How often do you weight yourself?



  • crystalrp
    crystalrp Posts: 113 Member
    I weigh in on Monday evenings at a weight loss support group, and maybe once during the week at work. I don't own a scale and I think, for me, that is a good thing!
  • MeadeNJ
    MeadeNJ Posts: 6 Member
    Every day! It helps keep my focus and adjust my diet as needed. It was VERY helpful in understanding the impact of protein on my weight lifting routine
  • ethelwenn
    ethelwenn Posts: 6 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. Whenever the number's down, I'll feel good and try to not over-eat. But if the number's up, I get stressed out. I should stop. lol
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I used to do it every day. But I like the tape measure better. Now that batteries died on the scale, so who knows. Pictures and a tape measure are your best indicators.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    I posted the following on my blog -

    " I keep seeing advice on the forums to only weigh weekly because of 'fluctuations'. However these people never seem to realise that fluctuations can happen weekly as well as daily particularly for those trying to lose a pound a week (I try for 3). I have found if I am away all week and weigh myself the morning after my return, I am invariably the same or heavier than before I went away. Strangely if I then drink normally, over the next two or three days I lose a lot, sometimes 3 to 4 lbs. It's pretty clear this is due to water retention due to two reasons, one is not drinking enough, it can be difficult when travelling, two is eating in restaurants where the meals tend to be higher sodium than my normal. A few cups of tea and glasses of water a day and I am back to normal.
    When I'm working from home and drink normally, I weigh myself first thing every morning after the toilet visit and every morning see the scale move downwards. I have not had a single day where it remained the same or increased that I could not put down to sodium or less fluid intake, and it has always righted itself the following day(s).
    So if you're weighing weekly and see no change, or god forbid, an increase, don't get despondent and demotivated, make sure you drink enough and try again the next day."
  • Sarahrahi
    Sarahrahi Posts: 32 Member
    I know they say its best done fortnightly. But its so hard to not get on that scale every day! Tho doing it at one particular time every day actually is a better snap shot of whether its going up or coming down. Right now its stagnant! Which is making me impatient. But then plateauing comes with the territory. One just needs to change stuff around a bit for the body to take notice that 'Hey we are trying to lose weight here! So get on with it!' lol

    But I weigh in every day before my work out :)
  • MrsHStokes
    MrsHStokes Posts: 4 Member
    I weigh myself every Saturday morning, i don't weigh more often than that as your weight can vary by as much as 2.2lbs throughout the day, and i get really disheartened when i put on weight so only weighing once a week keeps me more motivated than weighing every day!

    Also i think the people who weigh a couple of times a day is overly obsessive!
  • loserlee123
    loserlee123 Posts: 109 Member
    I weigh myself every morning and log my weight into mfp on Thursday morning. The fluctuations don't bother me.
  • michael9346
    Although my wife tells me to forget the scale I weigh myself everyday. She seems to think you can tell if your clothes fit.
  • Bobhunter624
    I weigh in every day but the only one I record is the weigh-in on Sunday morning.

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Have been eating healthy & watching calories for 6wks without weighing.Will be weighed the 17th at Dr's appointment.That will tell the tale.My plan is to weigh in every 2 weeks & yes,will be looking to lose.
  • blgmw2
    blgmw2 Posts: 171 Member
    I weigh every day! I always hope not to see a gain. When I hit 149 this weekend, I was telling all my close friends, kids, husband and my fitness pal friends. Love it!!!
  • nettasue35
    nettasue35 Posts: 190 Member
    Every Tuesday, hope for a loss.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Most days. Yeah it goes up and down a lot, but when you weigh every day, you're aware of it, and it's less depressing than gaining 2lbs after a week. It doesn't even phase me anymore lol.
  • jpalocy77
    jpalocy77 Posts: 114 Member
    every morning after I get up, but I only log usually thurs or friday mornings.. a tleast if I do it everyday I know what to expect thurs or friday :)
  • traceytwink
    traceytwink Posts: 538 Member
    I weigh myself on the first of each month just to make sure I'm within a 5lb range either way of what I want to be, I just go by how my clothes feel the rest of the time ????
  • Troutman
    Troutman Posts: 28
    Why do so many of us that weigh everyday act like were doing something wrong. I own it. Another thing if my whole life I weighed myself everyday I doubt I would be over 100 Lbs. overweight. Because someone (expert) says weigh once a week, that is the way it must be? Give me a break. You know the experts say drink glasses of water everday. That is so wrong. Can you tell me a 300 Lb. person should drink the same amount of water as a 100 Lb. person. That makes no since.