Drastic Goals/Limited Time Help!

Hi Friends!

I sprained my ankle 7 months ago and am able to work out for the first time this week. I kept my weight down by eating healthy and dieting but need to get myself in great shape by September 15th for a photo shoot. I am a 30 year old singer who is doing a shoot in practically nothing (ie; bikini sized clothes). I need my body to look young (like 23-25) to match my young looking face, if I expect to succeed in this industry. This is the only window of opportunity to have a my photographer who is flying in from the east coast shoot me (Rollingstone/Maxim style). My goal is to reach 115 by September 15th (5 weeks exactly). This may be overly ambitious because, I have not weighed 115 since I was in 8th grade. I also need to be extremely toned (which I am not at all right now because of the ankle situation).

Is there anyone out there that can offer me any legitimate support or advice? I am eating 1200 calories a day and adding more on the days I exercise (ie; if I burn 400 working out, then I eat 1600 total). Is this too many calories to reach my goal in such a short time? I am willing to eat less, but I need solid advice on how to achieve this goal without throwing my body into starvation mode too soon before the shoot. I need to burn fat continuously for the next 5 weeks.

Are there any personal trainers, or fitness professionals reading this who have advice? The reason I am looking for pro advice is because someone not in the entertainment or fitness industry will not understand how serious this is. The camera ads 15 pounds and I can only hide so much in photoshop. LOL This is simply a business decision to try and achieve the desired body in such a short time frame.


Driven18 xoxoxo

Please be nice :)


  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    How much do you need to lose exactly?
  • Wannalose60
    Wannalose60 Posts: 24 Member
    Pilates - to define the femine shape
    Yoga - to tone the skin and get all the organs working and flushing
    Aerobic walking, swimming, biking or running to burn fat
    Water to flush the toxins from the body
    High protein, Low carbs, fresh veggies - no starch
    Eat the 1200 calories prescribed per day - do not add the work out calories back in unless you are crashing
    Eat 5 times a day - spread out the calories

    No muscle building only toning.

    This is the best you will be able to do in 5 weeks.
    It should show super results and keep your energy up.

    Take it easy on the ankle!
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    I strongly recommend you look into T-Tapp, and start doing the Total workout videos. The website is T-Tapp.com and I think tuesday is the day that she puts her videos on sale. There are a lot of testimonials on the website.

    I am not in shape now, but I have used this in the past and seen really good results. Some people can lose up to two dress sizes in a month. I think she has some free workouts on the website that you could sample to see if you want to invest in them. I am using these videos again and they are whipping me back into shape. Teresa Tapp, the developer, originally designed a lot of her workouts when she was working with models to give them effective workouts for complete body tone and fat burning.

    T-Tapp will really tone you up, and you can order videos with exercises to target problem areas. I think if you wanted to that you can call their offices and talk to someone about which exercises would be best for your particular needs.

    Of course, diet is just as important, and that is where this lovely website comes in. From the articles I have read it seems like you won't be doing yourself any favors for quick weight loss by going under 1200 calories and at least eating some of your exercise calories.

    Best of luck!
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    Get yourself to a gym pronto. Most gyms offer session with a personal trainer as part of your initiation. Tell the trainer exactly what you need. The trainer may be able to get you into some kind of shape for your shoo. However don't despair if you don't get the results you are looking for. Photoshop (or whatever the pros are using nowadays) can do wonders for weightloss and toning.:wink:
  • zenzoes
    zenzoes Posts: 187
    Remember if you eat your cals, exercise, and be true to your way of life, even if your weight isn't to what you wanted by your goal date, your body just may be. For example I've lost only 12 pounds and I can not believe how great I look! I am smaller then I was when I was this weight a few years back because I make sure to get my exercise in. I've toned up and on top of it, I feel better emotionally. Good luck to you. Keep your food log honest, don't under eat, you may just be surprised how doing the right thing works! I am sure others here have some great advice on workouts. I personally love p90x. And congrats on healing up and getting right back at it! Let us know how things go.
  • unocentavo
    unocentavo Posts: 82 Member
    5 weeks is cutting it a little close but it's possible if if you're extremely determined. I could send you a very simple hard-core diet plan that will work, but it's def not for the light-hearted. PM me if interested.
  • rachxx82
    I'm a fitness instructor so hopefully my advice can help. Eat little and often and eat within 30 mins after exercise to re-fuel your muscles. Do not eat your exercise calories, they're there if you feel you need them but if you're making the right food choices then you shouldn't need to dip into your extra calories. Once you've reached your goal weight then start eating your exercise calories as this will help you maintain your weight and not lose any more. Try and do at least 30 mins of cardio per day; brisk walking; jogging; swimming; cycling; aerobics, basically anything that gets your heart pumping for 30 mins. Then on top of the cardio you need to do toning exercise 3 times a week, always leave a day inbetween your toning workouts so your muscles can recover properly. I suggest a circuit training class as it tones fast, also weight training is great too but choose a weight that you can do 2 sets of 15-25 reps with for each exercise and that will give you the lean and toned look. And the other great toner is pilates, it really tones your tummy. SO mix it up try them all and see what works for you, good luck x