I am fat :(

Hello my name is Jenn So ya I am big I am 283 pounds I just lost like 6 pounds so yay but I still have a long way to go I hate that I have let myself get this big I was really scared when I found out I had jumped up over 280 afriad I would hit the 300 mark something I told myself would never happen!!!! I know I am over weight and feel like crap because of it I am not unhealthy in any other way which for some reason surprises my doctor's every time they double check me for any thing o.k. i am fat i know that but that does not mean I am sick I just have a problem with controling how much I eat I don't like sweets really but I love food and I am trying really hard to not eat like I used to, to not indulge and take complete pleasure out of food. I am hoping to find other's who are like me who have a problem controlling themselves with food and need the support and I dont mean a girl who only needs to lose 20 pounds because if that was all i had to lose i would be sooo happy I want to read about some1 else who is actually struggling with being a food lover and being to big to fit in the booths at a restaurant :( I no longer want to be the fat girl but sometimes feel like I am the only one who wants to see change my friends that are big are not very serious about losing weight and I have no real support at home my husband though I love him to death is one of my biggest downfalls because he loves me no matter what and well pile up my plate just to see me giggle though he himself is very fit and has no problem with being heavy he can run miles without gasping for breaths I would die at least I feel like I would die if I tried to run just a mile I just want to feel like there is light at the end of the tunnel and have a friend who knows what the struggle is and well help and is serious that they themselves want to see change and are not afraid to admit that they are big like me but that they well change it like I am trying to do so hard well wish me luck and I hope to hear from you soon


  • jmurray90
    jmurray90 Posts: 431 Member
    I also started at 283, dont care for sweets but LOVEE food!! Add me and we can chit chat!! Good luck, and it WILL happen if you want it too! :)
  • Kushy8
    Kushy8 Posts: 103 Member
    Hey, I have 65 to lose just for my initil goal. I am VERY serious about this and am on here every day. I'm pretty early on this journey, still in my first week, but I am very dedicated. Feel free to add me and we can support one another.
  • bas_ka04
    bas_ka04 Posts: 2
    Hey there!
    I also love food! And Yup, although i have gained weight my boyfriend keeps telling me i am just fine and that i don't need to loose weight... My motivation is my health! I don't want to be stuck on a bed or chair whole day in, lets say, 20 years from now. I would suggest to eat what u like but with limits of course
    if u like snacks than make sure to grab low calories ones :-) i order slim fast snack bars from amazon cuz they less expensive and love their taste!
    Be free to add me, Im trying myself to control my hunger so we can support each other! :-D
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    Jen youre not alone! we are here and willing to be your support in all of this !
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member

    When I started on mfp I was over 300 pounds! 336 to be precise...:noway: I will never see that number on the scale again. EVER!!

    You can do this! It's just about making healthier choices, and it's small steps. But those small steps all add up.

    Best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Hi Jenn, just wanted to let you know that you're amazing! Yup, it's true. You've decided you want to do something about your weight and you're doing it. I know 6lb seems like such a small amount at the moment but all the small amounts add up to something big in the end. I too love my food and I've had to accept the fact that, if I want to lose weight, I've simply got to eat less and move more. And I know how trite that sounds. Well 2 years on from starting to realise this, I've lost 14lb (one English stone). It's not a lot in the grand scheme of my waistline but it IS a start and I can now fit in stuff that I couldn't 2 years ago. I still want to lose more and this isn't easy. I have had to really dig around to find low fat/low calorie food that I actually want to eat - and sometimes I fall off the wagon (one 90g bag of Marmite cashews in one sitting anyone?!). But it took a long time for me to get big and it's probably going to take a long time to get slim again. So what? It's MY battle, no-one else's, and I will win it - even it seems to take forever. Keep going, Jenn. And tell your husband that you'd like his support too. Mine is a fantastic cook but it's often cream-laden, fried or sweet. So now he only indulges me occasionally. And I enjoy it more because it's a treat, not a regular occurrence. You can do this, you will do this. Just believe in yourself that you can lose as much as you want to one pound at a time - because that's how it went on in the first place. Go, Jenn! :smile:
  • tricelive
    tricelive Posts: 93 Member
    Last year this time I weighed 285lbs maybe 290. Now I am 200lbs size 10-12. U can do it but first you have to love yourself now and stop referring to yourself as fat. That's a self fulfilling prophecy, my husband would tell me to say what I wanted to be. So I wrote down ten reasons to lose weight and ten things that would happen if I didn't. Also I watched Extreme Weight loss Makeover which is on TV now. I started August 20, 2012 in 5 months I had lost 75lbs in 3 months 40lbs and now.90lbs on my way to losing last 15-20lbs. I am low carb but u can do it no matter what plan u choose. I also work out a lot, soon u will love to workout it will be a part of your life like eating and showering. Love yourself and the weight will fall off!
  • shannaslife
    shannaslife Posts: 19 Member
    Good Morning :)

