Down 75 LBS! But now I am STUCK! Please please help me

First this going to be long.....yay for me I lost 75 LBS in 1 year, I weigh less than I did 5 years ago when I met my husband! Not the popular method but I did Medifast, it worked for me, it gave me the motivation I needed, it did teach me how much I was actually eating! Holy crapola I used to be able to eat 2 candy bars and ice cream and still have room for dinner of potatoes, meat, and tons of bread. NO LONGER!
But Since I stalled out last August, I decided it was no longer working for me. I am 10X more active than I ever was and it was no longer providing the calories I needed to work, ride my horse, workout and LIVE.
My problem is that I am still stuck, going to go out on a limb and tell ya my weight, I am bouncing between 210 and 218. For me personally I was extremely happy when I was 160 and I just want to get there. I am so frustrated at not getting under 207 (when I was sick for a week and could not eat) My doctor has been no help, my thyroid is fine, she just said change up my eating and different exercise. Ok so I did, phased out of Medifast, started eating more protein rich foods and veggies, little bit of fruit. I don't eat bread, turns out I have a wheat allergy, little to no dairy. And a serious weakness for dark chocolate.
Started doing Insanity (which I love BTW, finished with week 2 today! Who would have thought I would be doing Insanity when I was 300 LBS last year???)
So I could use some fresh ideas and perspectives, I am trying to keep my cals at about 1500-1800, carbs under 100. I just want to see some progress :(
Haven't been logging my food lately, frustrated. Maybe I am just incompetent.


  • runfreddyrun
    runfreddyrun Posts: 137 Member
    weren't you eating like 800 calories a day on medifast? and you did that for a year? if so, i bet your BMR is super low. and now you're eating twice that or more. without knowing more details about your height and BF or how many times a week you exercise, 1500-1800 seems like a decent amount to be eating. you might even be able to go higher than that.

    i bet it's going to take a few weeks or maybe a month or two for your BMR to go up. so i say, just keep at it for a few months and see how things go.

    keep logging your food though - precisely. because otherwise, you have no idea how much you're eating, and that's not going to help you.
  • newlifecowgirl
    I was not as stringent as some, but was still only eating about 900-1200 cals a day. I am only 5'5", My scale (which is most likely not very accurate but the best I got) says I am at 35% BF( this in itself is amazing to me, I started out at 49% BF according to it), I am working out with Insanity so about 35-40 minutes 6X week.
    You are right I do need to start logging regularly again though, it did help me stay in my macros better. I am just not sure anymore what my macros should be or if I should just keep plugging along.
    98% of my weight is in my belly with just a bit left in my arms and it is driving me crazy, I am a sz 18 but the material sags in my butt and thighs, but can't go any smaller because of my stomach, unless I want to give up breathing and have a traumatizing muffin top :(
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    You were on a doctor supervised VLCD for a year. My guess is it will take your body some time to adjust now. Weigh and measure you food and track everything. At the very least you'll have a new starting point to tweak. What's your current calorie goal? Do you reach it? Are you eating your exercise calories back to make sure your deficit doesn't get too large?
  • newlifecowgirl
    My current calorie goal is 1500-1800 a day, I try to eat exercise cals back, but honestly I am not hungry, I will eat a fair amount of protein after workout because I will be starving, but even then it doesn't equal the supposed amount I burned exercising.

    Now if Aunt flow is close, I am like the freaking cookie monster/garbage disposal/ bottomless pit for sugar for 4 days ( not to mention wanting to stab someone)