Get Fit Brides Week 3

Challenge: Avoid sodas/pops for this week. Also try a new exercise workout that you haven't done before. Good luck girls!


  • amandapratt
    amandapratt Posts: 177 Member
    Oh bugger. Pop is my crutch/vice. This is gonna be interesting...
  • missboriken
    missboriken Posts: 52 Member
    Soda's are the easy part because I don't drink them... now the new exercise workout........
  • Angiepackmom4
    I might try a spin class.
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    Eek, that is just one thing I can't do. LOL New workout yeah. But soda no. hehehehehe
  • ChristieisReady
    ChristieisReady Posts: 708 Member
    Ok! I've been meaning to go try Bikram anyway.
  • jaylu
    jaylu Posts: 158
    can i join? i'm getting married one year from tomorrow yeay :) need to be challenged because i can see that i'm starting to get stuck in rut! i'm going to buy 30 day shred today but it prob wont be delivered until monday so for exercise i've haven't done before (or at least in the last 10 years) i'd love to dig out my old roller blades from my parents attic if they still have them!
  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    Week 2: 135
    Week 3: 133.4
    GW:115 (my wedding day)

    Oh boy, I do like diet soda, and this morning I said " about a diet coke with lemon today"...well I guess you guys called my bluff and I won't have that soda. :-)

    Also want to share the results of my body composition test. It inputs your age and height, then you step on to the machine barefoot and out comes a little receipt showing all your numbers...most important your water percentage and body fat...well let's just say I had a rude awakening. My body fat percentage was pretty high and although I am losing lbs. I need to focus on more building muscle and shedding some fat.
  • sweet4keeps22
    sweet4keeps22 Posts: 291 Member
    Oh boy, I do like diet soda, and this morning I said " about a diet coke with lemon today"...well I guess you guys called my bluff and I won't have that soda. :-)

    Uh oh! I had the exact same thought about 10 minutes ago and then I logged in here! Darn... no soda today. I am in the habit of weighing in on Wednesdays, so I think I'll just post it then. This week I lost another lb, which is just fine by me, slow and steady wins the race.

    LW 172
    CW 171
  • vdubteach23
    Good luck girls!! It's hard, I had to put down my soda today and i'm so used to having at least one a day. For those of you that find it hard, maybe just try one less this week. Good luck!
  • vdubteach23
    can i join? i'm getting married one year from tomorrow yeay :) need to be challenged because i can see that i'm starting to get stuck in rut! i'm going to buy 30 day shred today but it prob wont be delivered until monday so for exercise i've haven't done before (or at least in the last 10 years) i'd love to dig out my old roller blades from my parents attic if they still have them!

    Absolutely! The more the better! I post a new thread every week. We make a new challenge every week so that it mixes things up. Congrats on the engagement and welcome to the Get Fit Brides!
  • jaylu
    jaylu Posts: 158
    tried my new exercise today - borrowed my mums bike to cycle outside rather than my usual stationery bike was nice to get out in the open air... did get rained on though! and still no fizzy drinks - i don't really drink fizzy stuff unless i'm drinking alcohol along with it and thats only about once a month! good luck to everyone else!
  • amandapratt
    amandapratt Posts: 177 Member
    Riveraphx: Did you buy a special scale or was that something they have at the gym? I'd be curious to do that myself.
  • vdubteach23
    Weigh in tomorrow ladies!!! I hope everyone had a good week. Keep going and I know we'll all reach our goals!
  • ChristieisReady
    ChristieisReady Posts: 708 Member
    I didn't make it all week without a diet coke, but I made it most of the week! I, *ahem* also never made it to spinning or Bikram. But I did go to the gym! So, this week's results:

    8/11: 227
    8/17: 225.8
    Down 1.2 pounds!
  • amandapratt
    amandapratt Posts: 177 Member
    Well this week was brutal. I fell back into bad habits, but managed not to gain anything. Getting back on track this week.
  • jaylu
    jaylu Posts: 158
    i got measured for my wedding dress yesterday :) that means it can only be made smaller - material cannot be added on so no weight will be put on for the next year! no pressure... eek!
  • jane_e_lane
    jane_e_lane Posts: 7 Member
    I would love to join...i get married in Nov 13th in Jamaica. I'm not very motivated to exercise because i walk everyday for 30min to and from work. I have been cutting down my meals, i don't drink pop so that i'm doing good on.:)my goal is to drop 30 lbs, or 2 dress sizes by the wedding date. u think thats possible starting from today?
  • ChristieisReady
    ChristieisReady Posts: 708 Member
    I would love to join...i get married in Nov 13th in Jamaica. I'm not very motivated to exercise because i walk everyday for 30min to and from work. I have been cutting down my meals, i don't drink pop so that i'm doing good on.:)my goal is to drop 30 lbs, or 2 dress sizes by the wedding date. u think thats possible starting from today?

    It's possible! But... how tall are you? You're looking at 2.3 pounds per week to lose, so you'll really have to stick to it and work out 4-6 days per week (depending on your current fitness level and workout intensity) on top of the 30 minute walk, specifically targeted toning.
  • vdubteach23
    I didn't lose anything this week, but I also didn't gain. Here's next weeks forum =)
  • vdubteach23
    I would love to join...i get married in Nov 13th in Jamaica. I'm not very motivated to exercise because i walk everyday for 30min to and from work. I have been cutting down my meals, i don't drink pop so that i'm doing good on.:)my goal is to drop 30 lbs, or 2 dress sizes by the wedding date. u think thats possible starting from today?

    You can absolutely join. The more the better! Cutting down your meals, I hope you mean portion control. It actually helps for some people to more during the day, just smaller portions. I think if you add some exercise and do it the healthy way it will help you reach your goal. Just don't be hard on yourself. Remember the person you marry loves you for you and although you want to look your very best on your special day, don't resort to unhealthy ways to obtain that. Good luck to you!!