Need motivated friends!

Hi everyone, I am Melissa. I am 31 and from CT. I have been committed to my weight loss seriously for about 3 months and have lost 20.2 lbs so far. I am super motivated to lose this weight for my kids to give us the best life possible in all aspects. Looking forward to making friends who are like-minded! Send me a request if you would like!


  • monica_reinert
    monica_reinert Posts: 99 Member
    Hello Melissa,

    I have been on MFP for 71 days now. I am down 38lbs. I would love to lose another 55lbs, but I am taking it 1 day at a time. Right now there is a fire burning in me to lose weight, and I just hope that I can keep my motivation up. I would love to have more energy, and just feel better. I am a wife and a mother of two kids. At this time, you are the first friend that I have requested. If you would like to support each other, add me as a friend. :smile:

    DDCNY Posts: 64 Member
    Hi Melissa! I'm Danielle.

    I'm 36 and I'm from Central New York. No kids. But my hubby and I have big dreams about traveling all over when I am slim enough to fly on a plane without getting narrowed eyes and rude stares directed at me.

    I started being serious about getting fit and losing weight on March 3. I have lost 46 lbs in these past 12 weeks. For my 10% lost celebration I bought myself a climbing hydrangea. I'm looking forward to my 50 lb mark.

    I know it's cliche but I really feel that this time is different. I eat normal food and allow myself treats. I am ENJOYING busting my butt at the gym. For a woman who couldn't stand to feel a little moisture on her brow while outside in the shade I have certainly turned into someone who thinks sweat dripping off eyebrows feels amazing! Back when my TV remote was broken I would watch whatever was on rather than get up to change the channel. Now I hardly watch TV because I'm so busy at the gym, using my elliptical at home, or working in my beautiful gardens with new found energy.
  • Lesley_007
    Lesley_007 Posts: 24 Member
    Awesome job!
  • mhewlitt
    mhewlitt Posts: 5
    Hi Monica! I will add you, thank you so much for replying! How old are your kids? I am a single mom, I have a 8 year old girl and my son will be 2 next month. I am looking to lose at least another 20 lbs by the end of summer. I am putting my goal in bite size pieces for now because thinking about the BIG number seems too overwhelming!
  • mhewlitt
    mhewlitt Posts: 5
    I know EXACTLY what you mean about working out! I used to dread physical activity but have been pushing myself like crazy! I walk at least 4 times a week, at least 2 miles, and now that my son is in daycare, I am going to get a gym membership. I went with my friend on her membership last week and we were both dripping. It felt great! Thanks for responding!

  • Rasheeda118
    Rasheeda118 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Melissa, Great job on your weight loss and your goals!! Definitely understand the motivation portion, that's the hardest part for me at times, sticking with it. I'm going to send you a request because youre motivated and that will help my motivation as well as me helping to motivate others!!!! Each one teach one!!!!
  • Hello Melissa

    Would love to be friends...I have another 50 lbs I would love to lose...could also use all the help and motivation that friends can give....It's so nice to be able to talk to others that are going through the same struggles and accomplishments...

  • monica_reinert
    monica_reinert Posts: 99 Member
    Hi Danielle,

    Congrads! I have been really trying to push the exercise too. I try to do a little every day. I either try to go on the treadmill or an aerobic type of exercise. I hate it but when it's all over, I feel great. I read somewhere, that you are the only person that can make the change, and it's so true! That's why I need to push myself, because it's my body and I am the only person that can do it.
  • Hi Melissa,
    My name is Melissa, and I am also 31!! I am looking to lose another 50lbs. I've lost 20lbs with MFP. Very motivated and just looking to change my lifestyle. I've been doing amazing and the support here is the best! Hope to find some support in each other.
  • rored85
    rored85 Posts: 4
    Hey Melissa, I'm looking for motivating friends too! I'm a mom of 3 and they keep me BUSY...and I also work at a youth center so yeah, craziness! I started teaching the kids at work about proper nutrition and exercise but I felt like such a hypocrite when I looked at the things I was eating!...I just started this about 2 weeks ago and really want to stick with it. My starting weight is 180, I would like to lose about 30-40 lb. I said 150 at first but ideally more like 140. I'm looking for exercises or activities that I can also do with my kids. They need to stay active too right?! Anyways i'm going to send you a request and I'll except requests from others too :)