Tell me about FitBit

I'm considering buying a FitBit. Who can tell if/how the work? I've used a BodyBugg and didn't like many of the features and the thing was really time consuming to download data. I am concerned about accuracy, ease of use, and how the heck does it know what you're burning? Any advise?


  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    I have one on order....havnt a clue just interested to see any replies
  • divediva2
    divediva2 Posts: 297 Member
    I have had a Fit bit Ultra for a year and just replace it with the Fit Bit One. It is great. Very accurate, easy to use. It syncs with my lap top wirelessly and I have the app on my iPhone 4S so it can sync on the go!

    I wear it clipped to the centre of my bra. You can wear it on your belt, or pocket but I think it might pop off and be lost easily there. There is a Flex, which is a bracelet you can wear. I know the Fit Bit uses the information you input when you set it up, your age, sex, height and weight. As you lose it knows. As for how it determines steps and calories burns, well that is the magic I suppose! I know it uses an altimeter for measuring stairs so if you use an escalator it will register, and I notice if I walk hills it registers as stairs! I have done some tests for step accuracy and it is accurate. There have been other topics with links to reviews that are very favourable.

    The customer service people have been great to help whenever I have needed it, minor issues with set up but easily remedied with some guidance. My Ultra was replaced free of charge as it was defective, that was a nice perk. I think the company really stands behind it's product.

    I have it linked with MyFitnessPal so it knows my activity, and adjusts my calories, you don't have to link them but it is handy.

    Enjoy your Fit Bits!
  • rwc4912
    rwc4912 Posts: 35 Member
    Read my replies in page 2 of the other thread
    This thing is awesome with a smartphone
    Can't say enough good things about it

    Technically speaking its an accelerometer that tracks relative motion in chunks of time.
    Takes that info with your height, weight, gender, and age to calculate a calorie burn.
    Pretty dang accurate if you ask this engineer.
    I love mine and think it is a valuable tool that fits well with MFP
  • I'm considering buying a FitBit as well. Interested in replies. Anyone have a preference of the one vs the flex (or even the cheaper one, the zip I think?)
  • inky409
    inky409 Posts: 26 Member
    I've been using one for quite some time now. I had the fitbit one and just got the fitbit zip. I love it! I'm never without it. I live the FB zip because it's little (easy to hide from view); can see my progress on screen; syncs effortlessly with my iphone; i got the pink one which i love pink! :-)
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    I just replaced my FitBit Ultra with a Body Media (same price). FitBit is a glorified pedometer. It just estimates how many calories you are burning. I wanted something that was more accurate.
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    I have the Zip because they were the "accessory of the month" where my SO works and I got a significant discount, so I thought why not.

    I think it works pretty well. I wear it on my pocked or clipped inside my pants (although I do have problems the days I wear dresses - not often) and never had any problems with laundry or washing.

    I find it tracks my calories pretty accurately outside of exercise. For exercise I wear a heart rate monitor and it shows I burn about half what the fitbit says in that time. ( I create an activity record on the fitbit website so it doesn't count those calories in my daily overall, and then I log what my HRM says separately on MFP) But as far as regular speed walks, etc., it works well.

    It does help me be conscious of my steps and how active I am and I like that. I don't think I would really need anything fancier than the Zip. Only downside is that it has a battery instead of the USB recharge, but I've had it a couple months and haven't had to replace it yet.
  • iquiltoo
    iquiltoo Posts: 246 Member
    I have one on order....havnt a clue just interested to see any replies

    Me too!
  • rwc4912
    rwc4912 Posts: 35 Member
    I just replaced my FitBit Ultra with a Body Media (same price). FitBit is a glorified pedometer. It just estimates how many calories you are burning. I wanted something that was more accurate.

    It is the same price but the body media has a subscription fee to get and use your own data
    Thought hat was complete and utter BS
  • Just ordered my FitBit One on Thursday. I read a lot of articles to come to that decision.

    I didn't go with Jawbone UP because my cell phone doesn't support it.

    I didn't go with BodyMedia because it's a monthly subscription.

    Nike Fuelband didn't get good reviews either.

    Fitbit faired best, so that's the one I went with in about the 7 articles I read.
  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
  • ttiiggzz
    ttiiggzz Posts: 154 Member
    Only downside is that it has a battery instead of the USB recharge, but I've had it a couple months and haven't had to replace it yet.

    I don't see that as a downside with the Zip, but rather a plus. I like not having to recharge the Zip. I've had mine since February and boy does it have me more active! My dd, OTOH, prefers her One since it calculates stairs climbed and sleep quality.

    Radio Shack had Fitbits on sale in the store when I was in there the other week. Not sure if they're still on sale or not.
  • Pinkylee77
    Pinkylee77 Posts: 432 Member
    I have the Fitbit one and love it the only thing about it that does but me is that if I am very active early in the day I earn extra calories to eat but in the evening when I am sitting down those extra calories start disappearing. I feel like if I earn calories from activity then I should be able to use them for some extra calories for a snack.
  • Neshmi
    Neshmi Posts: 42 Member
    I have the Fitbit one and love it the only thing about it that does but me is that if I am very active early in the day I earn extra calories to eat but in the evening when I am sitting down those extra calories start disappearing. I feel like if I earn calories from activity then I should be able to use them for some extra calories for a snack.

    this is what i'm learning too. it confused me at first, but i see what's going on now.
  • AnJulNZ
    AnJulNZ Posts: 186 Member
    I'm considering buying a FitBit One, but it sounds quite confusing with negative calories etc and ending up with exercise double entered into MFP. Is it easy to understand? I don't want to overcomplicate this!!
  • BajaDreamin333
    BajaDreamin333 Posts: 267 Member
    Ok, so is it really just a glorified pedometer the ? I was hoping to get more accurate burn numbers of my workouts, but that is always more than just steps.....
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Ok, so is it really just a glorified pedometer the ? I was hoping to get more accurate burn numbers of my workouts, but that is always more than just steps.....

    If you want something for just workouts, then you probably want a HRM. Keep in mind though, that even a HRM is only good for cardio. There really is no accurate way to estimate a calorie burn when weight lifting.

    A fitbit is a daily activity tracker and will tell you your approximate TDEE for the day. I actually have both a HRM and fitbit zip. I wear my zip at all times and use my HRM for any cardio workouts. The combined information gives me a more accurate TDEE than I could estimate myself. It only takes a couple mins to sync. As for the batteries, I found a 5 pack of energizers for $4 on amazon with free shipping. It definitely motivates me to move more, but as I said before, if you are only concerned with workouts than you probably just want a HRM.
  • Bump
  • auttied07
    auttied07 Posts: 1
    I just got a fitbit one and LOVE it. It motivates me the move more often and syncs up (most of the time) with myfitnesspal. Its a great way to keep track of what you do and to keep you moving. Well worth the money!!
  • Liz_Mfp
    Liz_Mfp Posts: 172 Member
    I'm new to FITBIT but I have the ONE and find it's worth it for the Motivation