I want muscles!!

mjlong Posts: 73 Member
Okay I know it all depends on who you are and your body. I have met my goal weight and I am trying to really tone up, get a six pack, and or abs at all haha. I worked out about 3 times a week and now I am going 6 times a week, sometimes 2 times a day. I am 5'6" 127 and my BF is 22% give or take. I do still have fat to lose, hips, belly and thighs. Do I still eat at a deflict? I have been eating around 1600 and weight is stilling coming off. For my workout I do a warm up on cardio then I hit the weights. What can help me target my abs and hips??



  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Okay I know it all depends on who you are and your body. I have met my goal weight and I am trying to really tone up, get a six pack, and or abs at all haha. I worked out about 3 times a week and now I am going 6 times a week, sometimes 2 times a day. I am 5'6" 127 and my BF is 22% give or take. I do still have fat to lose, hips, belly and thighs. Do I still eat at a deflict? I have been eating around 1600 and weight is stilling coming off. For my workout I do a warm up on cardio then I hit the weights. What can help me target my abs and hips??


    Heavy compounds: Squats and Deadlifts......
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    compound lifts take care of everything look into strong lifts. I like accessory work only because to me the strong lifts work out is so short. Look into it.
  • Whipppets
    Whipppets Posts: 267
    for nice abs, arms and chest I do push ups, planks and bicycle sit ups. Like insanity no weights needed..
    I do use weights though for overall fitness.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Yup...big, heavy compounds. Personally, I'd eat maintenance...you'll lean out while you're lifting. It takes a long time though, so patience is definitely a virtue...focus on your lifting and the process. I'm talking months and even years to really achieve your desired body. A rockin' fitness body doesn't come overnight.
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    Okay I know it all depends on who you are and your body. I have met my goal weight and I am trying to really tone up, get a six pack, and or abs at all haha. I worked out about 3 times a week and now I am going 6 times a week, sometimes 2 times a day. I am 5'6" 127 and my BF is 22% give or take. I do still have fat to lose, hips, belly and thighs. Do I still eat at a deflict? I have been eating around 1600 and weight is stilling coming off. For my workout I do a warm up on cardio then I hit the weights. What can help me target my abs and hips??


    If you go the heavy lifting route (and you should :wink: ) then you don't want to be training too much. 3 x per week - with a day between sessions - will let your muscles recover and heal. Do some cardio on non-lifting days.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Yup...big, heavy compounds. Personally, I'd eat maintenance...you'll lean out while you're lifting. It takes a long time though, so patience is definitely a virtue...focus on your lifting and the process. I'm talking months and even years to really achieve your desired body. A rockin' fitness body doesn't come overnight.

    This. Plus you actually might be doing too much of your going 6 days a week and sometimes twice a day; not needed and counterproductive to your goals.
  • ayankeefan51
    ayankeefan51 Posts: 135 Member
    I am still in the early stages of my weight loss. I have only lost 30 lbs total with another 90 to go. I've already started bodyweight and weight training now, so that I will hopefully gain muscles as I lose fat. I workout at home and would like to add dead lifts to my workouts but only have dumbbells. Can I do dead lifts effectively with heavy dumbbells only? Or will I need the bar or barbells instead?
  • mjlong
    mjlong Posts: 73 Member
    Okay thanks everyone! Do you guys eat at maintenance? More or less? Guess I need to ask someone how to do all that. To make sure I am doing it right Blah!
  • Sheila_Ann
    Sheila_Ann Posts: 365 Member
    bumping....I'm also at my goal and working on losing body fat...curious to see what others have to say.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Eat at maintenance, at least. Lift full body with heavy compound lifts (more bang for your buck), three times a week (non-consecutive days) and continually focus on correct form and trying to push more weight or more reps. Look into New Rules of Lifting for Women (amazon) or Strong Lifts 5x5 (free pdf).

