THE CLINIC CLOSED AND LEFT ME HIGH AND DRY WITHOUT i didnt like the feeling of being soo dependent on something...not only psychologically but to have to watch so carefully and continue to do so... i called to make a new appointment and they said oh that clinic closed but there is one two hours away..i ordered online from them and they where supposed to ship it out but didnt...grrrr...
so i decided to go back to my routine before my plateau of regular everyday exercise..i mean i did lose 44 pounds on it before i tried hcg...its just not for me..went back to my supplements and going to start tomorrow...
wish me luck on my regular exercise plus supplement journey... :) i miss running and cant wait to start..i miss my morning oatmeal too..cant wait to have a bowl with blueberries before my workout in the morning :)


  • bgat
    bgat Posts: 63
    oh i cant wait to be back on my 1200-1300 calorie days with a great diet and regular exercise...i miss exercising and feeling like ive accomplished something :)

    not knocking hcg it just wasnt for me....
  • Gorgeous1
    Gorgeous1 Posts: 450 Member
    all the best to you!
  • KristenStone
    KristenStone Posts: 106 Member
    My sister is on HCG and she lost 10 lbs in the 1st week! I wanted to try it, but only got through the load the 1st actual diet day I was binging on PB &J's!! It was terrible. I just realized it wasn't for me either. But since then, I have been dieting and exercising, and I am down 4.2 lbs in 9 days! To each their own :)

    And breakfast is good!! haha That was one thing I just couldn't deal with. ;)
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Good for you! I had great concerns about HCG when my friend start doing it. This was amplified when she mentioned that her doctor practically begged her to stop doing it and go see a nutritionist instead. I can't help but feel relieved :)
  • bgat
    bgat Posts: 63
    well i was sick all lastnight and this morning...started hallucinating and dreaming really bad..come to find out my blood sugar and some other things where out of whack... i went to see my doctor this afternoon and said it was because i was out of the hcg and still trying to eat like i had been because of the clinical doctors closing and telling me they sent it...i guess it was a blessing in hair has been thinning too i didnt notice at first but my stylist asked me about it today..scary!!! its just not for me... i lost 44 lbs on regular diet and exercise before i tried hcg a few weeks im confident i can get over this little set back... thanks for the might be slower but im sure the results will be worth it!!!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    well i was sick all lastnight and this morning...started hallucinating and dreaming really bad..come to find out my blood sugar and some other things where out of whack... i went to see my doctor this afternoon and said it was because i was out of the hcg and still trying to eat like i had been because of the clinical doctors closing and telling me they sent it...i guess it was a blessing in hair has been thinning too i didnt notice at first but my stylist asked me about it today..scary!!! its just not for me... i lost 44 lbs on regular diet and exercise before i tried hcg a few weeks im confident i can get over this little set back... thanks for the might be slower but im sure the results will be worth it!!!
    Sounds like a wise move to give it up, you did great on working hard on your own with healthy eating and excercise! That will last, 'diets' don't keep the weight off, it's simply not something that a person can maintain for their lifetime.

    Sorry you went through all the scary stuff you did last night, glad you were able to get a hold of your doc today. I inquired about it with my Doc, not for me to use but simply because there are so ppl on here jumping on the HCG bandwagon, curious on her thoughts.

    She said, OMG, no that is the most unhealthy thing a person could do to their bodies, I said, yea but some doctors are saying it's ok, you could see such concern in her face as she shook her head.

    Gotta love a doc that cares more about their patient than the money.:drinker: :heart:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I know someone who tried it and she's having some health issues now. I admit I haven't read much about it, but it seems very extreme to me. Hard work and healthy eating always pay off in the end. Quick fixes never seem to work out. Good for you on losing 44 lbs!!:drinker:
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    Diet and exercise may not be 'Easy' (neither is the HCG from what I hear) but it does work and the Side Efects are FANTASTIC!!!

