Gym etiquette/group exercise debate

Yes, I know, another gym etiquette thread, but this time I'm having a debate with some of my less fitness-inclined friends (not that there is anything wrong with this, of course, but just proving a point).

I posted on my Facebook today about two women in my Zumba class who I think have been particularly rude at points. One of the women openly admitted that she walked out of another instructor's class. Mind you, it wasn't because she had an injury or some sort of emergency or whatever. She just left because she didn't like the teacher. I argue this is not right because even though everyone has a favorite instructor, if you show up and someone different is there, he/she deserves your respect and a fair chance. You shouldn't just leave just because the person isn't your favorite. The substitute still worked hard to put a class together, and if you're going to attend, you owe it to them to stay unless you have a good reason not to. I think just walking out is ignorant.

One of my friends said that it is OK that the woman did this because she may have seen that this instructor's style isn't for her, but I don't agree. I went to spinning class once and decided during part of the class that I didn't care for it, but I didn't just get off my bike and leave. I stayed and gave the instructor my time and attention, and after class, he said a lot of people don't even get through it the first time so I was proud of myself!

The second lady constantly comes late to class and leaves early. She won't even stick around for cool down, and she too has walked out on the instructor I referenced above. Sometimes I don't even notice her slip in; other times, it is definitely noticeable, especially when she walks through the crowd (and during a routine!) to get closer to the front of the room rather than staying near the back. But again, my friend and another friend's mom think this is OK because she may have no other choice but to come late and leave early because it is"better than nothing." Again, I argue that it's ignorant to whoever is teaching and she either needs to find a time where she can attend class for whole thing or not bother coming.

So...what do you guys think?


  • daisymae850
    daisymae850 Posts: 127 Member
    I think if they are leaving because of the instructor its rude, but if they are coming late and leaving early due to a time restriction then its ok.....BUT she should stay at the back of the class.

    It is rude, very rude in fact to disturb the entire class because you are crunched on time.
  • SlimJanette
    SlimJanette Posts: 597 Member
    In my personal opinion I would stay until the class is done. I think it is disrespectful to just walk out. That will make the trainer self conscious and interrupt the class as well. If she was hurt or washroom break....ok.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    Instructors are there for you, not vice versa.... And if people leaving or showing up late bothers you, you're way too sensitive. Unless it halts the class, then I'd be annoyed if it was a consistent thing.

    Turn this into something positive. Be happy that you're more dedicated than others.
  • ellew70
    ellew70 Posts: 222 Member
    Instructors are there for you, not vice versa.... And if people leaving or showing up late bothers you, you're way too sensitive. Unless it halts the class, then I'd be annoyed if it was a consistent thing.

    Turn this into something positive. Be happy that you're more dedicated than others.

    Maybe for some classes but no for others. People coming into a yoga class late is EXTREMELY disruptive, as many of them start with a meditative/breathing session and the later person has to put down their mats, get props, etc. Its not a matter of being sensitive - it really does disrupt the entire class. Maybe its different for a more active class that doesn't use equipment.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    <====== Just walked out of this thread.
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    I agree with you, I think it's disrespectful! My instructor goes to great lengths to make sure she has subs when she has to be away and walking out is JUST PLAIN RUDE!!

    As far as the person coming late and leaving early, maybe she has kids she needs to pick up by a certain time and figures a little workout is better than nothing? But I do think she should stay at the back of the room and not disrupt the class. And I'm surprised the instructor puts up with it, honestly.
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    It's not Yoga where the sound of the door and footsteps of latecomers / early bolters would disrupt the class too much. I say let them be.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    Instructors are there for you, not vice versa.... And if people leaving or showing up late bothers you, you're way too sensitive. Unless it halts the class, then I'd be annoyed if it was a consistent thing.

    Turn this into something positive. Be happy that you're more dedicated than others.

    Maybe for some classes but no for others. People coming into a yoga class late is EXTREMELY disruptive, as many of them start with a meditative/breathing session and the later person has to put down their mats, get props, etc. Its not a matter of being sensitive - it really does disrupt the entire class. Maybe its different for a more active class that doesn't use equipment.

    try reading past the first two sentences before disagreeing... ::shakes head::
  • seif0068
    seif0068 Posts: 193 Member
    Yes, I know, another gym etiquette thread, but this time I'm having a debate with some of my less fitness-inclined friends (not that there is anything wrong with this, of course, but just proving a point).

