pregnant women on mfp

I have lost 63lbs with MFP - my husband and I are now expecting our first child - a boy! Looking for any hints and tricks to not gain unnecessary extra weight during pregnancy. The first 22wks, I was extremely ill, so didn't gain much. Still dealing with nausea a couple times a week, but finally able to eat. Also, if you've ever dealt with SUA, id love to talk with you :)


  • Salt_Sand_Sun
    Salt_Sand_Sun Posts: 415 Member
    Continue with some form of exercise. Walking and swimming are great ways to burn a few calories....but the key is not really to burn but keep your body in shape so you'll "bounce back" quicker after baby is born. Continue to eat healthy. you are not really eating for two so no need to double up your portions. Also, stay away from lots of junk food (cake, cookies, ice cream, etc).

    Best of luck to you!! Congrats on yoru pregnancy
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    Eat healthy and do light cardio (walking or use the elliptical). I agree with the fact that when pregnant, we really are not eating for two. I think the recommended calorie increase is maybe 300-400 a day but even that sometimes is too much.
    If you stick to healthy foods every day, you'll be back in no time after the pregnancy!
    also talk with your doctor for any questions. Every 'body' is different. I used the elliptical during my entire pregnancy up until the 40th week and it was perfectly safe for me.
  • I'd ask your doctor. I am a personal trainer and have certification for Pre- and Post- Natal Exercise training. And I won't even give advise to anyone without information from their doctors first. Remember is all about that lost the weight once you can do it again if it's just a few extra baby lbs.

    Congrats on the little boy! How exciting!
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    First talk with your doctor. They would give you any advice that you need. But just eat healthy. Get your fruits and vegetables in, make sure that you keep active within the recommendations of your doctor. When I was pregnant with both of my sons, I walked daily for two miles and did yoga at night. Make sure you keep up your water/liquid intake. It gets harder to drink the needed fluids the bigger you get, because you have to make more trips to the bathroom. But do not let yourself get dehydrated!

    Congrats - boys are so much fun!
  • Lacey_Cakes
    Lacey_Cakes Posts: 223 Member
    Dont put any stock into "eating for 2" i was on WW when i got pregnant and stopped and ate anything I want cause everyone said it was okay. I gained 80 so be careful! lol. Just eat 500-600 extra calories per day (thats what drs say) and walk a whole lot.
  • JRSchumaker
    JRSchumaker Posts: 93 Member

    My advice on the weight gain is to stay reasonably active and maintain your healthy eating. If you didn't realize, you can set your MFP calories to allow you to gain weight. You could set it at .5 or 1 lb a week, according to your healthy gain goals, and use that as a bench mark for your eating.

    All my best for smooth sailing the rest of the way.
  • NJD2885
    NJD2885 Posts: 216 Member
    continue workouts just adapt them you can walk, swim, yoga etc. Listen to your body if you're hungry eat but you only need like 300 extra calories a day so don't go too crazy lol. keep junk food to a minimum
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    First of all, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Baby's are such a gift!!!

    Next....exercise. Walking, moderate strength work, swimming, things that are not super strenuous, but keep you moving.

    Additionally, only eat about 300 extra calories a day for the baby....unless directed else wise by a Doctor. You don't need 1,000 extra calories a day. Keep track, and stay close to the 300. . .you will gain some weight, but it shouldn't be an enormous amount.

    FInally, take care of yourself and try to enjoy the non nauseated days of pregnancy. While pregnancy was hard (and unattractive) on me. . .AND I gained a TON of weight. . . it was still a very special time in life. One that you cherish as the years go by.

    Best wishes!!

    edit: typo
  • GnomeLove
    GnomeLove Posts: 379
    I had a really nice doctor in Germany who told me that I should only eat around 300-400 extra calories per child. I had twins, so I stuck to that plan (600-800 extra calories) and did not heifer up.

    Also, remember that you are pregnant, not disabled. You can still do light exercise unless you are put on bed-rest or something. I would usually just walk around...until the 8th month when I could hardly move.

    What I would do if I were you is just up your calories in the database for the extra amount while you are carrying the baby.
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    It's about 300 calories extra a day vs. a "normal" diet, which is less than when you're breastfeeding (500 calories burned daily doing that). I stayed very active during all 3 pregnancies, power walking all the way to the end. A little bit of exercise is good and very helpful.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I'm about 9 weeks and I wish I was nausea because I swear I could eat a house. I've heard the outcomes are actually better if you do have nausea. I can tell my PCOS is in high gear because all I want to eat is sugar, soda, and fruit.
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    im pregant too.& over weight to begin with and i run swim, walk and bike as much as i can. i try to eat sensibly and my doc says i can keep up w/ my exersise i just have to monitor my BPM so i dont over exert myself. its doable. I just dont want to go hog wild like i did with my first child so im moving my body and eating right . i never go hungry or anything. so we'll see what happens
  • Oodalolly
    Oodalolly Posts: 3
    I have a six week old myself! I gained 31 pounds all together (weighed right before baby was born) and 3 weeks later I had lost 28 of it! And it took 3 more weeks to shed the last 3. I didnt do anything special and I still want to lose more as I am bordering on the overweight/obese range already. I just feel so relieved that the weight didnr stick around!

    One thing I didn't do while pregnant was just give myself free reign to eat whatever I wanted. I know some pregnant women go hog wild (thinking of my SIL) And talk about all the horrible food they simply *must* eat. Personally, I craved fruit and salads!

    So I think mindset makes a big difference. Excess sugar and fat is bad for all babies, not only if you have gestational diabetes (i did not) So just don't buy that giant tub of icecream and box of fresh baked cookies!

    And remember that you will gain some weight and don't feel bad! It will go away! A lot of it is your doubled (or tripled?) blood volume and of course the actual baby and placenta! (Mine babyy was 9 pounds! )

    Good luck with your labor and delivery!!!
  • PibblesRun
    PibblesRun Posts: 236 Member
    Yes...what they said! I for one...Gained 70 lbs during my pregnancy!!! its SOOO easy to let the baby be an excuse to eat. I told myself I wouldn't do it...but I did it anyway. (I wasn't on mfp at the time to help me either, maybe I wouldn't have gained so much!) I found out about mfp through the pregnancy site, baby center.

    If I could do it over again I definitely wouldn't "eat for two" Id be wayyy more mindful of what I ate and adapt more willpower to eat more fruits and veggies instead of that slice of cake or cookie! I just a month ago (my girl is 14 months now) finally got to my pre pregnancy weight! Now im 7 lbs less than my pre pregnancy weight with only 33 more to go! :) I was losing when I got pregnant as well.

    Good luck on the boy! I had a little girl. I want a boy but there will be no next time for me...Im a high risk pregnancy and my husband and I agreed its not worth the risks again.
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    I am 125 lbs now at 5'7". I got up around 170 all 3 pregnancies (was 137 before having children and am maintaining 125 now).
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    Thanks for the input! Now that i'm actually able to keep food down (most of the time), i'm hoping I can make the right choices and bounce back fairly quickly....i'm ready to meet my baby boy!