Done with WW



  • harvatj
    harvatj Posts: 5 Member
    I re-started MFP today with some encouragement from a friend. And I'm feeling more hopeful about success than I have in months.

    I've been on WW for most of the year and just keep losing and gaining the same 7# which is unacceptable. I've tried eating all my points, only eating daily points, eating activity points, not eating activity points - it's ridiculous and at the end of the day it's not working for me. Can't tell you how comforting it is to discover I wasn't the only one struggling.

    So now I'm here looking for support too. This app does all the math for me in very real numbers - calories cannot lie right??? Good luck to us all!:smile:
    Anyone can feel free to add me.
  • I learned so much more information on MFP about food and loosing weight then ever did on WW. It has taken the mystery out of losing weight and I feel that you have a truer knowledge about what you are eating and the calories in those foods than you get from WW. Also website here is invaluable and the food database is 100% better.
  • cheddarski
    cheddarski Posts: 1 Member
    I started with MFP last week and really like the convenience. I've done WW way too many times, and I needed a change. I love using my phone to keep track and how fast and easy the app is to use.
  • dltp223
    dltp223 Posts: 28 Member
    I switched because I hated/wasn't losing on Points Plus. I've since lost 25 lbs on MFP AND it's free? GIVE US FREE!
    Former WWer here. Didn't like paying, pretty much everyone elses story. I like free.
  • tibanks
    tibanks Posts: 5 Member
    Fellow WW here too I've joined and rejoined so many times I've lost count. I'm new to mfp, but I love it..and best of all it's free. I cancelled my WW membership a few months ago & I've been in limbo until I happened upon the mfp app. Already I like it here, it feels right and much simpler and handier to use what's not to love. I've gained a lot of great info from WW, but now onto bigger and better things.
  • 20More
    20More Posts: 45
    I did well on WW till they kept changing the program. I never enjoyed logging like I do now! This is so much more fun and motivating. The meetings I went to were getting way off track. I feel like I am accomplishing so much more here. You can add me as a friend for this journey if you wish:happy:
  • Lind140
    Lind140 Posts: 140 Member
    I really liked WW. I didn't know squat about nutrition, and healthy eating til I started.
    I had a wonderful teacher who encouraged questions if you didn't understand.
    The group shared ideas, recipes, and tips that really helped me at home.
    Due to work schedules, and a few other problems I had to stop and restart several times
    but they still saw me through losing my first 100 pounds. I hear that the program has
    not changed for the better which is sad, I went in the late 1990's and the program worked for me.
    MFP is a great logging tool, so I'm happy to be here and have truly great friends to share with.
  • cabart26
    cabart26 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm with you! And WW on line was so hard to work with. You'll be really pleased with this. I've only lost 5 pounds over the last 3 weeks, but some of my clothing is fitting loose. I took measurements and added a few others. I figure as long as I see progress on one side or the other, it is still progress. Also, I know that even though I have increased my workouts, I tend to eat up to the exercise allowance. This week I am focusing on keeping to the calorie count before the exercise. Let's do this together.
  • Ww has it place for some people, lost 30 lbs on the program but need to lose more. I have MS and lose weight slowly. I found great support at first, when I adjusted what I ate and lost weight just because of that, but soon was at a calorie limit and I only lose weight about 1 lb per week. The judgement was too hard at the meetings. I don't want to explain over and over that I'm happy with a pound per week, better than gaining a pound per week. Fitness pal helped me over the hump and find rewards again along with identifying what makes me feel better and lose weight!
  • natezach12
    natezach12 Posts: 1 Member
    I liked WW. Didn't have a lot of weight to loose. . Lost 10. Now just want to lose 5 more. I feel like 1200 cal is low. I liked that WW didn't give points to vegetables. I snacked on veggies more than I do now. This is my 1st day w MFP hope it works.
  • I hate paying someone to tell me how to eat, I lost 50 pounds with WW once,but it took me 8 months,and alot of money, I now watch what I eat, walk,move as much as possible, and started doing body wraps a few months ago,it has been what has worked for me.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    and to think MFP IS FREE...
    WW you pay!!!!!!
    I lost 50 pounds using the WW system in 2005. It works but i havent gone back since. I just needed help with my dedication and hopping on that scale every day in front of someone did that for me.
    but i've got it down pat now on my own.
    good luck with your MFP journey!
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I'm currently doing WW, but I'm on the verge of quitting and sticking to MFP. The tracking system here is a lot more user friendly and the online support from other members is a lot better as well. For the price of WW you would think that they would make some improvements to their online tracking tools.
  • jacksonsoxfan
    jacksonsoxfan Posts: 8 Member
    I've done WW back in 2005, lost 50 pounds and was Lifetime. But now I've gained 15 pounds and am too embarassed to go back to WW which I know works, so I'm tracking now with MFP to see how it works for me. And yeah, WW is so expensive but I think that's why it worked for me, I hated to spend money on losing weight so I was motivated to stick to it so I'd be at my goal weight and not have to pay. So far I like MFP.
  • hollyquilt
    hollyquilt Posts: 14
    Yep, gained 4 lbs in one week on WW. They need to revamp their program again!!! Finally losing weight on MFP and the community support is wonderful . Believe me, we are not alone !
  • Mbishop7684
    Mbishop7684 Posts: 171 Member
    I was a former WW as well, from high school until the age of 26 I yo-yoed to and from WW. My reason are the same as everyone else, and I found the workout points VERY frustrating. What kind of system gives you points based on "perceived" exertion? I perceived myself working VERY hard so I am going to give myself the MAX points for working out :-)
  • Meg_Shirley_86
    Meg_Shirley_86 Posts: 275 Member
    hello everyone i would like to try mfp and stop ww...just scared that i wont lose weight....

