Just started today

Hi everyone. I have what I think is the story a lot of people hear. Single parent, always puts her children first so she never has time to take care of herself, much less workout and eat healthy. Well, hopefully I'm going to break the mold. I know I can do this, I've lost the weight before. Back then, though, I didn't change my eating habits. I just added excersizing 5 days a week. As soon as I quit, here it all came back and it brought friends... I love the idea of a food journal, it makes me accountable for everything I eat. I've been good about going to the gym but need to get better. I want to do this for me. I don't want to end up like so many others. I need support though. That's why I'm here.


  • patriot201
    patriot201 Posts: 117 Member
    Hi Diane! I just joined today too.
  • marshanuss
    marshanuss Posts: 5 Member
    Recently new too, within the last week... Good Luck Guys :)
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Just joined this week, myself. The food journal is great. A very handy tool...kinda opens your eyes as to your calorie intake. I'm a single mom too. It's time take care of ourselves so we can better care for our children! Good luck on the road to health. We're here for you!