Plateau \ Gain

I have been working out now (cardio and lift weights) for 18 months now. I have dropped about 21 lbs and 7% body fat (that was as of November). I plateaued from November to January and from January I have gained 10 lbs and 2% body fat. I can't really understand exactly what I am doing wrong.
My TDEE is 2500 and my BMR 1482. I have my Food Diary set at 1420 (for my non-working out days) and I try to eat that much (I tend to go over sometimes by 200-300). On my workout days I will eat 1900-2000 (which is a 500 calorie deficit of my TDEE). I wear a HRM and I burn somewhere between 700 – 1100 calories per workout, I workout 6 days a week. I lift heavy 5 days a week and do cardio 6 days a week. Most of the advice I received was that I should take measurements/pictures. I have taken photos and I have belly now compared to November! I also have not lost inches. I understand that muscle is different than fat and that could be the reason for weight gain but if that were the case than my BF would go down, so I must be doing something wrong. I have been reading a lot about this but nothing seems to jump out at me and say “hey that is it, that’s what I have been doing wrong”!
The question I have is: Have you experienced a plateau and were able to break it? If so, can you please share your story and what you did? Maybe your story can help me!



  • Tewsy87
    Tewsy87 Posts: 55 Member
    The previous time I lost weight, I plateaued. Turns out I was taking in too much sodium. So I watched my sodium intake, increased my H20, and also mixed in a few strange workouts. Like instead of running went to kick-boxing or yoga. My body reacted well to the change.
  • paprs
    paprs Posts: 47 Member
    If you're gaining weight and BF% without a change in measurements, my guess is that you're underestimating your calorie intake and overestimating your calorie burn. Especially when it comes to heavy lifting, your HR monitor may not be accurate. HR monitors are really built for cardio activity, not weights. So if you're eating back calories based on that, you may be over-doing it. More info on that here:

    Maybe try cutting 100 calories/day and see what happens?

    I hope you find some good answers here! You work so hard -- you deserve to see good progress! :)
  • dgoradia
    dgoradia Posts: 109 Member
    Similar issue on my quest for sub 10% bf. Long story short, ditch the cardio and go heavier on the weights.

    3x/week is what I did but you might be more comfortable doing 3x/week heavy weight + 1x/week conditioning. Low intensity cardio if you wish.
  • runfreddyrun
    runfreddyrun Posts: 137 Member
    if you've gained 10lbs, you're probably eating too much. why not try reducing calories by 10% and see if that yields anything? i wouldn't get too hung up on the 2% bodyfat. how are you measuring? with any method of measuring, there is inconsistency.

    strength training 5x a week and cardio 6x a week sounds like a lot. can you dial that back at all? like maybe strength training 3-4x a week and cardio 3x a week? do you use machines or free weights at the gym? i am not one of those people who insists that free weights are the best. i think machines are a great way to build/maintain muscle. but make sure you're using enough weight to really challenge yourself. do you use a high enough weight that after 10 or so reps you are fatigued and cannot do a single rep more until the next set? are you periodically increasing your weight?