Done with WW

Started following myfitnesspal on May 13 and to date, I have lost 4 pounds. Had not been losing on Weight Watchers for MONTHS. Started following calorie intake and began losing. I don't see how they cannot give fruits any points and allow you to eat as many as you want along with vegetables, since some are so high in calories...So happy I found fitnesspal! I'm back to losing. I've always exercised - Zumba three times a week. Now I should probably add some weight training - but I love Zumba way to much. I do the Zumba toning so I do get some weight work in. Not enough, though.

Anyone else quit Weight Watchers and begin fitnesspal? How is weight loss going? Have you started losing again?


  • I was a former WWer. I know it works, I lost over 100lbs on it before I got pregnant with my daughter. However, there is a point where it's not fun anymore - that's when I found MFP. I'm losing quickly here..hope you do too!
  • I left WW for MFP.

    I wasn't losing on WW.

    Feel free to add me :) Today is my first day on MFP
  • tray1966
    tray1966 Posts: 3
    Same feelings here with WW. New today. Feel free to add me too.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    I left WW too....but only because I was almost at goal but needed a WW was expensive and the Database was not that good....... I think a change gives us a boost - these diets based on lifestyle changes all seem to work but I get bored and need a kick up the backside now and again........ plus I find it more friendly here........and the site is quicker and works better....
  • healthymelisa
    healthymelisa Posts: 166 Member
    I left WW a few years ago after they changed their plan and the plan has became more expensive. I just started MFP but it seems pretty straight forward.
  • tschaff04
    tschaff04 Posts: 296 Member
    I lost almost 100 pounds on WW prior to getting pregnant with my third child. It worked for me, but when I started losing PP weight again, I didn't feel like paying when I could do this for free. So I tried it, and I love MFP!! It works even better and for free!
  • challenger9509
    challenger9509 Posts: 286 Member
    I done WW in the past and I thought about going back but it seemed to me to be constantly changing..I dont feel this way with MFP. You get the facts mostly and can track with some great tools and support and without all the cost associated. My sister in law is on WW and has been struggling to get any of her weight off. So i turned her to MFP and I am going to try and help her get set up and learn to use the site so hopefully she will start to see results too.

    WW was great, I did lose almost 50lbs before I got pregnant also but I agree I also got bored with it. I was younger and probably taking my diet more serious now but i can see where some would decide to switch.

    Welcome new members to MFP!!
  • kkclif
    kkclif Posts: 155 Member
    I quit WW to use MFP as well. I didn't like it when they switched to the points plus system, it became so frustrating for me. I would be over my points almost every day and I was eating healthy! I also disagree with the unlimited fruits thing. They contain sugar and carbs so I think they are better off consumed in moderation. MFP's database is also WAY better. WW rarely ever had what I was searching for...MFP usually does without a problem. Feel free to add me and good luck :smile:
  • Runhard13
    Runhard13 Posts: 138 Member
    best of luck on your journey on here..we all love success stories..feel free to add!!
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    Yup. I'm a Weight Watchers drop out who came here to MFP with better luck!!
  • pfrid
    pfrid Posts: 9
    I lost 69.6 pounds on WW back in 2008/2009. Did great on the Momentum program, but whenl they changed to the Points Plus program, I started gaining. Even when I followed the program 100%. It was so frustrating. I would try to mix it up a bit, and gave all fruits I ate a point value of 1 (2 for bananas), but still kept slowly gaining. I eventually started following it less and less, and found myself gaining about 30 pounds back. Tried the Points Plus, but still nothing. I really enjoyed the support feel of the meetings though. And yes, it is very expensive. I was free when I hit Lifetime, and was there until 2011, I think.

    Found MFP, and when I follow it.....I have success. Did it a while ago, then got off track, and am now trying again. :)

    I admit that I get a bit confused when I read posts about eating back your exercise calories, because that seems a bit counterproductive to me. So I'm not doing that yet.
  • craftynerdmama
    craftynerdmama Posts: 18 Member
    I was successful with WW in the past, but only mildly so. My biggest problem was staying motivated to track it all, and finding points values for everything got...boring. Trying to find a balance between using all my dailies (which was often a challenge) and whether or not to eat any of my weeklies/activity points was annoying and I never quite figured out which worked best for me. So I'd often just quit, only to keep getting back on the wagon later and convince myself this time would be different.

    I had been discussing this on my blog and with some friends and a few people mentioned MFP because there's no real calculation other than adding and subtracting. I don't need to know a formula or carry a special calculator with me -- I can do the math in my head -- I have X amount of calories left for the day, and this thing I want to eat has Y calories, so that will leave me with Z. I'm over-simplifying it, of course, but I'm hoping that this newfound easiness will help me to stay on track.

    I still have my WW Online membership active... I think I'm just afraid to let go of it because I've literally been on and off of it for about 13 years, but MFP is going to be my go-to now!
  • hello everyone i would like to try mfp and stop ww...just scared that i wont lose weight....
  • lynlog
    lynlog Posts: 4
    I just downloaded the MFP app today and am looking at following this. I have been a WW member forever. Many years ago I did very well and lost a lot of weight on the program but have been struggling now for a long time. I hesitate to cancel my WW monthly pass but I am really interested in this program. I also recently bought the Jawbone UP and was excited to learn it syncs with this app.
  • rhondaec
    rhondaec Posts: 85 Member
    I've done WW several times. This last time I lost 17 pounds but then got off of it so I'm hoping calorie counting is gonna be eaiser for me then the point system. So far so good. Thursday will be my second weigh in and I lost 4 pounds my 1st week on MFP. Good Luck with your journey with MFP!
  • eacrowleyky
    eacrowleyky Posts: 6 Member
    I need an accountability partner in here. I need to loose another 30 pounds, and I work better when I'm being held accountable! Anyone else working on a goal like this? I travel a lot so it's easier to have accountability partners 'digitally' than in person.
  • BajaDreamin333
    BajaDreamin333 Posts: 267 Member
    Yes! It's on the long list of things that did not work, and the monthly payment made me angry.

    They've got a great system, with lots of success stories. But I love the "hard truth" of a calories in / calories out. I also think MFP has a much bigger database of foods, even band and restaurant specific which live.
  • kmamaward
    kmamaward Posts: 11 Member
    Former WWer here. Didn't like paying, pretty much everyone elses story. I like free.
  • kjonescat
    kjonescat Posts: 1
    I go to the WW meetings but track on MFP. I also got a trainer. I am hoping I can lose the last 20 pounds.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • Rowan813
    Rowan813 Posts: 170 Member
    I lost about 45 pounds with WW. I am a lifetime member. I have used both and currently enjoy MFP more. The meetings are really good at WW for some people along with the weigh in keeping you honest. They both work if you follow the plan. I think WW is best for those new to weight loss. After you maintain a while it gets old.