Water -- Recommendations to get it in???



  • Try drinking an 8oz glass of water every hour. Also caffine free tea with Splenda is good!
  • cb46
    cb46 Posts: 1 Member
    I use flavoring in my water. Otherwise, I won't drink it. I even buy ALL bottled water and still won't drink it. Usually I use crystal light , or lemon, tea, something to change the flavor.
  • ChloGlam
    ChloGlam Posts: 11 Member
    I downloaded an app for drinking water on my phone. Its been really helping me as it notifies me when I should drink more. Getting used to t now!
  • ChloGlam
    ChloGlam Posts: 11 Member
    I also put some lemon and cinnamon in my water to make it yummy :-)
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Do it like a shot. Have a smaller 8-ball glass that you fill up every hour, then chug it. Seems to work.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    1. Pour a glass of water

    2. Raise it to your lips

    3. Take a drink

    4. Swallow

    5. Repeat
  • jamielynas
    jamielynas Posts: 366 Member
    thirsty? have a drink of water!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I posted this to one of my MFP friends -- so I thought I would get suggestions from anyone who has any......

    I need an IV for the water....I just looked at the clock 4:13 and then looked at my full water bottle. How pathetic am I -- not an ounce all day. I wish I could be better at the water thing. I know how much it would help my weight loss, disposition and skin etc etc etc.....got any recommendations????
    Did you drink anything? I can't imagine going the entire day without drinking something. Whatever else you are drinking, switch it water, or flavored water.
  • kiern18
    kiern18 Posts: 61
    I used to have to force myself to consciously drink water. Then I got Crystal Light Liquid. I'm not trying to advertise for them, but by slightly sweetening the water, I drink so much more now and it's no longer a struggle. I would definitely recommend trying it. :)

    This. There's nothing wrong with a little Crystal Light, I drink it all the time and I am losing weight consistently. I make infused water sometimes, but when I don't have time and I am on the go, grab a Crystal Light and pour it in.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    Reply to all of these water threads and have a glass every time they get bumped! :drinker:

    Have 2 glasses if the reply says something about not counting coffee, flavored water, soda, etc. (May be coffee, flavored water or soda, etc.)
  • debbiebn
    debbiebn Posts: 1 Member
    Yes yes, the flavoring for water makes it easy to drink. I also like ice water so big glass of ice water with flavoring makes it go down easy!
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    I'm not sure if you already have practice with this, but swallowing helps.

  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    Drink it. lol I love water. I drink a 1/2 liter in one sip.

    Note: I've lived in 2 countries out of the USA.

    Republic of Georgia - Was told NOT to drink water because it will make me fat. Go figure on that one. My host family grandfather was a doctor and believed this.

    South Korea - Told I should only sip a small amount of water after a meal because it slows digestion. May be true, but isn't that a good thing?!
  • SimplySabR
    SimplySabR Posts: 48 Member
    I have a 32 ounce water bottle - the kind with a straw. It's a contigo - I swear by it.

    But anyway, I fill it up once at 8am and again at 3 or so - gets in my 64 ounces. I used to be JUST like you - I swear, evolved from the desert! I wouldn't drink an ounce all day - I guess I tried to get it from the foods that I ate.
  • Way2slk
    Way2slk Posts: 48 Member
    When I finish a bottle water, I fill it 1/4 of the way and put it in the freezer, then take one out and fill up with water or ??? The water is always cold and lasts a while in the car, bike ride, walk.
    KAYRRIE Posts: 201 Member
    I use a bottle water with measuring lines on it. MIne is a 24 oz bottle that shows 24, 16, and 8 oz. So I know that if I drink and refill my bottle 3 times, that equals to 9 cups a day at least. When I don't have it I don't drink any water. I would also get a cute bottle, I know it sounds stupid, but when you have something you like on front of you, it entices you to use it.
  • Salty510
    Salty510 Posts: 121 Member
    Sorry if these have been said before but I didn't read through all the comments.

    I like to set a reminder on my phone or computer that I can snooze. I'll drink say, 10 gulps then snooze it for 10-15 minutes. Then have some more. Snooze. Drink. Snooze. Repeat as long as you need to. I still do that from time to time. And on days I do it, I drink heaps more water.

    If you put a bottle or glass of water next to your bed at bedtime, drink it first thing in the morning. Before you eat anything, drink 8 oz of water.

    I can't remember where I saw it, I think Pinterest, one lady got 2 bottles and a sharpie and wrote times on it. 24 oz's from the top she wrote 10 am, 24 oz's lower she wrote 12 pm and she did it on both bottles so she could keep track through the day. It's a pretty good idea if you are out and about, I would think.
  • faely
    faely Posts: 144 Member
    "Rather, surveys of food and fluid intake on thousands of adults of both genders, analyses of which have been published in peer-reviewed journals, strongly suggest that such large amounts are not needed because the surveyed persons were presumably healthy and certainly not overtly ill.
    Most people on this site do not fit that description. Maybe that applies to healthy people.

    From the same article:
    "your body will tell you when it's time to replenish your water supply, because once your body has lost between one to two percent of its total water, your thirst mechanism lets you know that it's time to drink some water!"
    Again, maybe that applies to healthy people but probably not many of us here. Exhaustion and not getting enough sleep, and many other conditions, can cause your body to tell you its hungry and thirsty when it isn't, and vice versa. Many of us did not drink enough water before, and now that we are drinking more, a lot more for some of us, we are getting healthier.

    8 glasses might be too much, it might be too little, it might be just right. We are all different. The bottom line is to drink enough for your body. For me, coming from 0 glasses of water per day, instead I drank easily 6 20 oz dr.peppers, and then later, diet coke's, to now drinking 4-12 glasses of water a day, with the occasional diet coke, (I think I've had 4 in the last 12 weeks), I am a lot healthier. I can already see great changes.

    It isn't just 'get some liquid in you'. It's 'get some healthy liquid in you'.

  • aclowe01
    aclowe01 Posts: 14 Member
    camelback u drink soooo much and dont even realize it!

    YEAH! Camelbak! Your drink without even realizing it's gone.