eating too much. I bought a Polar FT4 last week and it makes a ton of difference.
  • IronD
    IronD Posts: 10
    What ever you do, don't give up. As women, our body weight always fluctuates due to stress, menstration, etc. My advice to you is either ditch Jillian and go hardcore on the elliptical, or go parttime on Jilliian and still go hardcore on the elliptical. The Elliptical can be your best friend(It has been mine) because it burns so many calories in such a short period of time without hurting feet and ankle. Depending on how you workout on that elliptical you can burn over 1000 calories an hour. Not sure how many days a week you exercise or are able to exercise, but I exercise 6 days a week and rest on Sunday and also weight lift 4 days a week. I am on the 1200 calorie a day diet, am always in the deficit because of my cardio, and lost 25 lbs in 2 months.
    Good Luck to you.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    What ever you do, don't give up. As women, our body weight always fluctuates due to stress, menstration, etc. My advice to you is either ditch Jillian and go hardcore on the elliptical, or go parttime on Jilliian and still go hardcore on the elliptical. The Elliptical can be your best friend(It has been mine) because it burns so many calories in such a short period of time without hurting feet and ankle. Depending on how you workout on that elliptical you can burn over 1000 calories an hour. Not sure how many days a week you exercise or are able to exercise, but I exercise 6 days a week and rest on Sunday and also weight lift 4 days a week. I am on the 1200 calorie a day diet, am always in the deficit because of my cardio, and lost 25 lbs in 2 months.
    Good Luck to you.

    Over exercise and under eating lead to muscle loss. If you want a lean and tight body, you want fat loss and muscle retention. The more muscle you have, the less weight you have to lose to get this figure. It's not just about burning tons of calories. Exercise is for fitness, diet is for weight loss. Eating 1200 calories and burning 1000 means you left your body with 200 calories to function on... how is that good? Also, elliptical and other machines tend to over estimate their burns by as much as 40%. It's to get people to use their machines more.
  • IronD
    IronD Posts: 10
    Who says I am under eating? Even when I was fat, I was very solid, and 25 lbs later I am still very solid. I weight light and eat a good portion of protein. If I am eating 3100 calories for the day and burned 2400 calories, I am in the deficit doesnt mean I under eat. You dont starve because you exercise alot. If anyone wants to continue losing weight it is about eating right, exercising and burning calories. Exercising helps detox your body and helps you get rid of your systems waste. Just because an Elliptical may not have worked for you doesnt mean it wont work for her or anyone else, everyone's body chemistry is not the same as yours so maybe you shouldn't put down what others are doing or maybe suggesting for weight loss.

    Over exercise and under eating lead to muscle loss. If you want a lean and tight body, you want fat loss and muscle retention. The more muscle you have, the less weight you have to lose to get this figure. It's not just about burning tons of calories. Exercise is for fitness, diet is for weight loss. Eating 1200 calories and burning 1000 means you left your body with 200 calories to function on... how is that good? Also, elliptical and other machines tend to over estimate their burns by as much as 40%. It's to get people to use their machines more.
  • BajaDreamin333
    BajaDreamin333 Posts: 267 Member

    This is true, and this "communtity" can be very helpful. There are also some some really ignorant people on MFP who believe they know it all, when in fact they're full of it. So take all advise, and posts, with a grain of salt, and read reputable material before you alter your entire lifestyle based on what some blow hard on this site has to say.

    As soon as someone says "YOU ARE DOING "THIS" WRONG" it is a red flag. Do they know you? Your habits, health, diary, lifestyle, body type, individual physiology? There is no right answer, and even if it is your physician, no one can tell you with 100% accuracy what will work for you. Follow your gut, listen with an open mind, and realize that anyone can reply to your post with "The Right Answer".
  • IronD
    IronD Posts: 10
    Who says I am under eating? Even when I was fat, I was very solid, and 25 lbs later I am still very solid. I weight light and eat a good portion of protein. If I am eating 3100 calories for the day and burned 2400 calories, I am in the deficit doesnt mean I under eat. You dont starve because you exercise alot. If anyone wants to continue losing weight it is about eating right, exercising and burning calories. Exercising helps detox your body and helps you get rid of your systems waste. Just because an Elliptical may not have worked for you doesnt mean it wont work for her or anyone else, everyone's body chemistry is not the same as yours so maybe you shouldn't put down what others are doing or maybe suggesting for weight loss.

    Over exercise and under eating lead to muscle loss. If you want a lean and tight body, you want fat loss and muscle retention. The more muscle you have, the less weight you have to lose to get this figure. It's not just about burning tons of calories. Exercise is for fitness, diet is for weight loss. Eating 1200 calories and burning 1000 means you left your body with 200 calories to function on... how is that good? Also, elliptical and other machines tend to over estimate their burns by as much as 40%. It's to get people to use their machines more.
  • alaratta
    alaratta Posts: 2
    You are eating way too much processed food and treats. You need to make better calorie choices. Home made chicken breast, fresh veggies and fruit. You are not getting the nutrients you need with what you are eating. Just becuase the calories are low doesn't mean you are getting the right nutrition. You need more lean protein, less sodium, more fresh food. The sodium will hold water and cause your weight to stay the same and if you are not getting the proper nutrients then your body will not want to let go of the fat. Clean up your diet and you will see results.
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    I'm 5'10 and hovering around 197-198. Before I started this program I was eating 1200 a day....but then everyone says you should eat back some calories if you burn a decent amount. I might try hitting around 1300 instead of the 1500 I've been doing the past couple weeks and see if it helps.

    I would suggest you are under eating. Based on your stats and exercise routine, I would suggest 1900 calories would be better. I would also add more protein and less carbs. You are tall and young, two major things that require some extra calories.

    This was similar advice he gave to me and it worked... DO IT!!

    Also, It's okay to eat the treats once in awhile, but it does look like you eat several daily...try moderating them more.
  • journeytocaitlin
    journeytocaitlin Posts: 49 Member
    Just an update....I decided to nix the extra cardio and just stick to the body revolution program while eating around 1500-1600 and I'm seeing the scale go down. Slowly but surely and I'm okay with that. On a side note, my coworker noticed my weightloss and that made my day! Thanks everyone for the advice :)