Weightloss surgery



  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Have you tried counting calories and macros before, and sticking to a daily goal?

    I can't urge you enough not to do this. The reason WLS works is because you are FORCED into eating very, very small quantities. Over time you may not be getting enough nutrition, and your hair may start to fall out. Also, do a google search on WLS and "dumping." Seriously gross.

    It's hard for me to figure out how being cut open and having your insides rearranged with drastic consequences is preferential to eating a balanced diet with good, wholesome choices (read: not starving yourself), and getting some activity in.

    I'm not bashing the original poster - I'm bashing WLS and will continue to do so til the day I die. I'm saying it because I believe it or not, I do care about people (even ones I've never met) and want them to thrive and be the best person they can be.
  • salgalbp
    salgalbp Posts: 218 Member
    If you want a quick fix along with excess hanging skin. Be unable to eat many of the foods you now enjoy and have the risk of death I say go for it.

    ^^^^^^^^The person above is extremely uneducated
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Oh, it's DEFINITELY NOT a quick fix. However, I have seen it marketed as such.

    The 1-800-GET-THIN billboards (a lap-band surgery company) permeate the greater metro Los Angeles freeway system.
  • salgalbp
    salgalbp Posts: 218 Member

    I can't urge you enough not to do this. The reason WLS works is because you are FORCED into eating very, very small quantities. Over time you may not be getting enough nutrition, and your hair may start to fall out. Also, do a google search on WLS and "dumping." Seriously gross.

    It's hard for me to figure out how being cut open and having your insides rearranged with drastic consequences is preferential to eating a balanced diet with good, wholesome choices (read: not starving yourself), and getting some activity in.

    I'm not bashing the original poster - I'm bashing WLS and will continue to do so til the day I die. I'm saying it because I believe it or not, I do care about people (even ones I've never met) and want them to thrive and be the best person they can be.

    I have a slight problem with the above poster. Simply because if she states "I'm bashing WLS....because I CARE.....and want them to thrive and be the best person they can be" Then she is wrong, because bashing someone else, or THEIR choice will never result in a person striving to be their best.

    I also take issue with your uneducated response with your "cut open" "drastic consequences" "starving yourself". I love your passion, and think it is wonderful that you live passionately. Wouldn't it be something if you lived passionately out of love and compassion for all people how different your world would be and you could possibly be a small change in this world that would ripple.
  • starfish1783
    If you want a quick fix along with excess hanging skin. Be unable to eat many of the foods you now enjoy and have the risk of death I say go for it.


    And also rude.

    WLS is NOT a quick fix. If you knew anything about it you wouldnt bother saying stupid crap like this.

    It is HER personal choice, not yours.

    ^^^ Amen!!! Thank you!
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    If you want a quick fix along with excess hanging skin. Be unable to eat many of the foods you now enjoy and have the risk of death I say go for it.


    And also rude.

    WLS is NOT a quick fix. If you knew anything about it you wouldnt bother saying stupid crap like this.

    It is HER personal choice, not yours.

    Reading through some of the comments I've seen the words quick fix and excess skin from people who either work in the field, have had the surgery or know someone who has. It is a quick fix as a person can lose excessive amounts of weight in record time. As far as not knowing anything about it, i have a friend who has has gastric and she is all of the above.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    If somebody was choosing to snort cocaine to lose weight because they thought it was healthy, would it be okay then?

    Would you still be supportive of their choice?
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member

    I can't urge you enough not to do this. The reason WLS works is because you are FORCED into eating very, very small quantities. Over time you may not be getting enough nutrition, and your hair may start to fall out. Also, do a google search on WLS and "dumping." Seriously gross.

    It's hard for me to figure out how being cut open and having your insides rearranged with drastic consequences is preferential to eating a balanced diet with good, wholesome choices (read: not starving yourself), and getting some activity in.

    I'm not bashing the original poster - I'm bashing WLS and will continue to do so til the day I die. I'm saying it because I believe it or not, I do care about people (even ones I've never met) and want them to thrive and be the best person they can be.

    I have a slight problem with the above poster. Simply because if she states "I'm bashing WLS....because I CARE.....and want them to thrive and be the best person they can be" Then she is wrong, because bashing someone else, or THEIR choice will never result in a person striving to be their best.

    I also take issue with your uneducated response with your "cut open" "drastic consequences" "starving yourself". I love your passion, and think it is wonderful that you live passionately. Wouldn't it be something if you lived passionately out of love and compassion for all people how different your world would be and you could possibly be a small change in this world that would ripple.

