Newbie looking for supporting buddies :)



  • LA2HA
    LA2HA Posts: 4
    Hey pals! I am just getting started and would love to join you!
  • moosiau
    moosiau Posts: 53 Member
    Hi, I'm a newbie and a third year undergrad that's also looking for support :) feel free to add me :D
  • Hi Sherri from Arkansas here. Gotta loose a lot of weight. Pre diabetic with cholesterol numbers in stoke zone. I need all the help I can get. Not sure what I can eat. So lets get started.
  • romerojg
    romerojg Posts: 9

    I am not new to MFP but I am new at using the Message Boards. I have been trying to loose weight for over a year. The first six months went very well then I hit a major plateau. I am using a trainer. She helps me with exercise and reviews MFP to clean up my diet. In November I found out that my thyroid was under active. I have started taking medicine but it is taking forever to get the right dose. It is starting to get discouraging. Hard to stay motivated to exercise and eat well when you do that and can't loose weight. Hoping for some motivation of to talk to someone with similar experience.

  • morgan_pope
    morgan_pope Posts: 30 Member
    Always looking for new buddies on MFP!!! I've been on here a little while and love it. I definitely do better weight-loss-wise when using the app. Feel free to add me.

    Welcome all!!!