Why am I so scared of the gym

I don't know what is wrong, but I just can't get my head around going to the gym. I can't stop thinking that everyone will be looking at my jiggling, and sweating and puffing and panting and laugh at me.

Its really inhabiting my progress.

Every time I gear up to go, my own self conscious lets me down :'(

Does anyone have any ideas?


  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    This might not help much, but you're not alone :) There are so many people that are intimidated by the gym, but the only way to get over it is to just do it. I wrote a blog post about this very thing http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/murphy612/view/does-this-treadmill-make-me-look-fat-263800

    It's been a year and half and I still come up with at least 3 reasons to not go to the gym that day, but I still go. Something that makes it a little easier is to have a plan before you go. There is nothing worse then going and standing there lost and not knowing what to do. Have a plan, walk in like you own the place and get your workout done! You can do it!!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    99% of the people in the gym are too focused on their own selves to care about what anyone else is doing. And even if they do judge who cares what some random small minded stranger thinks? You are doing great by facing your fear and going!

    Just think if you go to the gym today how much further along will you be in 6 months or a year than if you never go. Everyone has to start somewhere! Make this your day!
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    Why do people think gyms are a bunch of big muscular people ganging up on the newbies and picking them apart?? Get your butt to that gym! Most of the people in there are out of shape. Every one in there is there to become better versions of themselves. If they wanted to sit around and judge others, they would go to the mall or something.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    It's perfectly natural to be self conscious about exercise but the truth is that unless you do something to draw attention to yourself like making a grand entrance wearing a shocking pink spandex outfit no one will even notice you. (I used to be very self conscious about wearing running tights in public until I realized that we runners have become such a normal part of the urban landscape that we may as well be invisible)

    Have you got someone you can go with? There's strength in numbers....

    In any event you need to make a decision as to what's more important; the fear of feeling embarrassed or taking that first step towards a healthier/fitter you. As FDR said "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself".......

    In anyone does notice you at the gym they're more likely to have a positive opinion of you for making the decision to take better care of yourself.
  • oldandhealthier
    oldandhealthier Posts: 449 Member
    Is it possible that some people have unpleasant memories of gym class back in school? Just wondering if that could cause some kind of phobia.
  • nacv77
    nacv77 Posts: 2
    I can understand your fear of the gym. I've been there too. The truth is though, no one there will judge you. I have found that most of the people in the gym are (a) too busy with their own workout to notice what you are doing (like indicated by Ready2Rock206) or (b) more than happy to help and encourage you to reach your own success.

    If you are still timid about it, I encourage you to invite a friend who has similar goals to yours. Not only will this be a great form of motivation, but you'll have each other to lean on when that fear raises its nasty head. A few people I know met their first loss goal at home (there are loads of workouts - short and long - on YouTube for variety) until they felt a little more comfortable to start visiting the gym.

    Just remember, in the long run you are doing this for you, and no one else's opinion should deter you from that.

    Best of luck!! I'm rooting for ya!!
  • ChristinaR720
    ChristinaR720 Posts: 1,186
    I have lost 35 pounds without going to the gym. I have an elliptical and hand weights at home, and I plan to invest in kettle bells, too. When I started this process, I knew my limitations and my lack of motivation for the gym was a big one. So, I made a relatively small investment and essentially brought the gym to me. I have recently added running to the mix and, with less than 10 pounds to go, I will reach my goal without having set foot inside of a gym.

    But, if you feel like the gym is the best for you, then I agree with the previous posters who have said that people aren't there to judge you. And, if they are, their opinions of you shouldn't matter. Do what you need to do and try not to worry about them! You're there for YOU!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I can't stop thinking that everyone will be looking at my jiggling, and sweating and puffing and panting and laugh at me.

    Everybody feels this way.

    The reality is, if anybody notices you and sees jiggling, they're thinking "You go! I wish I could tell her how inspirational she is without embarrassing her."
  • dawnymc1
    dawnymc1 Posts: 29
    I felt the same way when I started going, so I join a gym for women only. I eventually joined a unisex gym and even though I felt a little intimidated I received just as much if not more support from the members at the unisex gym. Guys can't wait to show you proper form if they see how committed you are. I became a fixture in the gym after a while, I found Tito be a real ego booster. 170lbs lost later I don't regret my decision to " man up" and join the gym :happy:
  • dawnymc1
    dawnymc1 Posts: 29
    I can't stop thinking that everyone will be looking at my jiggling, and sweating and puffing and panting and laugh at me.

    Everybody feels this way.

    The reality is, if anybody notices you and sees jiggling, they're thinking "You go! I wish I could tell her how inspirational she is without embarrassing her."

  • admegamo
    admegamo Posts: 175 Member
    At three of the gyms I've joined in my town and at our local Whole Foods, I've been heavily made fun of. At the whole foods, a guy and his friends moo'd at me. I'm 28 and each time it was by people my age or older who were being jerks.

    I think that depeding on where you live and probably many other things, you might run into people who have just not matured. I weigh well over 300lbs and I like to stick on some headphones (they have cool "sport" type so your ears don't get all mucky and they stay in). When I'm focused with some good fast tempo music, nothing matters and I don't notice anyone.If I think someone or people are making me the subject of their "evil" thoughts or mean words, I just refocus my eyes to an area that no one is standing and keep pushing on.