    I posted on my Facebook today about two women in my Zumba class who I think have been particularly rude at points. One of the women openly admitted that she walked out of another instructor's class. Mind you, it wasn't because she had an injury or some sort of emergency or whatever. She just left because she didn't like the teacher. I argue this is not right because even though everyone has a favorite instructor, if you show up and someone different is there, he/she deserves your respect and a fair chance. You shouldn't just leave just because the person isn't your favorite. The substitute still worked hard to put a class together, and if you're going to attend, you owe it to them to stay unless you have a good reason not to. I think just walking out is ignorant.

    One of my friends said that it is OK that the woman did this because she may have seen that this instructor's style isn't for her, but I don't agree. I went to spinning class once and decided during part of the class that I didn't care for it, but I didn't just get off my bike and leave. I stayed and gave the instructor my time and attention, and after class, he said a lot of people don't even get through it the first time so I was proud of myself!

    The second lady constantly comes late to class and leaves early. She won't even stick around for cool down, and she too has walked out on the instructor I referenced above. Sometimes I don't even notice her slip in; other times, it is definitely noticeable, especially when she walks through the crowd (and during a routine!) to get closer to the front of the room rather than staying near the back. But again, my friend and another friend's mom think this is OK because she may have no other choice but to come late and leave early because it is"better than nothing." Again, I argue that it's ignorant to whoever is teaching and she either needs to find a time where she can attend class for whole thing or not bother coming.

    So...what do you guys think?

    My take is it really doesn't affect you, unless the person is actually being disruptive. If they're just quietly arriving late or leaving early, for all you know, they may have made arrangements with the instructor in advance. If someone isn't enjoying the class, they have every right to leave partway through. Again, I don't really see how it affects you.
  • GloMash710
    GloMash710 Posts: 78 Member
    I take Zumba and I have 2 instructors that I love. That being said, when a sub comes in and I'm not feeling the routine or not burning enough calories I will leave. I am at the gym to burn calories first, so I will choose whatever contributes to that.

    I'm friends with one of my instructors and she does not take it personally, and even says "great job" when people tuck out early.

    Personally, I kinda like it when people leave before me...I think I've won some sort of endurance challenge.
  • Sarge516
    Sarge516 Posts: 256 Member
    As a trainer who runs group fitness classes, I think it depends.

    If enough people walk out of your class (never happened to me personally) then maybe you should look at what you're doing as an instructor.

    If it's a rare occurrence, then maybe it's not for them, they tweaked something that gave them pain, they have to go pee, etc.

    Knowing what it takes to put an interesting, challenging, and safe class together, I would stay even if I didn't care for it; I just wouldn't go back.
  • lhprop1
    lhprop1 Posts: 14 Member
    It's the instructor who should care if this is rude or disruptive to the class. If it is, she should address it.

    Otherwise, don't worry about other people. Worry about yourself and your workout. If these women aren't disrupting the class, this is between them and the instructor.
  • manhn1
    manhn1 Posts: 137 Member
    Not rude at all. If the person is not getting a good enough workout, they should be able to leave. They are not bound to complete a group workout.

    That said, there is a polite of leaving early. Don't roll your eyes or huff and puff or exclaim "This class sucks!" That happened recently. Just leave without being a drama queen.

    Personally, I do give substitutes a break because it's always hard to instruct a group of people who are used to a certain type of workout. I am less forgiving when I try out a class led by the regular instructor (just new to me). If I don't think I'm getting much of a workout, I'll leave.