    Omgosh people. The OP wanted advice. we are giving it to her. WLS is and should be the LAST option. Most who say they've tried everything have not. Because when it got too hard they stopped. I know of NO ONE who by sticking to an excersice/weight loss program. either Weight Watchers MFP or whatever have ever failed to lose and maintain the weight loss. If the program a person is on failed its because they did. Not the program. Calories in/Calories out. Its that simple coupled with an effective exercise program will yield results. If that is mean then so be it!!
  • OneDimSim
    OneDimSim Posts: 188 Member
    I think the Bariatric Nurse stated it best - make check out ALL of the surgeries -

    i think the Gastric Sleeve (VSG) give you the best chance at "normal" life- but also with that comes responsibility for your food choices - you can out-eat any of the surgeries!

    If you are serious, check this website - it is devoted to the surgeries and has a bazillion users either pre- post- op who answer questions -


    I don't recommend MFP for this type of questions...as you can see some of the folks r pretty harsh!
  • gimpygramma
    gimpygramma Posts: 383 Member
    My husband had bariatric surgery in 1987 and lost 130 pounds in a matter of months. He was 45 at the time and never had any problems with loose skin. They are no longer doing the type of operation he had since he and everyone he knew who had had the procedure had to have it reversed some 5-10 years later. In his case, scar tissue built up and totally blocked access to the stomach. He could not even keep down water. Once the operation was reversed, he regained all of his weight.

    Some of those who he knew from his gastroplasty support group did not do anywhere near as well as he did with the initial weight loss. Things like ice cream and potato chips went down like a charm....
  • sassafrascas
    sassafrascas Posts: 191 Member
    I Say give this sight an honest full effort try first! I had Gastric Bypass when I weighed 400 pounds right after high school the first 110 pounds fell off. Then I put 45 of it back on. Surgery is not a quick fix. I will say loosing 110 pounds saved my life I felt hopeless and helpless. But if you have any underlying issues with food and emotional eating surgery is not going to solve your problems and the weight will still be there. Either way it requires a lifestyle change. I never changed my lifestyle. But I am working on that now finally!
  • MissDeAnn
    MissDeAnn Posts: 47 Member
    I think you should talk to your doctor and research. However, I feel like you should try to lose weight without it, because your're surgery will go to waste if you don't eat right or exercise. Have you considered joining a weight lost clinic first?
  • olores
    olores Posts: 257 Member
    Close co- worker died having it done, another died after trying to have a tummy tuck as she lost weight from the surgery....poor 24 years YOUNG!!!! You can do it without that risk!!!! There is nomagic potion...move more and eat less!
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member

    I can't urge you enough not to do this. The reason WLS works is because you are FORCED into eating very, very small quantities. Over time you may not be getting enough nutrition, and your hair may start to fall out. Also, do a google search on WLS and "dumping." Seriously gross.

    It's hard for me to figure out how being cut open and having your insides rearranged with drastic consequences is preferential to eating a balanced diet with good, wholesome choices (read: not starving yourself), and getting some activity in.

    I'm not bashing the original poster - I'm bashing WLS and will continue to do so til the day I die. I'm saying it because I believe it or not, I do care about people (even ones I've never met) and want them to thrive and be the best person they can be.

    I have a slight problem with the above poster. Simply because if she states "I'm bashing WLS....because I CARE.....and want them to thrive and be the best person they can be" Then she is wrong, because bashing someone else, or THEIR choice will never result in a person striving to be their best.

    I also take issue with your uneducated response with your "cut open" "drastic consequences" "starving yourself". I love your passion, and think it is wonderful that you live passionately. Wouldn't it be something if you lived passionately out of love and compassion for all people how different your world would be and you could possibly be a small change in this world that would ripple.

    Omgosh people. The OP wanted advice. we are giving it to her. WLS is and should be the LAST option. Most who say they've tried everything have not. Because when it got too hard they stopped. I know of NO ONE who by sticking to an excersice/weight loss program. either Weight Watchers MFP or whatever have ever failed to lose and maintain the weight loss. If the program a person is on failed its because they did. Not the program. Calories in/Calories out. Its that simple coupled with an effective exercise program will yield results. If that is mean then so be it!!

    Thank you for this. :flowerforyou:
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I don't recommend MFP for this type of questions...as you can see some of the folks r pretty harsh!

    IE: Only seek advice on websites that tell you what you want to hear.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Its a myth that it is a quick fix. People have no idea how long the process takes or that you have to live with it for the rest of your life. They also dont realize that its permanent.

    It isn't always so permanent. Many people have stretched their stomachs back out. WLS is a tool, and you need to use it properly for it to be effective. I can say the same thing about MFP. Maybe people post that they aren't losing weight or have stalled and they don't understand. They may not be using MFP as intended. Each tool can work, and generally WLS will be faster than using MFP simply because you can't put as many calories in your body.

    Many people have used WLS effectively, lost weight, and kept it off. My mother is not one of them. She lost a lot of weight with her surgery, but from the beginning she had problems being compliant. She did get all the vitamins she needed, and wanted to eat some of the same foods. She'd eat too fast and too much, and so she was often running off to the bathroom to puke it up. I don't know that I would call it bulimia, but she literally had too much food for her system to handle. She never wanted to exercise, and she would sometimes do water aerobics. It's not that she couldn't go for a walk or get on an elliptical, she just didn't want to try because she never had before. I went to a gym with her once, and I really just couldn't convince her to try anything different.