    That will work quickest for body recomp goals - but it does take time. I have been lifting (while at goal weight) for a year now, and still see areas I want to improve on.
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    I am still in the early stages of my weight loss. I have only lost 30 lbs total with another 90 to go. I've already started bodyweight and weight training now, so that I will hopefully gain muscles as I lose fat. I workout at home and would like to add dead lifts to my workouts but only have dumbbells. Can I do dead lifts effectively with heavy dumbbells only? Or will I need the bar or barbells instead?
  • jhc7324
    jhc7324 Posts: 200 Member
    Okay thanks everyone! Do you guys eat at maintenance? More or less? Guess I need to ask someone how to do all that. To make sure I am doing it right Blah!

    I've been in a similar boat since October. I got to my goal weight, then really cranked up my exercise. I did Insanity first, and while I had positive results from that, I think I've had much better results on a heavy lifting program (Starting Strength, but I've moved onto 5/3/1 in the past week). I'm definitely nowhere near where I want to be, but I'm getting there... slowly...

    I eat at maintenance and eat back calories I burn lifting (using MFPs estimate). I don't know if I'm gaining muscle or losing fat, but my weight is the same, and I'm definitely more defined around my shoulders, a little around my chest and not much at all around the belly. I'm hoping that sticking with it will keep the definition moving down my body until I get where I want, but even if it doesn't I'm enjoying lifting a lot. I like feeling stronger, and i like going to the gym knowing what to expect out of myself, so I'm not wasting time finding a machine to work on for a few minutes until I wander to another one.
  • Sawjer
    Sawjer Posts: 229 Member
    Your over training by the sounds off it. Rest is just as important as training imo. Your bf is to high for visible abs as well. Keep going, stay strong and it will come to you!
  • mjlong
    mjlong Posts: 73 Member
    Your over training by the sounds off it. Rest is just as important as training imo. Your bf is to high for visible abs as well. Keep going, stay strong and it will come to you!

    I only work out about 30 mins a day, do to work and such. I have been routating the areas I work. Arms and chest. then legs and back. Then some days cardio and abs. I never do the same aera twice in row. Still to much?
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Your over training by the sounds off it. Rest is just as important as training imo. Your bf is to high for visible abs as well. Keep going, stay strong and it will come to you!

    I only work out about 30 mins a day, do to work and such. I have been routating the areas I work. Arms and chest. then legs and back. Then some days cardio and abs. I never do the same aera twice in row. Still to much?

    3-4x a week is good enough for lifting. Rest is very important that is when all the magic happens, in the repair. Don't be afraid to rest you do more harm than good by not resting enough. Do light cardio on days you don't lift.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    What do you do for your workouts? Are you doing a program? a lot of cardio? machines only?

    I lift 4 days a week, a splits program that incorporates the 4 major compound lifts (overhead press, squat, dead lift, bench press)

    I weigh a little less than you (125, so negligible) and have maybe a 1-2% less body fat, so not that different. I've been cutting at 1500 plus exercise (usually around 1700-1800 a day) and am going back up to maintenance for a while because I want to more than any other reason.

    Remember that at this size, the difference between cut, maintenance, and bulk is very few calories. Maintenance for me is 1700 plus exercise (right around 1900-2000). I bulk slowly at 2200+/-.

    Body recomp does take a long time, but it is so worth it. Take advantage of your youth and the newbie gains that come with heavy lifting.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,940 Member
    Sounds more like you want definition than muscle. Clarify what you're trying to achieve again?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • mjlong
    mjlong Posts: 73 Member
    What do you do for your workouts? Are you doing a program? a lot of cardio? machines only?

    I lift 4 days a week, a splits program that incorporates the 4 major compound lifts (overhead press, squat, dead lift, bench press)

    I weigh a little less than you (125, so negligible) and have maybe a 1-2% less body fat, so not that different. I've been cutting at 1500 plus exercise (usually around 1700-1800 a day) and am going back up to maintenance for a while because I want to more than any other reason.

