Doctor Who - Farewell Matt Smith

jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
It has been officially announced by the BBC that The Doctor will be regenerating in the Christmas Special.
I, for one, find this to be a little bittersweet.

I was really fond of the way Smith played The Doctor, but knew that his time as The Doctor was going to be coming to an end soon. Much like the Tennant lovers hated Smith, I long to see the Smith lovers hate on the new's going to happen. People will be petty and stupid, but I will just sit back and enjoy the show.


  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I for one have always enjoyed each regeneration since the very first Dr. Who appeared....way back when. Granted I was a wee bit upset the first time it happened.
  • robdel302
    robdel302 Posts: 292 Member
    I think all the doctors had their own flare and made them all likeable. Matt Smith had his own comedic style which I will miss. Just like I miss Tenant's care free attitude towards everything. And Eccelston could be just downright child like at times.
  • Shiroi
    Shiroi Posts: 41 Member
    I was a bit weary of Smith during my post-Tennant depression, but Smith quickly erased any doubts in my head about his capability as the Doctor. I am a fairly new Whovian, I started watching the New Who back in February, but I fell in love with the series VERY fast.

    I was very sad to hear he was leaving, especially because Matt Smith is still "new" to me. I didn't get the chance to actually wait week after week for an episode with him (save for the second part of Season 7), so it feels like I haven't spent enough time with him.

    I'm sure whoever will play the next Doctor will be capable, but of course like you said, people will be quick to judge and be defensive of him.

    I'm still sad though. ; ;