    Leaving before the cool down is definitely not rude, IMO. Perhaps they have their own way of cooling down or they're not finished their workout and will cool down later. Or they have to leave. I view the cool down portion as separate from the rest of the group workout. Some people view the warm-up as separate too so may arrive "late" but that may be difficult because each instructor "warms up" their classes quite differently.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    What is with people thinking they make all the rules for the gym?? Think your friend is being rude? Oh well, don't do what she does. But really, why all the negative judging? Maybe she just isn't as committed as you are. I'm sure trainers are used to it.
    Live and let live. :wink:
  • kalle9
    kalle9 Posts: 10 Member
    I think you take something way too seriously and at the end of the day it has nothing to do with you. What business is if of yours? What you do with your personal time is up to you, if you want to stay the full time then stay. I have come late to a class and left early because I had a small window of time to fit in a workout and for me 20 mins is better than nothing sometimes. I don't deserved to be judged for by people who don't mind their own business, nor do I owe anyone an explanation. If you want the most out of the class, go for it. Sometimes its not always feasible and unless there is a specific policy against it (and I have never, ever seen one and I've had memberships at 7 different gyms now), you have no idea if the instructor feels disrespected or not. You make a lot of assumptions about people you don't know. Worry about your own business.
  • cloveraz
    cloveraz Posts: 332 Member
    I have never left a class, except when I have been sick. Funny story, there was a sub instructor, who played show tunes during the entire class, most of the class ended up leaving. I like musicals, but show tunes during Zumba, I just wasn't feeling it....Don't get me wrong, I jazz hands, but yeah....:drinker:
  • GeekAmour
    GeekAmour Posts: 262
    So. We have established that this sort of behavior bothers you tremendously. Why is that? I can see why the woman bustling in late & maneuvering her way up the front might be annoying, but that's it. How does it hurt you if someone leaves or comes late?

    It's an exercise class, not marriage counseling. I would totes be that woman who left because she didn't like the instructor - if I didn't like them for whatever reason it would annoy me & I wouldn't concentrate on the workout or give it 100% so I would be wasting my time & theirs, so why would I stay? Because a paid professional might get hurt feelings, or a random gym goer might give me the death stare? Because that random gym goer gave some instructor a chance this one time at band camp & it turned out alright for them, so everyone better do the same?

    You don't really know their whole stories, so you are judging it up by saying how ignorant they are for some pretty small things that, in the grand scheme of things, don't matter at all.

    Also, why the massive need to be right? What are you going to do anyway, copy & paste the arguments that support yours & say "Here! Some forum people agree with me! Take that!"?

  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    ^ is right. Getting worked up about what other people do is a waste of life. (I still do it sometimes myself, tbh, but it's usually about people I know.)
  • megan1869
    megan1869 Posts: 166 Member
    Ok coming in late OCCASIONALLY and with GOOD reason is excusable in my opinion, but if its CONSTANT its just rude! and the same person leaving early... its like why even show up at all? I had people do this in law school... show up 20 minutes late to a 50 minute class and leave 10 minutes early... I bet you really got a lot from that class! They just need to find another class that works better with their schedule if that's possible or stay home with Wii Zumba or something.

    On the other question walking out during a Zumba class I see only ok if the instructor is terrible! I've been to places where the instructor doesn't teach the steps at all and everyone winds up just flailing about like a group of mimes (no offense intended towards mimes just not my bag). That just seems like a waste of time to me and I'd rather hop on the treadmill and actually get some exercise!
  • ThePinkPenguin
    Ok coming in late OCCASIONALLY and with GOOD reason is excusable in my opinion, but if its CONSTANT its just rude! and the same person leaving early... its like why even show up at all? I had people do this in law school... show up 20 minutes late to a 50 minute class and leave 10 minutes early... I bet you really got a lot from that class! They just need to find another class that works better with their schedule if that's possible or stay home with Wii Zumba or something.

    On the other question walking out during a Zumba class I see only ok if the instructor is terrible! I've been to places where the instructor doesn't teach the steps at all and everyone winds up just flailing about like a group of mimes (no offense intended towards mimes just not my bag). That just seems like a waste of time to me and I'd rather hop on the treadmill and actually get some exercise!

    Nice to see some agreement here. Can we be friends? ;)

    As far as the comments about dedication/endurance, those do amuse me, even if I disagreed with the rest of the post. (I'm kind of surprised how many people think showing up late/leaving early and walking out is OK, but I digress.) I can at least comfort myself with the fact that I have gotten serious about exercise and am starting to drop weight and get more fit (slow process with trial and error, but it's coming!) and the woman who shows up late/leaves early looks exactly the same as she did when I first started coming several months ago. ;)