    Remember that at this size, the difference between cut, maintenance, and bulk is very few calories. Maintenance for me is 1700 plus exercise (right around 1900-2000). I bulk slowly at 2200+/-.

    Body recomp does take a long time, but it is so worth it. Take advantage of your youth and the newbie gains that come with heavy lifting.

    I do 15 mins of cardio to warm up my body then go the machines for 30 mins. Using some free weights here and there. Don't have anyone to really show how to lift the right way, but I will ask someone sooner or later. I do still have fat and weight to lose I know that, but I will get there.
  • mjlong
    mjlong Posts: 73 Member
    Sounds more like you want definition than muscle. Clarify what you're trying to achieve again?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Definition really, but don't I need muscle for that?? I don't want to be to bulky.
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member

    ETA: You won't get bulky lifting. Ever. Ask any of the ladies who have tried to get bulky on purpose - its tough work. Eat and lift; you will lose fat and gain definition.

    ETA II: I have ran a short bulk, will be doing another full bulk in the fall. Am I bulky?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,940 Member
    Sounds more like you want definition than muscle. Clarify what you're trying to achieve again?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Definition really, but don't I need muscle for that?? I don't want to be to bulky.
    You have muscle already. Definition is the what you see of that muscle when fat is lowered. So if you get to say 17% bf, then you should be able to see definition of just about every body part.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I'm currently at 17.2% bodyfat and I'm starting to see definition, I'm 5'7 and about 133-134lbs.

    my next goal is to get to 15% body fat and I don't care about the weight.

    To get to where I am now is TDEE - 20% and a lot of HITT training. I also do some lifting (twice a week).

    To continue to 'cut/define' my body, I started adding women who are already there and I'm peeking at what they've done to achieve their goals.

    My next step is to more lifting - heavier probably and start Insanity again since I had to stop last time due to illness. I workout 5 days a week for 1/2 hour to an hour MAX and I make sure I take in protein after my workouts. That is super important!!!

    We may be able to help each other if you want to add me? Kind of in the same boat :)
  • mjlong
    mjlong Posts: 73 Member

    ETA: You won't get bulky lifting. Ever. Ask any of the ladies who have tried to get bulky on purpose - its tough work. Eat and lift; you will lose fat and gain definition.

    ETA II: I have ran a short bulk, will be doing another full bulk in the fall. Am I bulky?

    Not at all! and bulking meaning like a NPC figure Athlete, TO ME thats bulky and to intense.
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Just realized we are about the same height/weight. I am 5'6.5 and fluctuate between 125-130, around 18%BF
  • mjlong
    mjlong Posts: 73 Member
    I'm currently at 17.2% bodyfat and I'm starting to see definition, I'm 5'7 and about 133-134lbs.

    my next goal is to get to 15% body fat and I don't care about the weight.

    To get to where I am now is TDEE - 20% and a lot of HITT training. I also do some lifting (twice a week).

    To continue to 'cut/define' my body, I started adding women who are already there and I'm peeking at what they've done to achieve their goals.

    My next step is to more lifting - heavier probably and start Insanity again since I had to stop last time due to illness. I workout 5 days a week for 1/2 hour to an hour MAX and I make sure I take in protein after my workouts. That is super important!!!

    We may be able to help each other if you want to add me? Kind of in the same boat :)

    Yes adding! you look amazing don't know if I will get there hahaha. And weight doesn't matter to me either as long as I like the way I look!
  • ayankeefan51
    ayankeefan51 Posts: 135 Member
    I am still in the early stages of my weight loss. I have only lost 30 lbs total with another 90 to go. I've already started bodyweight and weight training now, so that I will hopefully gain muscles as I lose fat. I workout at home and would like to add dead lifts to my workouts but only have dumbbells. Can I do dead lifts effectively with heavy dumbbells only? Or will I need the bar or barbells instead?

    thanks for the link!