    ***I was partly trying to reply to this comment as well***

    Why do people think gyms are a bunch of big muscular people ganging up on the newbies and picking them apart?? Get your butt to that gym! Most of the people in there are out of shape. Every one in there is there to become better versions of themselves. If they wanted to sit around and judge others, they would go to the mall or something.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i want you to think about the fact that the reason all those fit people are at the gym, is because there is something about themselves that they want to correct.

    just like you.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    also, worried about people??? start going as early as possible. less people there.
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    Call the gym you think about going to about what times are the quietest. Then schedule an introduction session for that time. It'll get you in the gym, with someone that explains to you what is what at a time where there's not too many other people around. This could be late at night, this could be very early in the morning, or half way through the day. Don't worry about always having to come in at that time, just do it for the first few times to get a feel for the gym. Then slowly change your time to the time that fits you best, regardless of how many people there are.

    Do make that introduction appointment, it'll help you get in there for the first time!
  • MK608
    MK608 Posts: 47 Member
    You know what, when I'm at the gym, I don't pay attention to anyone.. I'm too busy concentrating on my own workout and making sure I'm kicking my own butt! It's not always easy, but try to remember that you're probably spending more time being self conscious than the amount of time anyone else is even noticing that you're there. And if they do notice you're there, they are probably thinking about how great it is that you're there!! You can do it :)
  • MK608
    MK608 Posts: 47 Member
    At three of the gyms I've joined in my town and at our local Whole Foods, I've been heavily made fun of. At the whole foods, a guy and his friends moo'd at me. I'm 28 and each time it was by people my age or older who were being jerks.

    I think that depeding on where you live and probably many other things, you might run into people who have just not matured. I weigh well over 300lbs and I like to stick on some headphones (they have cool "sport" type so your ears don't get all mucky and they stay in). When I'm focused with some good fast tempo music, nothing matters and I don't notice anyone.If I think someone or people are making me the subject of their "evil" thoughts or mean words, I just refocus my eyes to an area that no one is standing and keep pushing on.

    This story makes me really sad!! I'm sorry you've had that experience :/ Major kudos to you for blocking it out and getting your workout in!
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    I can't stop thinking that everyone will be looking at my jiggling, and sweating and puffing and panting and laugh at me.

    Everybody feels this way.

    The reality is, if anybody notices you and sees jiggling, they're thinking "You go! I wish I could tell her how inspirational she is without embarrassing her."

    Completely agree. I always send positive thoughts and good vibes to anyone I notice who's obviously working super hard.

    I was terrified of the gym. But then I noticed that probably 1% of the people at the gym were in fantastic, fitness model shape. The rest of us are just plugging along, doing the best we can. I call my gym Average Joe's because with the exception of Steve the Pirate it's just like Average Joe's in Dodgeball. There are people at all levels of fitness, all shapes and sizes and all ages. Seriously, there are a number of people at least in their mid-70's who work out there. Now if they can get to the gym regularly, then I don't have much of an excuse.

    Do it! You'll be so proud of yourself when you're done!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    The best thing I can tell you is to go anyway. Most people are not paying any attention to you. But even if they are, why should you let them keep you from going? You've just as much right to be there as they do. Don't let fears of things that haven't even happened keep you from progressing.
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    At three of the gyms I've joined in my town and at our local Whole Foods, I've been heavily made fun of. At the whole foods, a guy and his friends moo'd at me. I'm 28 and each time it was by people my age or older who were being jerks.

    I think that depeding on where you live and probably many other things, you might run into people who have just not matured. I weigh well over 300lbs and I like to stick on some headphones (they have cool "sport" type so your ears don't get all mucky and they stay in). When I'm focused with some good fast tempo music, nothing matters and I don't notice anyone.If I think someone or people are making me the subject of their "evil" thoughts or mean words, I just refocus my eyes to an area that no one is standing and keep pushing on.

    I'm sorry that happened to you and so glad it didn't stop you from taking control of your fitness. I hope that you at least reported to the gym management the other patrons who were making fun of you? That is not acceptable behavior from any one.
  • Rjohnsonjr32
    Rjohnsonjr32 Posts: 117
    I don't know what is wrong, but I just can't get my head around going to the gym. I can't stop thinking that everyone will be looking at my jiggling, and sweating and puffing and panting and laugh at me.

    Its really inhabiting my progress.

    Every time I gear up to go, my own self conscious lets me down :'(

    Does anyone have any ideas?

    It is just your self consciousness, I say J.D.I. (Just Do It)...If they have time to look at you and make fun of you at the gym, then they are not in the gym for the right reasons and are wasting their time and others time as well. That is my take on it. No one will be making fun of you at the gym. Just go in with the intention of gaining knowledge and burning fat and calories!! I was self conscious as well, but I received lots of help and support and I was able to join a couple people and they trained me for free!! I gained lots of knowledge and now I am ready and thinking about training people myself. Take your headset and go in and do your thang!!! Don't worry about anyone else.