Any college students? :)

Hi!!! I'm back to business! I'm a junior at the University of Puerto Rico majoring in Chemical Engineering. It gets hard with all the studying and whatnot so I logged in again in hopes of getting back in shape and improving my core strength. So any college students want to buddy up with me? Anyone else is welcome too :)


  • scrummy92
    scrummy92 Posts: 81 Member
    Absolutely! Welcome! Anyone else is welcome to add me as well.
  • dessertlover27
    dessertlover27 Posts: 385 Member
    Welcome back! Anyone that's active in this site can add me too :)
  • heystephie
    heystephie Posts: 34 Member
    I'm going to be a senior come August! Feel free to add me too :)
  • Vvkmnn
    Vvkmnn Posts: 1
    I'm over at UBC Vancouver, senior in September. Feel free to add away.
  • feast4dabeast
    feast4dabeast Posts: 96 Member
    part time phd student here
  • BrookeLosesWeight
    BrookeLosesWeight Posts: 16 Member
    Yep, 3rd year med student :)
  • hungrypotato
    hungrypotato Posts: 1,642 Member
    Just finished finals for this year. going on 2nd year

    Feel free to add me :) I've logged in for 305 days and lost 102 lbs
  • Psych/Philosophy major.....last year for college!!!!
  • MizzEngelChen
    MizzEngelChen Posts: 71 Member
    Just finishing my Biomedicine Master. Continuing to a PhD in the fall =o)
  • Just finishing my Biomedicine Master. Continuing to a PhD in the fall =o)

    yeah buddy!!!!.....I did three years of biochem before finishing with psych and phil........I loved working the labs!!!
  • thenoxus1
    thenoxus1 Posts: 56 Member
    Yep, 22, 2.5 years left in m Finance/Accounting double major. Feel free to add. I am a big runner these days.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    Thes tread is bieng repartod for discrimanaetinge agianst peopels thet aint in calloge.
  • losingArni
    losingArni Posts: 89
    I dropped out of university a couple of months ago?? feel free to add me :) haha
  • SmurphyKU
    SmurphyKU Posts: 62 Member
    Welcome!! I'm a chemical engineering major as well.. anyone feel free to add me! :)
  • erpar4
    erpar4 Posts: 25 Member
    Starting graduate school in the fall. Anyone feel free to add me! Not new to MFP but new to the community.
  • Awesome! I hope to go to grad school for Materials Science :)
  • mkkd
    mkkd Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I am a non traditional student - meaning I am 40 and back to the college thing. So if you still want to be friends with an old lady, I am all for it. :) I know how tough it is. I have 3 jobs plus school and I have kids, own a house, and all while I am single. Trust me, I can offer some support - if I can do it, so can you. Glad to see you here. Good luck on your journey, both school and fitness.
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    Always looking to add fellow college students!

    I will be starting my fourth year at Michigan State University this fall (though I am currently taking summer classes). I am studying natural science, political science and secondary education.
  • Studying painting and drawing and I'll be a junior come fall semester. Any one feel free to add :D
  • cmfaris8
    cmfaris8 Posts: 39
    I'm a technically still a college student for 2 more weeks... DePaul University in Chicago, majored in Accounting.

    Feel free to add me!