Leg Weight... Cankles

This may seem silly but... I carry a lot of weight in my legs. Obviously in my thighs... but a lot in my calves too! I've been that way forever, so it feel like it will never change. my legs literally feel like tree trunks that happen to turn into a foot. Ankles? Who has ankles? Cankles are what I've always known! I'm afraid it will never go away... seems like some unrealistic thing I want changed on top of the 80 lbs I want to lose. Anyone ever have this problem? Or have any suggestions???


  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    I'm looking because I have huge calves as well. To the point where I dont go swimming, wear shorts, short capri pants or anything like that.

    I'd love to know.
  • JustJudy
    JustJudy Posts: 142 Member
    I have them too :cry: My PT said a lot of it is hereditary. I have lost inches everywhere except my calves!!!!!:sad:
  • lisalynn35
    lisalynn35 Posts: 250 Member
    I'm with you, like you wouldn't believe. I actually said to my husband last night, "Oh my G-d, baby my cankles are gone! Baby, I have ankles again!" And then we did a little dance around the living room with our son singing, "Yay for ankles, yay!" Really we did. I promise, you will have ankles again, you will.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've also been blessed with somewhat chunky legs, as I put it. But I can say you will see a difference once you lose weight! I've dropped 50 pounds and my legs do look a lot better. My calves went down like 2" and now are actually toned, you can see the lines of muscle! My thighs have gone down 2-3" as well so it's not a lot, but they have improved, and I can feel the muscle underneath now. You can't do much if you're legs are somewhat muscular, since that really won't get much smaller. But they will look much better when the excess fat is gone and they are toned. I've still got 25 pounds to lose, most of which is probably in my thighs... lol, but I am really happy with where things are now. I'll even wear mini skirts!
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    Thanks guys. Glad to see I'm not the only one. When you're just starting out it feels like nothings ever gonna change. My family retains a lot of water in our legs too! So I'm trying to keep an eye on sodium intake. But that's so hard when you're watching calories and fat too! ahhhhhhh
  • stringcheeze
    You can't do much if you're legs are somewhat muscular, since that really won't get much smaller. But they will look much better when the excess fat is gone and they are toned.

    This. You'll see ankles again, don't worry! :happy: But some are predisposed to more muscle on their legs than others. I fall into that same bracket -- I have to wear men's tall field boots for riding 'cause my calves won't fit into ladies.
    I'll even wear mini skirts!
    Brave woman! Even if I had the legs to pull it off, I don't think you could pay me enough. :wink:
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    i'll take muscle over fat... :) I need to work on thigh muscle!
  • bunny4oh
    I've had cankles since I was a baby!!! My cousin one time told my mom he wanted to get me ankles for Christmas!!!
    Well...I still have cankles and am not even overweight...I guess it's something we're blessed with haha
  • Julbella78
    Julbella78 Posts: 161 Member
    I have them too. Even when I was thinner I had them. My daughter is 4 and she doesn't have very defined ankles either and she's right on target for her weight. It all has to do with your genes. I have seen some pretty heavy women with thin fingers and ankles. I would love to have skinny ankles but I don't think they are in the cards for me.
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    They don't even have to be skinny.... I'd just like to see that they're there! oh well... only time will tell :)
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    Im exacctly the same, I dont need to loose weight really, but my bottom half seems like it has loads of fat. My calves for example, when you massage cream, you can see the dimples like the cellulite in the tops of my legs! Depressing!! Cankles too, so dont know whether it is hereditary or just still fat, also seems watery too!!
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    Me too. I've got them.. :sad: I feel like I'm never going to have smaller calves and they will always be bulky. :cry:
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    Any suggestions on how to help get leg weight down?
  • gypsy_nurse
    gypsy_nurse Posts: 39 Member
    I have the same problem. My legs are very muscular & bulky. I've been doing a lot of cardio to get the small layer of fat over it but I dont think i'll be lucky enough where they'll end up looking too different. I am going to start pilates to strenghten without bulking up even more. hopefully it will work somehow!