Crazy Canucks - Aug 11

TashaS Posts: 199 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Morning Canucks

Well I'm up another 1.1lbs this week - I'm not really surprised but still disappointed in myself. :blushing:

I've been stress eating like crazy and being at home on Mat Leave certainly makes it easier to do it. I know that I should 'snack' on the good things, which I do have in the house, but my need for 'comfort' makes me go for the bad. I know I should be proud of the 40+ pounds that I've already lost but I'm having a really hard time not dwelling on amount of weight still to go... :frown: I would really like to hit my goal weight by the time I have to go back to work in April - and I know this is doable - I just need to re-find my drive to exercise (and stop the stupid snacking).

All that being said, we're leaving today on our first 'family' vacation. We'll be gone for 10 days and trying to make the right eating choices could be difficult but I'm going to really try my best. Hopefully, all the walking we'll be doing in Vancouver will get me enjoying the great-outdoors again and get that exercise drive pumping...

So next week I won't be around to start our thread my crazy canucks ~ Hope everyone had a great week this week - and a great week next too! :flowerforyou:


  • Krystled
    Krystled Posts: 58
    Well down a couple pounds this week! officailly 30lbs away from my goal weight. It's Probably due to the lack of food and water all weekend. WOW weddings take alot out of me! :yawn:

    Hope everyone else is doing well. Keep up the good work and see you all next week

    Tasha have fun in BC!!! say hi to your brother for me. I know you will make healthier choices on your trip, you just need to get away for a bit. Happy Family Vacation!:glasses:
  • Izzys_mom
    Izzys_mom Posts: 64 Member
    No loss this week. I am a little disappointed but I have been eating chips at night and I guess I should stop that. I hope everyone has a great week.

  • Corrie62
    Corrie62 Posts: 191
    Good morning everyone.

    Have a good vacation you best on the exercise and eating, but make enjoying yourself the priority.

    Nice work on your loss Krystled, even if it was the wedding...can't underestimate those weighloss blessings.

    I did not weigh in last week (my official is Monday's) because of the long weekend. I was away shopping in Minot, and gained a few according to my unofficial weighing (3-5 I think). When I officially weighed in this week I showed no gain/no loss. That means that whatever I gained on vacation, I lost. Yay!

    Bought a Heart Rate Monitor yesterday...wore it for the first time for Shred last night...I left it on til my HR was almost back to resting and it calculated about 80 more calories than "circuit" on MFP...otherwise I think I would have been about 100 lower than MFP calculates. Do you think I should leave it as what MFP calculates, change it to workout cals burned only,or change it to workout plus post workout burn?
  • Corrie62
    Corrie62 Posts: 191
    No loss this week. I am a little disappointed but I have been eating chips at night and I guess I should stop that. I hope everyone has a great week.


    Hang in there Izzys. Try to find your will power again, and pat yourself on the back for not gaining.
  • Izzys_mom
    Izzys_mom Posts: 64 Member
    I didn't see a thread for today and wasn't sure if I should start one. I weighed myself on Monday and I was down 3lbs, then again this morning and I was up 2lbs so a loss of 1lb since last week. It's better than last week but I know I can do better.
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