    It's been years (I don't even remember how many) since her surgery and I think she's put about 40lbs back on. She's still much smaller than she was, but her diabetes really is just as bad as before. It's wildly uncontrolled, and even her insulin pump is not helping with that. She is now considering a revision to her surgery. I think she's an idiot because the second surgery is still not going to change her habits. She's not committed to improving herself and her lifestyle in it's entirety.

    I'm not saying WLS is bad, but you have to be 100% committed to improving everything about yourself: your diet, your exercise, everything. It is a life style change that you will have to stick with. The same thing can be said about losing weight "the old fashioned way". However, there is a huge list of risks associated with WLS, and there are different risks for different types of surgeries. Hell, just going under anesthesia for any reason carries a risk of death. You don't have the same kind of risk with just diet and exercise, but you don't get the constant positive reinforcement of the scale dropping *relatively* quickly. WLS also costs a hell of a lot of money (although my mom's insurance did cover a portion of it).

    My advice, try to get as many opinions as possible and read as many post surgery stories, and try to listen to both the good and bad experiences. I think you will have more luck on forums and support groups for those who have undergone WLS than you will here, just because the forums would be specific.
  • Rosytakesoff
    I don't recommend MFP for this type of questions...as you can see some of the folks r pretty harsh!

    IE: Only seek advice on websites that tell you what you want to hear.

    I can see where it would come across that way, but there are many people on Obesity Help who will tell the OP exactly what life after surgery is like-the good, bad, and ugly. The funny, the infuriating, the sad. All of it.
  • that_Va_chick
    I wouldnt odoit..I just had a co-worker who good friend had the bypass. She just passed away over the weekend because the incisions tore and she become septic. She was 34

    I have seen so many success stories from ppl on here...inluding me. I have always been overweight but have lost weight by following this program..Try this program first.
  • Lisathemommy
    I just saw this topic and wanted to comment. I just had Gastric Bypass on May 14th. It was a decision I did not make lightly. I thought about it for a very long time. I researched it. I talked to others who have had the surgery. I went to an orientation about it through my surgeons office. I took an education class about all the things to expect. My surgeon even told me at my 2 week pre-op appointment that this was NOT without risk and I need to be prepared for possible complications.
    All that being said, weightloss surgery is NOT for everyone, but that doesn't mean it's not for anybody. There are risks to surgery. There are risks to being overweight. There are even more risks to being morbidly obese. Weightloss surgery is not for people who need to lose 10, 20, or even 50 pounds. It's for people who need to lose 100 pounds or more. Most of these people, like myself, have an addiction to food that cannot be overcome. I have tried everything! Weight Watchers, Atkins, The Zone, personal trainers, and soooooo many other things!
    Surgery is NOT easy. It is not, by itself, a guarantee that I will lose all my weight and be thin for the rest of my life. It is a very effective tool that I have to use. I still have to do my part. I have time now to get my head wrapped around my addiction to food and to overcome. I also see a therapist. In my mind I didn't have time to keep trying to lose weight. I have been waiting to live my life for far too long. When I lost my oldest child in a horrible accident, I knew I couldn't keep waiting. My kids need me now.
    So for those of you who judge WLS or the people who choose to have it, need to mind your own business. You do what you need to do and those of us who choose surgery will do what we need to do.
  • nitau
    nitau Posts: 9 Member
    I had rny 3 years ago so here is my story. I was fat since I was 8 and at 54 I had my surgery after a million diets. I lost 120 lbs, but it was hard work. I was starving right out of surgery and had to diet from day one, just like before my surgery. Now that I am 3 years out, I can eat EVERYTHING that I could before, bread, sugar, all the things that made me fat. I kept my exercise up this whole time. Without exercise, I can gain 3 lbs over a weekend. I am up 40 lbs since my lowest weight and that was just in the last year. I Never thought I would be in this position. Oh no, not me, how could I go through so much, the waiting to be accepted my insurance, the two weeks of liquids before my surgery, having my guts rearranged, eating very little afterwards, vitamins for the rest of my life, protein first, no carbs, on and on. Well, here I am. I didn't have a transfer addiction, which could happen, I kept my original addiction which was food. That never changed. Oh, the first two years I didn't eat any sugar. Then came the trip to NYC and it all came back with one simple cannoli. I went to a psychologist for a little while, back to Weight Watchers, in fact, I just quit that today because I need to use this site to focus on protein not points. I am exhausted with trying to be "good." I am exhausted with trying to keep my self esteem up while my weight is climbing.
    All of this to say that whatever path you choose, the battle remains the same. The best of luck to you.