I can't believe I keep having calories left to consume!

PecanSandy Posts: 8
edited September 21 in Chit-Chat
Is anyone esle having trouble trying to consume all their daily calorie requirements??? I just learned something about myself....I am eating less of the wrong things that are full of sugar and fat and white flour that is calorie dense and not filling. Eating healthy allows me to be full eating less calories than I ever did! Amazing...so you get to actually eat more by eating the right foods...this doesnt even feel like a diet....yet...but i even ate chocolate and I am having trouble eating all my calories in a day...now if i can just get on the excercise kick...i am def on my way! The food tracker is amazing and is telling me I am not eating enough proteins. I am eating a cup of cottage cheese as we speak and still have a balance of calories....probably kill the last of them with a bowl of ceareal and milk...so now I know I can eat more during the day instead of being hungry then....still tweaking my own weaknesses...luv this tracking stuff!!!!!


  • Becka77
    Becka77 Posts: 284 Member
    I'm having the same "problem". It's amazing how much more food you can eat when you cook at home and use healthier ingredients. I still get my nightly ice cream (skinny cow) fix and everything!
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    YES! I am trying to cut back on exercising because it is IMPOSSIBLE to eat those calories back when you are only eating healthy food. I end up HAVING to eat something junky to get the stupid calories in, while not going over on my protein (I have 7 kidney stones). I always have spare carbs, so I end up eating sorbet a lot. I have seen people on here laugh at people who say they can not eat all of their calories, but if you are eating healthy, it is difficult to get enough.
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    yeah i have that issue. i'm full but i have to have a couple snacks or i don't even get to 1200 calories let alone the the 1700 the site wants me to eat and excersize calories? ha. i never get to those either. i lie, i did get there once. i went to a wedding and the food was good but there wasn't a healthy choice there at all. it was all fatty and buttery and sodium filled, high caloric goodness. i need to find some low/no sugar snacks though. i'm always over in that mainly because of fruit and veg sugars. feel free to look at diary if you want ideas to get you there.
  • cool becka...I just started yesterday and I see by your little banner you have around the same amount to lose as me! This site was such a godsend to me..I really think I am gonna do it this time...just got to get motivated to exercise! But at least I know I wont go hungry!!!!!! I am so grateful for this site! GOOD LUCK TO YOU AS WELL!
  • Nope, you're definitely not alone! I just started last week and I'm finding I have the same problem. I've started eating Popsicle Sugar Free Creamsicles. They're 20 calories each and pretty low on carbs and fat. I snack on those throughout the day to help get extra calories in. I'm really happy to find that I still get to eat stuff I like and get to eat frequently, but still lose weight at the same time. I guess it's b/c I now know what a serving of something is, versus just having a bowl of this or a plate of that.

    Glad you're liking it so far! Keep up the good work!
  • wow! maybe you can help a pal to make an entree everynight that doesn't exceed 500 calories with healthy ingredients. thanks in advance! i can't cook but i'll try!! good luck for you and to all your goal..
  • trisha329
    trisha329 Posts: 266 Member
    I feel your pain, Sandy -- I have the same problem! I'm done eating for the day -- completely stuffed -- and I still have 318 calories left! I'm not too concerned -- yet -- since Monday I've lost 4 pounds and I've had leftover calories every day.
  • irchrismm
    irchrismm Posts: 95 Member
    Same here. I eat 5 times a day, and i am having trouble getting all my calories. With the workouts, that just adds to the difficulty. I nrmally still get within 500 or so calories of my goal depending on the day, and the workout.
  • Hey Trisha...there you are again!!! LOL...Congrats on the 4 lbs....I have a feeling this is really gonna happen for us with the help of this site! Funny...we were just on two posts hmmmmm I have a feeling we are going to be crossing paths a lot on here! Need all the support I can get so GREAT! Nice meeting you! Good luck on your goal!!!!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    yeah, me too :grumble:
    when I first started I trouble getting over 1000 cal/day because I was eating clean.. since then I've added treats and non traditional foods, but sill way short (tonight over 500 cals) I seem to do much better with larger breakfasts (4-500 cals) some folks are adding smoothies, protein drinks, kashi bars, ect to up their total cals...
    good luck!
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I actually increased the weight I wanted to lose from 1 lb to 1.5 lbs a week so that I don't feel as bad for not making my goal. My plan says to eat 1700 calories, but I rarely go above 1550. I'm happy as long as I am above 1200, though i do have to be more careful when I work out.
  • Me too! Today I was under 1200 calories and it told me I was risking starvation mode, in which case I wouldn't really loose anything. :P So I ran and grabbed a handful of cereal. It looks to me that we need to stay above starvation mode and below our goal. I feel so good though! =) For those struggling with exercise- I was reading one of my cookbooks and a study was done and women who exercised 2 to 3 times a day for just ten minutes each time lost more weight and kept it off better in the long term than those women who would exercise for 30 to 40 minutes at a time once per day. That's good news, eh?! =)
  • susielou
    susielou Posts: 18 Member
    I started this and ran into that problem all the time. I told my sister about not making 1200 a day and she was stunned because she has a very healthy eating lifestyle. I am adjusting, but if I eat the healthy stuff I really want, I'm under and in starvation mode. I am finding that I'm losing the weight the closer I stay to the goal. I don't know the medical reason, but I think the body stores everything when it thinks you are in a starvation mode. I eat a lot more fiber usually, but I need a high fiber diet anyway. Good luck with finding the right healthy snacks and options to get to 1200.
  • You are right Susielou,
    In order for you to keep your metabolism going or "on", you need to eat every 2 - 3 hours... Your body will keep burning calories if you keep replenishing with meals. When you eat larger portions but less actual meals, your body thinks it needs to store the calories (the starvation mode you were talking about) until the next meal. It generally stores the calories as fat.

    That is why alot of books and nutritionists recommend 5 - 6 meals per day in smaller protion sizes. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Hard to believe we gained all this weight because of JUNK! and...just not being aware of what was going in the old pie hole! So now I know how all my skinny friends stay skinny! They are eating like pigs, but they are eating the right foods not all the fat laden, sugar laden, white flour laden, calorie laden, unsatisfying junk I am eating! All this time I thought we would have to starve to lose weight! LOL and come to find out we were eating less volume than our skinny counterparts but the foods were just so calorie dense!!!! I just had a HUGE WOW MOMENT! Thanks Everyone for letting me know it is not just me dealing with this revelation!
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