Insanity workout



  • k7suf
    k7suf Posts: 1
    Best workout I have done, stick to it no matter how tired you feel. As people have been saying, that feeling once you finish a workout is amazing. I didn't lose any weight as that wasn't my goal. I maintained my weight throughout but lost fat, ripped up and improved my fitness. good luck!
  • Daisy_Bumbleroot
    Daisy_Bumbleroot Posts: 9 Member
    WOW!!! Started insanity workout today (06/02/13), did the fit test...and all I have to say is...I hope I can finish the workout!

    Who else out there is new to insanity? What are you thinking?

    Im about to start month 2.

    All I can say is, I was DYING after the fit test - it battered me. Ive stuck at it though and 2 weeks later my results floored me, id increased on them all by about 50% some, i even doubled!! In fact, the fit tet seemed (dare i say it) easy!!!

    Stick at it, i swear you will get fitter, quickly. In fact, in the last week, I got through 3 warm-ups without stopping *proud*
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Do you have to follow a food plan with it as well or is it just a workout program? My friend has mentioned it and I am thinking of starting!

    If you buy it from a legit source (a beachbody coach or beachbody directly) it will come with a nutritional plan. Any questions please let me know, I am more than happy to help.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Hi! I want to wish you good luck first of all.
    Now, I am new to this whole site and I just started working out again after four years of not working out because I tore my meniscus and went through some personal family problems. But I am definitely ready to give it my all to get fit again and even become fitter and skinnier than I have ever been.I have just watched the infomercial and it honestly kind of scares the heck out of me to do this but I am up for it.

    My first question is, I live in Israel and am not sure where I can buy these DVDs, is it available online?
    My second question is, is there a food schedule I have to follow / how many calories do I have to eat a day?
    My last question is, is it mandatory to finish the whole 60 days? or can I stop if I am happy with the results after 30 days or anytime while doing this challenge?

    My wife just came back from Israel. Since there are no supplements involved I am pretty sure you can buy it online. Visit the beachbody website or contact a coach. They can help you.

    As far as how much to do. Nothing is mandatory, but once you start you will want to finish the program. It is that addicting. You will want to see how much you can improve your body and your fit test results. Good luck, if you have any questions let me know.
  • giliw
    giliw Posts: 2
    Thank you very much! Well maybe I am looking in the wrong places but I have just seen the videos and saw that it gets delivered to the US only.
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    Do you have to follow a food plan with it as well or is it just a workout program? My friend has mentioned it and I am thinking of starting!

    You're supposed to. Or at least get close to it. There's a guide that comes with it, but I found a PDF with a quick google search. "Insanity Elite Nutrition."
  • msfaithful
    msfaithful Posts: 88 Member
    Okay, so question....and I apologize if it sounds super DUMB but, how do you all record your workout sesh in MFP for Insanity. It would be lovely it there was an option to choose insanity....but alas there is not...

    If you're wearing a HRM (and you should since Shaun T tells you to check it throughout the workout) it should capture the calories burned during your workout. In MFP choose "Create A New WorkOut", enter "Insanity - <name of workout>, minutes, calories burned (from your HRM), save it. The next time you do the workout it's available under "My Exercises" you'll only need to adjust the calories per the reading from your HRM (you should be wearing with each workout since Shaun T tells you to check it throughout the workout). :flowerforyou:
  • jodyb23
    jodyb23 Posts: 101 Member
    I just finished Insanity Yesterday YAY
    it is SUPER Intense but the Results are AMAZING.
    I lost 13.8 pounds and OVER 36 Inches in those 63 day
    Good luck to you :)

    We lost the same amount of pounds! I also finished yesterday. Congratulations!

    I'm in recovery week of month 1. So hard but I feel great after! Did you lose scale weight consistently each week? My weight has been at a dead stand still since the second week and I can't drop any scale weight despite eating clean and working out this hard. It's frustrating, but the inches are melting off.
  • Dan11874
    Dan11874 Posts: 11 Member
    I finished the program twice and found that if you can power through the first few weeks, you will hit your stride and find a groove. By then it becomes habit and it's a lot easier to press play.

    It really does become addictive.
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    I need some Insanity friends. It is tough but manageable and very doable.
  • sdwojtas
    sdwojtas Posts: 13
    I just finished day 19.
  • mray4423
    mray4423 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm new to insanity also. I feel amazing after I finish. Not quite done with week one yet. Don't even allow yourself to think that you won't finish. When I get too tired during the workout I pause get some water take a breather wipe my sweat and press play. We can do it!!
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    To reiterate: Part of the Insanity plan is using TDEE vs. BMR. Google it if you need explanation on the difference.
  • My husband wanted to start doing it and since we had it around I figured I would try it out. I am just using it as a supplement to my walking routine for days that it is raining or whatever. Today I did fine but the other 3 days I have done it I didn't think I would be able to get through the whole thing but I did! Every time. My calves were killing me the first two days but by the third day I was fine! I walk about 20 miles a week and I did NOT expect my calves to hurt like that. My 19 year old just did it and could barely get through it. And she is not even over weight! Makes me proud that I have EVER got through it. :)
  • carakit
    carakit Posts: 126 Member
    I just ordered Insanity and have not received it in the mail. Im excited to get started. I am hoping that I get it tomorrow that way I can get started on Monday. Feel free to add me if you like!! We can help motivate each other through it!
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I started this week (on day 5 in the morning). I haven't been this sore since I stopped playing football. The nice thing about it is that you can push yourself as hard as you are able, so you can get a good workout at widely disparate fitness levels. The better shape you get into, the harder you work, so it never gets easier but it does get better. I'm liking it so far. We'll see whether I can get the results I'm hoping for.
  • janebshaw
    janebshaw Posts: 168
    I have not done Insanity. But judging from the ads and other people's comments, I think it is too insane for my fitness needs.

    Personally, I think it would make a lot more sense for Insanity to start people out slower, and not tell them to do a crazy fitness test workout that from all I've heard leaves people very sore for days. Most exercise programs encourage people to increase their fitness level gradually and don't see how close they can come to killing them during the first workout! But like they say, it's insane.

    BTW, I am reasonably fit. I go to a boot camp class 2 or 3 times a week, do a group strength training class, a spin class, run, and some other things.