    Good Luck with your new plan!!
  • bgat
    bgat Posts: 63
    thanks...i was so scared there would be a lot of negative feedback for this subject but it is nice to know it is not for everyone and other people have had some issues too that could be resolved by just getting off the diet...i didnt decide until after i met with my regular doctor this evening because i still was trying to get the hhcg this afternoon because i was concerned about running out..thank god i went to the doctor and then my stylist noticed my hair...i would of freaked out losing alot of hair...
  • bgat
    bgat Posts: 63
    -167 goodness that is such an did you do it???
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Diet and exercise may not be 'Easy' (neither is the HCG from what I hear) but it does work and the Side Efects are FANTASTIC!!!

    Good Luck with your new plan!!
    'Side effects are fantastic' Love how you put that!:laugh: So true isn't it?:flowerforyou:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Diet and exercise may not be 'Easy' (neither is the HCG from what I hear) but it does work and the Side Efects are FANTASTIC!!!

    Good Luck with your new plan!!
    'Side effects are fantastic' Love how you put that!:laugh: So true isn't it?:flowerforyou:
    Ditto! :drinker: :laugh:
  • bgat
    bgat Posts: 63
    i dont think either are easy...i think a person has to try different things and find out what works for them... exercise and eating right works for me...hcg doesnt... doesnt mean it wont for other people...
    good luck to everyone and thanks for the responses
  • sbird
    sbird Posts: 9
    I am sorry, I am so confused. I am not putting this down in any way but I have never heard of HCG before as a weight loss application. Maybe I am just in the dark and have no idea what HCG is in your reference but if we are talking about the same Gonadotropin, don't most pregnant women gain weight during pregnancy when HCG is naturally in their bloodstream?
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    -167 goodness that is such an did you do it???

    I went to Curves, watched my Portion Sizes, limited White Food, and Eliminated all Pop from my Diet. And when I was able I started walking every day, at first it was only 5 or 10 minutes at a time, but now I can do 5 miles most days.
  • fivefatcats
    bgat - if you know me you know I am a big HCG proponent - so I won't even go there.

    But - I also feel that if you choose your foods wisely, you can eat alot more than 1300 calories a day and reach a healthy weight anyway. I am really big on:

    whole grains (like Ezekiel bread)
    lots of proteins
    lots of salads
    good fats (nuts, olive oil, avocados, real butter)

    and avoiding:
    simple sugars and artificial sweeteners
    potatoes and pasta and most breads
    vegetable oils and butter substitutes

    I finished my HCG thing. Now I am doing the 'healthy eating" thing and am eating 2000-2300 calories a day without gaining.

    Best of luck to you and I hope you feel wonderful whatever you choose.
  • bgat
    bgat Posts: 63
    bgat - if you know me you know I am a big HCG proponent - so I won't even go there.

    But - I also feel that if you choose your foods wisely, you can eat alot more than 1300 calories a day and reach a healthy weight anyway. I am really big on:

    whole grains (like Ezekiel bread)
    lots of proteins
    lots of salads
    good fats (nuts, olive oil, avocados, real butter)

    and avoiding:
    simple sugars and artificial sweeteners
    potatoes and pasta and most breads
    vegetable oils and butter substitutes

    I finished my HCG thing. Now I am doing the 'healthy eating" thing and am eating 2000-2300 calories a day without gaining.

    Best of luck to you and I hope you feel wonderful whatever you choose.

    I just wasnt for me... i didnt know why my energy level was so low or why i was feeling the way i not knocking hcg...i just discovered this evening it wasnt a good diet plan for me to follow...i do believe people can be very successful with it and keep the weight off...
    I also think that we can eat way more then 1200 calories but to restart my fitness plan i am going to do what i did in the very beginning and slowly increase my calories... also... i do eat very well always did..i just like oatmeal and tend to stay away from starches and most pastas...i learned how to eat right or wouldnt of been so successful with the weightloss before i tried hcg...i appreciate your support ..
    thank you fivefatcats :)
  • bgat
    bgat Posts: 63
    yeah for you ljcannon...great job!!!!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I am not judging the OP one way or the other. We all have to make decisions with which we are comfortable.

    I am writing to address the issue of hair loss. Biotin is a supplement that helps keep hair healthy. It is one of the supplements that I have run across regularly as being recommended to take during an HCG regimen. i have been doing so for 24 days now (on HCG regimen), and my hair is just fine, for what that is worth.