    You'll be fine. Probably even do better, and you can save yourself some money. I did WW, and really, their "secret formula" still just means you're watching calories, and watching calories is much more simple. I lost weight painfully slow on Weight Watchers, and I always was second-guessing how many points I had logged for each item/exercise/whatever. MFP is pretty cut and dry. Only 3% of WW members ever actually meet their goal and maintain it. I'm not saying WW is bad, because it isn't, people have saved their lives by following that program. It's just way too convoluted and expensive. And forgive me, but I always found the meetings a little hokey. I mean, if you share a small victory or whatever you get a little sticker. For some people, that's a great form of encouragement. It was done with the best of intentions, but it always felt condescending to me.
  • osiris04
    osiris04 Posts: 3 Member
    I have had intermittent success with WW. I wouldnt knock the program but in the end, it hasnt been the best for me. I dont suscribe to the fact that you can eat everything and still lose. For me, some things need to be put aside. SInce WW has a lot of substitute foods, I found myself buying those foods to compensate. For instance, I love the lemon pound cake from Starbucks, WW has something similar. At the end of the day, I have learned that I need to cut out some foods in order for my body to losr. Everyone is different. That's just what my needs are. In order to stay focussed, I have to cut!!! :tongue: I also learned that I can do this without paying $$$ every week. Now that was a great revelation!! So, Im getting back on track.. You can do it too!! :wink:
  • mjkingsbury
    mjkingsbury Posts: 21 Member
    I'm a Weight Watchers dropout as well! Their program was to expensive and I found the database here on MFP had almost everything- I have been pleasantly surprised more than once! I tried WW a number of times but could never dedicate myself like I have been able to with MFP... and MFP is free! BONUS! :)
  • Indymom45
    Indymom45 Posts: 7
    The thing I noticed with ww is they tell u to exercise and that's the end of it.They mention it but that's about it.I think with fp you see your calorie intake as soon as you log it and that makes me want to walk,ride a bike,at least do something even if it's house cleaning.and the whole don't count fruits and veggies never made sense to me because they still have calories .It's like saying 25+25 =0 and we all know calories add up