Charity Half Marathon Walk

At 10pm on Saturday 25th September I will be doing a sponsored half marathon walk through the streets of Cardiff to raise much needed funds for Cancer Research UK. It's a nigh't walk (no running allowed thankfully). I realise I'm being VEEERRRRYYY cheeky, but I'm using this website (amongst others) to find sponsors to raise funds. The walk is called Shine Cardiff. I have a fundraising web page set up by Cancer Research UK which ensures that all funds go immediately to the cause rather than to me and then me having to pass it on. It is a very safe and secure site, any donation at all will help 50p, £1 anything - it all adds up. My husband lost a childhood friend (42) to cancer last week and his funeral was harrowing. Please help me to raise funds to find a way to kick this horrendous disease into touch! Sorry to have taken up your time if you're not interested, and if you are, many thanks. Alternatively, if you don't want to sponsor me and you are close enough, you may want to take part yourself, all details are on the website, I believe there is a walk in Manchester too but I'm not sure when. My fundraising site if you really are so kind as to donate to this worthy cause is

Many thanks for taking time to read this.

Cath :flowerforyou:


  • Becky_Boop
    I have bookmarked the page and promise to put £1 in when I get paid (I'm a student, hence me not having £1 to spare unless I plan EVERYTHING I spend money on!)
    And as a way of saying "sorry" for not being able to put in more, I have also said I am "interested" in the Sheffield 5k fun run next year (eek!) and will sign up for it as soon as it lets me! I can't even Jog 100m, this could be interesting...
  • cathjones88
    Wow that's fantastic, every penny counts. Cancer Research sort all the Gift Aid malarky out as well on that page. It really takes the hassle out of collecting money then passing it on. That's ever so kind of you. With a bit of luck I'll be well on my way to being 80lbs lighter next year then I can enter a half marathon actually running.

    Thanks again, so so much. :happy: