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So I smoke weed almost everyday yet I'm trying to lose weight. About 2 years ago I was diagnosed with depression and I would take medications that didn't really change anything it made me numb I've also been hospitalized for suicidal thoughts twice in a year. Only recently I started smoking weed like 4 months ago. Yesterday I played basketball with my friends while high at a park and I was letting my team down because I am so out of shape and that's one of the reasons i want to really start losing weight again and all my friends are skinny and don't know what being morbidly obese feels like. Anyways is anybody successfully losing weight while still smoking weed u know like u eat right and exercise while still smoking weed if so how do I get the will not to eat certain things while high . I'm not taking my anti depressants I use weed because it makes me happy and more social and just makes me more open than I have ever been. Also add because I need some more friends on this!


  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Step 1. Stop smoking weed
    Step 2. Get your other problems sorted out and identify your priorities.
    Step 3. Make a plan and execute.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Have fun with your gyno. Weed raises estrogen, bruh.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Have fun with your gyno. Weed raises estrogen, bruh.

  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Micheal Phelps, Arnold, what great athlete DOESN'T?
  • ThinUpGirl
    ThinUpGirl Posts: 397
    from 14 to 20, I suffered from depression and I was smoking weed everyday. I got pregnant with my son at 20, so I quit and I didn't feel depressed and I had a lot more motivation to do things. When my son was 1 and I was 22, I started again.

    First occasionally, but quickly I was doing it daily. I no longer wanted to workout at night, but i'd rather smoke weed. I became depressed again. After a while I figured id try something new.

    At 25 I decided I was going to do a "90 day challenge" which I was going to challenge myself. For 90 days, I
    - Didn't smoke weed
    - Ate Healthy (no chips or pop which were me go to junk foods)
    - Walked everyday for an hour

    Within 30 days, I increased my daily walks to more intense exercise. I was finally sleeping through the night (before I'd stay up all night). I had increased energy and motivation. Best of all, I was no longer depressed or anxious. I should mention, I was taking medication from age 16- 25 for depression.

    At the end of my "90 day challenge" I had lost 25 lbs and felt amazing. I turned 27 last Monday, so it's been a little over 2 years and I haven smoked weed since. My depression is gone for the most part. Don't get me wrong, I still have down days, but I find it much more manageable. Also, I haven't been on medication for over a year now.

    For me, weed and life don't mix. Everyone is different, but I think you should try making your own challenge and see how it goes.

    Best of luck!
  • mackemom
    mackemom Posts: 277 Member
    Hi, there....
    I understand you wanting to use weed to relax and 'feel better'..and maybe fit in with friends, the whole social thing....But, really, is it going to make you feel better later on down the road? Weed affects motivation...and I think getting motivated to workout is hard ENOUGH ...know what I mean? Not judging, just think that it won't get you where you want to go, is all...just think, 3 months down the road, you could be feeling great, or you could be where you are now, or worse off....time will still go by...
  • SkeletonWishes
    SkeletonWishes Posts: 18 Member
    i totally understand where you're coming from i've been suffering with depression for many years also among ptsd/anxiety/schizophrenia. i didnt experience munchies that often but when i did it was very bad. if your gonna smoke id just make sure that you have some low calorie and healthier things in the house (or wherever u smoke) that you can eat instead of the crap you prob crave when ur high cuz ik for me it was taco bell and that didnt work out for me very well haha just be careful because while people dont wanna believe it, weed is a gateway drug and it proved to be a huge one for me and now I'm addicted to like 5 different hard drugs and i dont want to see anyone have to go thru drug recovery like i am. i don't mean to preach sorry i just dont want to see anyone end up like me. if u ever need someone to talk to u can always talk to me, anyone can add me im here for everyone :)

    hope it works out!
  • bootygone
    bootygone Posts: 34
    Step 1. Stop smoking weed
    Step 2. Get your other problems sorted out and identify your priorities.
    Step 3. Make a plan and execute.

    This..... this is probably the best thing you can do..... Believe it or not weed is actually a 'downer' so while it feels good to be 'high' at the time coming down is when 'reality' kicks back in & the whole process starts all over again.
    My advice is if you feel down or lifes just getting to much to bare at the time go for a walk, jog, punch a punching bag whatever, try to find something that'll take your mind of getting high.
    Good luck man, I haven't had a smoke in 17yrs, it can be done with the right support & attitude :-)
  • sarvasheesh
    sarvasheesh Posts: 14 Member
    So I smoke weed almost everyday yet I'm trying to lose weight. About 2 years ago I was diagnosed with depression and I would take medications that didn't really change anything it made me numb I've also been hospitalized for suicidal thoughts twice in a year. Only recently I started smoking weed like 4 months ago. Yesterday I played basketball with my friends while high at a park and I was letting my team down because I am so out of shape and that's one of the reasons i want to really start losing weight again and all my friends are skinny and don't know what being morbidly obese feels like. Anyways is anybody successfully losing weight while still smoking weed u know like u eat right and exercise while still smoking weed if so how do I get the will not to eat certain things while high . I'm not taking my anti depressants I use weed because it makes me happy and more social and just makes me more open than I have ever been. Also add because I need some more friends on this!
    yes bro
    weed is love
    the only issues i have had with weed is low stamina due to smoke
    which can be a problem if u do cardio
    best of luck
  • aepdx
    aepdx Posts: 218 Member
    Remember to evaluate your hunger if you smoked beforehand. Your stomach could physically growl, but you just ate! Track your food, munch on celery if ya gotta. Or gum. Drink a bunch of water.

    Smoking messes with your stamina though, to be honest. The more you workout, the less you will want to smoke.

    Just eat it instead! :)
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    from 14 to 20, I suffered from depression and I was smoking weed everyday. I got pregnant with my son at 20, so I quit and I didn't feel depressed and I had a lot more motivation to do things. When my son was 1 and I was 22, I started again.

    First occasionally, but quickly I was doing it daily. I no longer wanted to workout at night, but i'd rather smoke weed. I became depressed again. After a while I figured id try something new.

    At 25 I decided I was going to do a "90 day challenge" which I was going to challenge myself. For 90 days, I
    - Didn't smoke weed
    - Ate Healthy (no chips or pop which were me go to junk foods)
    - Walked everyday for an hour

    Within 30 days, I increased my daily walks to more intense exercise. I was finally sleeping through the night (before I'd stay up all night). I had increased energy and motivation. Best of all, I was no longer depressed or anxious. I should mention, I was taking medication from age 16- 25 for depression.

    At the end of my "90 day challenge" I had lost 25 lbs and felt amazing. I turned 27 last Monday, so it's been a little over 2 years and I haven smoked weed since. My depression is gone for the most part. Don't get me wrong, I still have down days, but I find it much more manageable. Also, I haven't been on medication for over a year now.

    For me, weed and life don't mix. Everyone is different, but I think you should try making your own challenge and see how it goes.

    Best of luck!

    What a helpful post! Nice to see around here.:drinker:
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    In b4b the lock.
    Shame on you for bringing this topic into MFP, Have you no regard for the sick and suffering Addicts out there.
  • aepdx
    aepdx Posts: 218 Member
    In b4b the lock.
    Shame on you for bringing this topic into MFP, Have you no regard for the sick and suffering Addicts out there.

  • mtnstar
    mtnstar Posts: 125 Member
    What about vaporizing, doing tincture, or edibles? This way you get the THC but not the hit on your lungs that might make exercising that much more difficult for you. I don't know what the availability is near you- I live in Colorado, so there are a lot of choices. I don't smoke anymore, but I'm pretty much in the minority. When I did smoke back in my 20's, I really liked to hike. It's one sport that seems to be pretty compatible with pot.

    I know a lot of people who smoke weed for mood stabilization. I don't think it's fair to bash the OP for trying alternatives to big pharma.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Try a supplement from the health food store called 5HTP instead, it has been shown to help with both depression and sleep issues, as well as issues with binging. You might find it healthier than the weed.
    Alternatively, do a crapload more exercise to counteract the depression, which is what I do.
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    Have fun with your gyno. Weed raises estrogen, bruh.

  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Have fun with your gyno. Weed raises estrogen, bruh.

    looks like you need some estrogen.

    Reported for a personal attack.
  • tessi1993
    tessi1993 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi There!

    im the same- just read my profile.
    when i first started smoking, i was also on ridilan for ADHD i lost 20kg in under 4 months.

    i use to smoke weed every second i could- when i woke up, in my work lunch break, and all arvo/night. i still did stuff but never excersied and ate like a hippo.

    here is what ive done, now i dont suggest you smoke weed forever. but im also a cronic anxity sufforer and have OCD.
    last year around novemeber i had a bit of a breakdown involving OCD.. the weed wasnt helping anymore, i was never sober so i didnt no what it felt like.

    ln december last year i went on a cruise wth my boyfriend and family- we couldnt smoke for 8 days (boyfriend also smokes) we did get given some weed on some of the islands but mostly we wernt smoking. we stayed off completly for about 2 weeks when we returned. i told myself no more bongs. if i was going to smoke it would be joints. since then ive smoke maybe 5 bongs, and that either when im extremmly drunk or have no weed and am extremmly angry lol.

    my boyfriend still smokes bongs at home (we live together) but it hasent stopped me (mostly) keeping this promise to myself.

    this is what i do.
    i dont smoke in the day- unless theres a reason..
    i never wake up and smoke or at work.
    i wake up an hour early an do an hour of excersise.
    i usually dont smoke till about 6pm, and when i do i have 4 joints tops. latly its been half of that.
    i make lots of healthy munchies the night before- and i dont buy junkfood.
    fighting the munchies is hard, but you can do it.

    i feel alot better these days, i have modivation and always want to do things.
    weed works differently for everyone. but everything in moderation my friend.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Have fun with your gyno. Weed raises estrogen, bruh.

    she means b!tch tits... gynecomastia. Fatty tissue that develops under the breast, it doesn't go away with out surgery...

    Why are you smoking, for your depression issues??? OR just for the hell of it?

    If you're smoking just for hell of it, it's pretty idiotic in my opinion.

    Idiotic why?
  • MissSaturday
    MissSaturday Posts: 784 Member
    I know that weed gives you more appetite so that can makes things harder. I wouldn't advice you to smoke
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