PCOS'er seeing weight loss for the first time EVER

Hi! I am new to MFP, and am using it on advice of my personal trainer. I am also insulin resitant, and although I haven't been "officially" diagnosed with PCOS, I have most of the symptons and am pretty sure I suffer from it.

Well - I just couldn't believe it when I stepped on my Wii board this mroning to do my weigh in, and I had lost 2.4 pounds since FRIDAY! I am at a total of 8.1 pounds at exactly one month of sticking to my new lifestyle. This is HUGE for me. I have NEVER, and I mean NEVER in my life lost a pound, much less 8 of them!

My trainer made me go to a no starch/breads/grains "heavy carb" diet for this week. Well today is only day 3 of that, and it must be working. From what I read about PCOS, eliminating the "bad carbs" is one of the key's to success.

I can't believe it is working, I have never seen ANYTHING work for me - and I have tried so many times in the past! This is so motivating and just what I need to keep me going :)


  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    congrats! stick to the plan and you will succeed!
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Great Job! Nothing like success on the scales to keep you motivated!
  • Kellyann615
    Congratulations!!! No one knows how big of a deal that is unless they've done it. Great work! After MFP, I look back on past weight loss attempts and realize it didn't work because I had no idea what I was doing. It's really a pretty specific technique to whittle the weight off and not mess up your metabolism, or in your case, any other situations going on within the body. With MFP, you know you're losing pounds of fat, not muscle, not just water weight. I just rejoined and am really sticking to it because if you live this way, it will come off and stay off. Good luck to you and stay motivated!
  • DianneMoreno
    thanks ladies! im 10lb down now....i'm sorry- but hollllyy *kitten*! i'm just so frick'n excited, motivated and beyyoond happy!
  • taherickson
    This is so motivating! I also have PCOS and have never been successful in losing weight. Im REALLY frustrated but you have given me hope! keep up the good work
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    PCOS'er here too. Congrats! We can do it :)
  • nikolerock
    nikolerock Posts: 13 Member
    Congratulations. I know that there is a link between PCOS and thyroid disorders. But, didn't know that PCOS causes difficulty losing weight. Is it just having a general hormonal imbalance that causes both PCOS and weight gain? I am feeling like losing 45lbs is impossible today. It's nice to hear about other people's success.

  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    Isn't it great?! I have PCOS too and I've been losing weight for the first time EVER and it is all thanks to MFP! Best feeling! I'm not losing as much as I should be and what most people are (the 2lbs. a week, even though I eat and exercise like I should be), but I'm still happy to be where I am today. Good for you- keep at it!! We'll all get there someday! =)

    Nikole, PCOS is a condition that basically makes your body believe that you are constantly in a state of first trimester pregnancy. So, the body stores everything as fat to prepare for the baby that is not there and it makes it incredibly hard to lose and extremely easy to gain. It is one of the many unfortunate symptoms of PCOS. =\
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    I am so glad for you! Congratulations! :) You will reach your goal weight, just stick to all the changes that are working great for you :drinker:
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    PCOSer here too, so from personal experience, know how hard it is. I reduced carbs, and try not to eat anything that has (even natural) sugar without a bit of protien becuase it will help with the insulin resistance. Don't know if you have read the PCOS diet book by Collette Harris but I find it very helpful.

    You are doing so well, keep up the hard work and you will get there. Congrats xx
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I'm so glad to hear you are finding what works for you. Each of our bodies is unique and we all lose weight a different way. What works for one, may not work for another and it is very important to figure out your own individual balance. Congrats on the loss!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    congrats honey! very excited for you!

    i also have pcos, so feel free to friend me for support and encouragement if you want.
  • HotMommy0609
    HotMommy0609 Posts: 224
    Awesome!! Glad you have found something that works. :drinker:
  • seventeenlucky77
    seventeenlucky77 Posts: 92 Member
    Congrats on your achievement!! I also was diagnosed with PCOS and since the beginning of April I have lost 49 pounds! It has taken alot of gym time and some serious food watching to figure out what works.
  • snyder2teach
    So, besides nuts, what can you grab as a quick snack on a minimal carb diet? Congratulations!
  • KrissyD70
    KrissyD70 Posts: 92
    Good job! Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    I also have pcos and suffered a 30 pound gain after having a cyst burst on my ovary in 2005 i was 125lbs and in 06 i was 152 and stayed 152 untill May of 07 when i started gaining pregnancy weight and ended up at 170 in jan 08 when i had my baby... luckilly lost all of that down to 152 within 6 weeks and stayed untill jan 09 gained 40lbs with my daughter and ended up at 192 in sept of last year... I am now back to 172 a 20 pound loss..(10within 6 weeks) and did not lose the last 7 untill now I started in june 1st of 2010 and have lost 7 pounds .... somewhere between october and june i lost 3 pounds but hey its hard with pcos.

    I walk morning and night and really try my best not to eat junk and i now am going to a zumba class 2 times a week and keeping up my walking as much as possible and starting the last week in august i will be going to the gym 1 time a week ontop of my zumba aerobics class and walking so im keeping my fingers crossed

    woops me and my math skills haha in june of 2010 i was ......??? well crap im confusing myself i was either 186 or 183? haha i forgot but at any rate i am now between 169 and 170 lol so between like 7 and 9 pounds
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    i figured it out haha at the beginning of june i was 178 and have lost 9 pounds down to 169 : ) ... i was at 182 after i had the baby in september and lost 10 lbs in 6 weeks and somewhere between october and june i lost 4 pounds : )
  • DianneMoreno
    Thanks ladies! All your words of encouragement are so nice to read. It is truly a battle that nobody really knows you are going through - it is so nice to see other's who have had success with it. I really felt like I had no hope and would be stuck because of PCOS. When I see women who have lost 40, 50, 60+ pounds - it gives me so much hope.

    My personal trainer has restricted all of my starch and carbs. I am supposed to only eat veggies, fruits and Meat. I limit the fruit a lot though - due to the sugar (I am insulin resistant). I eat about 1500 calories a day of veggies, fruit, Meat, hummus, nuts....and drink over 120oz of water a day. I have found happiness with this food - and am content in that being my options. It was a mental adjustment to think about all the things I COULDN'T have....but it's been about two weeks and I am getting in the groove. I do make a sandwhich about once a week, but view it as a "treat" and enjoy it! I want to get books on PCOS diet's, but haven't had the time yet.

    Congrat's to all of you who are loosing with PCOS! I know we can do it if we stick to it :)
  • liane72uk

    I have just been tested for homone levels and referred to the hospital with PCOS. I have had no information yet other then be heathly. I want to lose 2 stone to be back where I was before the Mirena and the Depo injections.

    I've been reading about cutting down on carbs and was just wondering how are people doing that? What are options for lunch at work without bread or pasta?!? In trying to be healthy I am taking food into work but that is generally sandwiches or a pasta salad.

    Also, I have read about protein with sugar to help your body cope, just wondering what you use when you are eating fruit?

    Sorry for all the questions, just want some more info!

    Thank you
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