    I started mfp at 360lbs in May and I am down 15lbs. Long way to go but I started my journey and feeling pretty good :happy:

    Stay positive :smile:
  • cwilliams080676
    cwilliams080676 Posts: 118 Member
    First, you are not fat. You are a person that has excessive body fat. There is a difference. Perception is everything. Second I have been there. I was 287 pounds and felt helpless. As of today, I have lost 101 pounds. I have about 55 left I think. Add me, I know how hard the journey is, but when you see how much you are capable of, you will amaze yourself.
  • callasm
    callasm Posts: 75 Member
    Welcome Jenn I am in the first week of getting started my self and what I have found in this short time is that people are very supportive here. If you would like to add me as a friend please do, the support here is top notch! I think with the help and support that we get here our weight loss goals will be met and then some!
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    I started at 282. You can do this, WE can do this! I am on my second go around with MFP and this time, I am determined! Can't wait to see your before and afters! Here's to a successful lifestyle change! :drinker:
  • wisebuys
    wisebuys Posts: 51 Member
    Welcome Jenn, Add me if you like.

    I started at 295 lbs in Jan. I love food too and have been eating a good deal, just all healthy and natural. I've had both hips replaced thanks to arthritis and needed to get myself healthy again.
  • terri_journey
    terri_journey Posts: 287 Member
    I was bigger than that when I started! it is possible to lose weight if your dedicated. Sending you a friend request. I love to encourage people on the weight loss journey because I have been there and I Know what it's like. I'm still working towards my goal but I Will Never give up!!! :happy:
  • sozisraw
    sozisraw Posts: 418 Member
    Im nearly 50! At least you can lose weight :smile:
  • Hello Jenn,

    My starting weight was 290. I know exactly how you feel. But don't think of yourself as fat. We just need to make life changes not diets. I have dieted before it always fails but now I am making life changes for me not anyone else. I do not like excercising but love food. I am changing this I have been going for walks and adventually I will be running. Just take it one day at a time we can do it. I just purchased a fitbit you can link it with this account it has really helped me. each day I try to get more steps and stairs then the last day. Add me and we can help motivate each other.

  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    If I can do it you can do it!!! Have patience and persistence
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Welcome! My highest weight was about 400 lbs several years ago, but I was at 370 lbs when I started trying to lose weight. You're in for a long ride, but it's nothing you can't handle! Don't worry, bb, YOU CAN DO THIS.
  • MumOfADuo
    MumOfADuo Posts: 294 Member
    Back in 2007 I topped the scale at 286....as of right now I am 'around' 220, keep playing the game....but at least going in the right direction...so YES there IS a light at the end of the tunnel......lowest I have been in YEARS is 213 so my next goal (and has been my goal for many months lol) is 212...then ONEderland.....
    It IS doable....friend me and we can encourage each other...its a journey...its baby steps...but most importantly IT IS NOT A DIET!!!!!!
  • Lesley_007
    Lesley_007 Posts: 24 Member
    I started at 287 about 2 weeks ago and I am at 280 now! Im super proud of myself... basically just eating as best I can and walking 15 mins, cleaning the house, and doing 15 mins. of Aerobics from You Tube. Its a struggle but I hope it will be rewarding! My starting goal is to shed 60 lbs and then we'll go from there, we seem to have very similar stories since my husband too loves me the way I am, i love that about him but it is a double bladed sword! Good Luck can't wait to see you succeed!
  • Lesley_007
    Lesley_007 Posts: 24 Member
    I started at 287 about 2 weeks ago and I am at 280 now! Im super proud of myself... basically just eating as best I can and walking 15 mins, cleaning the house, and doing 15 mins. of Aerobics from You Tube. Its a struggle but I hope it will be rewarding! My starting goal is to shed 60 lbs and then we'll go from there, we seem to have very similar stories since my husband too loves me the way I am, i love that about him but it is a double bladed sword! Good Luck can't wait to see you succeed!