BD Mongolian Barbecue..

Hello Everyone,

I have just started this site this week and love it. This is day 4 of working out and sticking to a diet. I know it doesn't sound like much, but I don't remember the last time I made it to day 4.

My wife and I are going to BDs Mongolian Barbecue this weekend and would like some suggestions on what to get. She pointed out that on their site you can build a bowl which I am going to try doing. I also heard awhile ago that you can get lettuce wraps instead or tortillas.

Any suggestions would be great. And thank you for such a great community.


  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    Whenever I go, I just pile in the veggies (especially the green ones) like CRAZY. I pile in the broccoli, pea pods, onions, and mushrooms and personally choose tofu as my protein. You can probably go with chicken or seafood, too.

    As far as the sauces go, the one I go to actually has the nutrition info on those listed. I get the pad thai sauce and grab some cilantro and chili peppers! Pad thai sauce is 15 calories per serving. :)

    And whatever you do, be sure to ask for brown rice instead of white!
  • bellanean
    bellanean Posts: 220
    I have only been to this place once so I will try to give some tips that I remember.

    I would go with the build your on bowel. I would do brown rice with chicken or shrimp and all the veggies you want! Be careful with the sauces, thats where its going to get you. Look for the low fat/low cals sauces if they have them and only add a little bit.
  • Skinman
    Skinman Posts: 24
    I think you have covered the best idea. If I am going to a restaurant that has an online nutrition tool or menu, I plan my meal before heading out. I find it easier to eat well and stick to the calorie amounts I should. For example, Red Robin has a nice tool where you can play with the items on your burger and even remove the bun and replace it with a “lettuce bun”. So plan a head and follow thru by sticking to your plan. But if you change it a bit, don’t sweat it.
  • antiadipose
    they give u a choice or rice, tortilla, or lettuce wraps. usually i get brown rice and lettuce wraps (i usually force the other ppl to order the one i didnt order). ok after that u get a bowl and its basically a huge buffet ... FOCUS ON VEGGIES.. and lean meats. but bulk up ur meal with veggies (THEY HAVE SOOOO MANY DELISH VARIETIES)

    k most CRUCIAL part. is the SAUCE
    u basically can build ur own. dont touch the teriyaki/asian/white sauces/anything fancy.
    they have every single spice u can think of.
    so spice it up the way u like, add garlic, lemon and go for a LITTLE bit of whatever sauce looks simple. and not sugar glazed or sodium filled.

    enjoy =]

    i always always go there! if u make the right decisions, its quite healthy. and ooohhhh soooo yummyyyyy.
    man am i hungry lol
  • Loves2love
    Thank you everyone for the tips. I was really worried about going, but after going to their site and pre-building my bowl I'm in good shape (So to speak :) ) . About 500 calories and 11 Fat. I can deff. handle that.