Quite feed up!

So I weighted myself about a week ago and My scale said I was 226 which is great since I started at 260. I need to lose a lot more but for starters I need to be under 220 to apply for a job overseas. I decide the I wanted to lose the six pounds in the next four weeks which is do able. So I've been busting my rump at the gym this past week and my calorie burn at the gym is avg of 950 calories for around a two hour workout at the gym via my HRM FT7. I drink almost a gallon of water a day but when I weighted myself today I gained almost six pounds. I have keep at or under my calorie goal with eating back the calorie burned at gym. I'm just so frustrated right now I'm ready to throw my scale through a window. Now I don't like to eat back all my calories because I like a little fudge factor just incase my HRM is off a few calories. Any advice?


  • buffermarie
    buffermarie Posts: 54 Member
    Don't fret! I bounce between the same dang 5 lbs or so every week. I think it's just the way our bodies work??
  • richiefixo
    richiefixo Posts: 104 Member
    how is your diet?.....thats the most important question. you cannot out exercise a bad diet. not assuming yours is bad...but its something to think about.
  • SDkitty
    SDkitty Posts: 446 Member
    First off I was going to ask if it was TOM but the I checked and you're a guy...so no. Then on your profile I must have looked at your profile pic for like 3 minutes trying to figure out what is going on in that picture :laugh:

    Sorry I don't really have any advice except that I guarantee at least 5 people are going to tell you to up your calories.
  • mudbugs07
    mudbugs07 Posts: 28 Member
    Diet was horrible but this past week it has gotten a whole lot better then what it has.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    You didn't gain 6 lbs of fat in a week. It's gotta be water. And your calories seem kinda low. You're leaving a lot on the table net-wise, if the days you actually filled out your diary are accurate.

    Your net was 835 yesterday. How do you even have the energy to make it through a 2 hour workout???
  • doIlhands
    doIlhands Posts: 349 Member
    A gallon of water weighs 8lbs(?). Dont worry about it.
  • mudbugs07
    mudbugs07 Posts: 28 Member
    SDkitty the picture is my motivation to stop eating candy . I was bored that day with my daughters elf on a self. I figured that if you eat crap you have to poop it out.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Monday your net was -42! Dude, seriously.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I don't blame you. I think we have the same problem. It's quite unlikely you gained weight from muscle. Maybe a pound. It's equally unlikely you gained fat. That leaves water retention.

    So, there are some things you can do. I would check with a doctor just to make sure it's safe for you to do these.

    1. Cut back on salt or even eliminate adding salt to your foods. Don't eat processed foods they have in general a lot of salt. No chips stuff like that either.

    2. Eat bananas.

    3. More protein at least 20 more grams a day.

    4. Cut carbs a bit or a lot. (I am not gonna do this, but I know it works)

    5. When you do choose a carb, brown rice it helps with water retention.

    6. Potassium helps balance the sodium you do get in your diet, but you really really should talk to a doctor about the safe dosage if you opt to take tablets.

    7. Drink lots of water. This one is safe too, it's very hard to drink to much water.

    8. Avoid caffeine, so no energy drinks or coffee stuff like that. Also some pain relievers.

    9. Compression socks.

    10. Elevate your legs if you can.

    good luck.
  • robdel302
    robdel302 Posts: 292 Member
    Did you increase your carb intake due to the extra calories burned? You're muscles could be full of glycogen which could also add extra weight. Go back on a strict diet for a few days then weight yourself first thing in the morning. If you're carb intake wasn't too high, then most of your body should be carb depleted.

    Note: If you workout in the morning; it's not fun while carb deleted.
  • mudbugs07
    mudbugs07 Posts: 28 Member
    I was so busy at work I forgot to log that day.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I was so busy at work I forgot to log that day.

    Which day? You should click on "quote" to respond to a specific member. :flowerforyou:
  • mycupyourcake
    mycupyourcake Posts: 279 Member
    Too much salty food this week? Dieter's edema? You are working harder than you were before and your muscles are holding onto extra water to repair?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    When yo increase the intensity of your workouts you're going to retain water. Your muscles require water for repair...the more damage you do (i.e. increased intensity) the more water you need for repair. When I take a rest week from lifting I drop about 8 Lbs. of water because I don't need it for repair anymore...when I start back up I put it all back on.

    To be honest, if you really want to drop 6 Lbs that fast, you'd be best off just focusing on your diet and don't do much workout wise. There's a calorie deficit in your diet, you don't need exercise for weight loss. Also, watch your sodium intake...sodium will make you retain water as well. Cutting carbs a bit will also result in loss of some water weight. i also recommend cutting out alcohol if you drink...at least temporarily.

    Once you get to the weight you need to be for your job application, I'd resume a normal balanced diet and fitness regimen
  • SDkitty
    SDkitty Posts: 446 Member
    SDkitty the picture is my motivation to stop eating candy . I was bored that day with my daughters elf on a self. I figured that if you eat crap you have to poop it out.

    HAHA I thought that was a candy in there...good idea, it's all about motivation for me :)
  • sewingdiscontent
    SDkitty the picture is my motivation to stop eating candy . I was bored that day with my daughters elf on a self. I figured that if you eat crap you have to poop it out.

    HAHA I thought that was a candy in there...good idea, it's all about motivation for me :)

    I hope that that is an old toy his daughter no longer plays with? I am creeped out. Something about men posing dolls on toilets just sits strangely with me. But then, maybe I have a dark, doll and toilet-filled past that I have repressed, an am therefore oversensitive.