Frustrated to the Maximum - GRRRRR!!!!

I have been watching my diet for over a year now with My Fitness Pal. I watch my calories, but I got weighed at the doctor. He stated that I gained 3 pounds over this year. How could that be? I do not have a scale at this time, because my scale rusted because we live in the basement portion of the house. Does anyone have any suggestions to help me. I am 368 lbs. I am desparate. My belly lays on my legs even when I stand up. I need this gone. Please Help!!! I need this.:cry:


  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    Did you talk to your doctor about how you have been monitoring yourself? Maybe he needs to look into if there are any underlying issues. (thyroid or something) If he didn't I would maybe print out your journal have him look at it.

    Also, what I did that really spiked my weight loss(and got me off of a plateau) was starting eating more non-processed foods. This has really helped. If you are monitoring your food you may already be doing this.

    Are you drinking water? Maybe drink more of it?

    I guess I should have looked at your journal before commenting....eek.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    First, get either a scale or a measuring tape or both so you can gauge your weight loss. Also, it'd be really helpful if you could make your food diary public so we can make suggestions 'cause it could possibly be a problem wtih your diet - even something small like consuming too much sodium can make you not lose weight and even gain (but it's only water). Have you been exercising? If you are exercising, are you eating back the calories that MFP gives you?
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    It isn't all about is about healthy foods and starting to get moving. Take walks as that is where I started. You will see more results from being active in combination with the healthy eating. You can do this!!! Don't give up. The fact that you are here should tell you something. Stay Strong :happy: :happy:
  • KatieKlotz
    KatieKlotz Posts: 20 Member
    Have you been logging your food and exercise online? If so, you should make your diary viewable to others so we can see what you've been eating and help to guide you in the right direction. I'd be more than happy to take a look and share some pointers with you. If you haven't been logging it, then START NOW! It's the only thing that will make sure you hold yourself accountable for what goes in your belly.

    Have you been exercising on a daily basis?
  • cordovaa
    I understand your frustration. But, really, a weight gain of only 3 lbs in one year is worthy of a great compliment to you! Now, you say you watch what you eat as far as calories, I don't know what your diet consists of, however, what you eat is more important than counting calories - eliminate sugar as much as possible. I really found that eating healthy balanced meals, such as protein, carbohydrates (ONLY from vegetables or some fruit) and good fats (olive oil, avocado, almonds) throughout the day in small portions might help maintain your metabolism and help with weight loss. I would suggest picking up a book called "A Week in the Zone" by Dr. Barry Sears. My doctor recommended this diet for me and for all of his patients.

    Also walking once a day for at least 30 minutes will rev up your metabolism.

    In the meantime, take it one day at a time, I praise you for your effort and will keep you in my prayers....

    God Bless!
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    I can only echo what others have said and read what I sent you privately and hopefully you will utilize it and make an effort to change.

    I also recommend eating 3 meals and 3 small snacks between these meals to help boost your metabolism all while remaining in the confines of your daily calorie intake goal.
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    Aminor, I would suggest that you spend some time surfing the message boards, they are loaded with information. Maybe you will somewhere figure out what you are doing wrong? And I would suggest that you add some friends, who will kick your butt if you are slacking off... Thats what keeps me moving at times :) Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    3lbs is definitely not a weight loss, but it's also not a bad weight gain. You are maintaining rather well. If you are logging all your food and still not losing, perhaps you should reevaluate your base rate of needed calories?

    If you are not logging what you are eating, start doing that.

    Watching what you eat can be deceiving. Ie. you would think that a couple pieces of zucchini or banana bread would be something somewhat healthy right? You feel that you are eating OK. Well, just a couple pieces can add up to 1000 calories! So there just at breakfast or a snack is about 1/2 your calories (or more!) gone! A small parfait at McDonalds has several hundred calories.

    You also might not be realizing how much you are consuming if you are not measuring - ie, syrups, salad dressings (try lemon juice! Basically cal free and awesome on salad!), powdered sugar on french toast can add 200 calories... And, are you paying attention to serving sizes? I have this problem with ice cream - oh, only 160 cals, but just a big scoop and a little extra can be 2 servings so now I'm at almost 400 calories for a snack... 25% of my daily calorie allotment.

    Summary - reevaluate how many calories you SHOULD be getting - you might be getting either too much or even possibly, to little - and then LOG EVERYTHING. You should notice some significant weight loss within the first couple weeks. If you don't consult your doctor. But, you sound like you really want it, and that is the first step! You ARE making a sacrifice, so you have to really want it to stick with it!

    PS - there is also a HUGE accountability by making your food journal public! I have mine sent to friends only because I still can't bring myself to make it totally public! But that's because I don't want the accountability of everyone knowing that yesterday my dinner consisted completely of a DQ 1000 calorie Blizzard (though, I did still stay under calories from a good morning workout...). So really consider this. Chances are if you don't want your diary public its because your not sticking on track that great with the processed foods or cheating... (At least that's how it is for me, though I have gotten a lot better, especially since even making it public to friends only!)
  • borgi77
    borgi77 Posts: 61

    My tips are that you need to be look at everything in your diet fat, carbs are you drinking enough water etc, check your settings on MFP, also invest in tape measure and scale and really checkin every two weeks, so then you know how your going.

    Leaving it for a year then being disappointed is sad as I know if i was trying for a year and gained weight id be disappointed, but by having a scale tape measure etc and checking in every two weeks you can look at getting help earlier if no weight comes off sooner rather than later.

    Be realistic in the goals you set and not sure if your exercising or not if not really try to do 30 minutes a day.

    When the weight starts to come off your going feel so good, so try to look to the future and don't the last year hold you back focus on your future and try to improve your health today not tomorrow.

    Good luck.