Literally cant understand what more i can do



  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    are you secretly sinking a *kitten* bunch of pints?

    youre not tracking all the time, which seems like you are slack with tracking your food/cals. if you do that, how do you know what you have eaten.

    tighten up the areas that are muddying the waters.
  • tbrain1989
    tbrain1989 Posts: 280 Member
    i defintley take on bored all the advice presented,

    i really appreciate all the time you guys and girls have taken to think and advise,

    i think i will find a pro-rugby equivalent to myself, see if i can find how much they eat and the exercise regime they follow,

    Just for further information as some have questioned it, i do weigh my food, all of it, my meals are planned usually at least a week in advance,

    i do need to log at the weekends, i dont drink very often so it cant be that, this weekend for example i cycled 116 miles on sunday,

    about 5 years ago i was completely lean, about 6% body fat, then all of a sudden, with out a change in my lifestyle my weight slowly picked up, before i knew it i was 21stone and just felt ridiculous. Even if i was still able to run 8 minute miles (which i think is amazing to see at 120kg)

    if any of you want to add me as friends, i can always do with more and hopefully my next rant will be in the success stories with all of you too thank

    much love MFP'ers have a good day :)
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    1. Log everything. If you don't, how can you know if you are eating enough?

    2. MFP builds in the deficit, so you don't need to be leaving so many calories over at the end of the day. I know sometimes we want to "save" a few for the weekend, but honestly that shouldn't be over 1,000 - even over 200 is really too little.

    3. Make sure you are eating enough - sandwichy-stuff is not enough to fuel your body properly (especially with lots of exercise), you need plenty of meat, fresh vegetables and complex carbs so you have the energy to exercise.

    But logging is the real key - you can't keep track of what is going in and out without it!
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Perhaps someone is injecting you with liquefied pies!
  • tbrain1989
    tbrain1989 Posts: 280 Member
    Perhaps someone is injecting you with liquefied pies!

    i know it, god damn sneaky syringes... there so sly and they just pump me full of calories
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Log consistently.

    Eat much more or exercise less (whilst you cannot see a net gain of actual fat - as opposed to weight which can rise - in a calorie deficit the rate of loss can be so painfully slow due to a poor programme to be almost worthless.)

    Ensure you keep daily activity other than planned exercise high.

    Take photos / measurements.

    Log consistently.

    Did I mention log consistently?
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Incidentally, if you want to make life simpler then don't worry about eating exercise calories back.

    If you keep the level of exercise you mentioned in your OP constant then eat about 3,200 calories per day as a starting point which factors in exercise.

    If you see no change after 2 weeks then drop calories by 10% and so on. You'll find your sweet spot eventually.
  • wffolkes
    wffolkes Posts: 186 Member
    I can only wish someone gave me this advice early on when losing weight was easy.

    Find out your TDEE - 20% and eat that amount. I am sure your eating way too far under what you need so your body is holding on to the food you are fueling yourself with.

    You're under eating and it can damage your metabolism which is what help you burn fat and lose weight. The amount of activity you are doing means your body needs feuling sufficiently. I found it hard to eat more and still am finding it hard but it works.

    I used the fat2fit calculator to work out my TDEE

    Hope that helps, do some research on here with regards to it.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    i know, it doesnt make any sense,

    unless im some kind of secret eater.

    ive been sticking between 1400 and 1800 calories,

    Right. I'm a 5'4" woman, I'm sedentary apart from 3x heavy lifting a week and I eat more than that (1700-2000) to maintain/lose about 1lb a month. Eat, man, eat!
  • binsylad
    binsylad Posts: 99
    Up your calories - As in Eating back your calories (As many have said on here)

    Why dont you Jolt the system, with a cheeky 5:2 Fast or 16:8 fast built in to your current routine? The second one is easy - you just eat all of your food between 11.30 and 19.30 (NO snacks outside)

    Drink plenty of water...

    BTW, Are you losinig inches but gaining muscle mass?

    Mike / UK/ 40
  • stu1102
    stu1102 Posts: 129 Member
    Hi Tbrain

    I'm not an expert on nutrition etc or on how and what to eat but

    Looking at my last 4 weeks I have lost 10.91 llbs equivalent to 2,72 a week

    I don't do any form of gym work

    I run approx. 11 miles a week and cycle approx. 45 miles a week that's it, nothng else

    I try and keep to my calorie target but if I under eat because I have cycled or run I don't worry about it

    Looking at your diary I suspect that your gaining muscle
  • parrrp
    parrrp Posts: 14 Member
    Get your thyroid checked!
    I got my 3rd dan in taekwondo while untreated hypothyroid, it was flipping hard work, but I wanted it and I didn't know I was ill. I thought feeling that tired was normal and I needed to work harder. (not saying anything about people who are hypothyroid and can't push despite it, it affects us all in different ways). If you've been doing sport a long time and your body is used to it, I think it's easier to force yourself to carry on than it would be to take something up... as a mental thing more than a physical thing. Giving up tkd would never have occurred to me, I know I can do it and it's not too hard, I've been doing it for years.
    I was eating hardly anything, walking loads, training several times a week and my weight was still creeping up...
  • kimmianne89
    kimmianne89 Posts: 428 Member
    i knew someone would say not eating enough,

    logic doesnt allow me to gain weight at a calorie deficit surely?

    you cant even build muscle if your not eating more calories then you burn.

    id have to eat about 4500 calories if i ate back my exercise,

    Every time I eat too little I lose first week or two, then gain. The odd low day here an there doesn't matter.
    Try upping them to about a little more every week and see if the weight starts moving. Good luck :-)
  • tbrain1989
    tbrain1989 Posts: 280 Member
    im certain im going to go for the upping calories attempt now, that seems to be the general consensus,

    i wont have any problem eating that much, plus ill try and log at the weekends, it might be then that im eating all my weekly calories!

    thanks everyone
  • kcragg
    kcragg Posts: 239 Member
    Looking at your diary I would say you need to increse the amount of protein you are eating and watch the processed food as it is full of salt.

    Good luck
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    I would definitely just have full blood works done by the doctor. Just in CASE. Sometimes our bodies have a hard time adjusting to new things, or it could be a physical thing. Normally I discount that, especially considering the amount of exercise you do - but as Spock says "If you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth" :happy:
  • rustyroof
    rustyroof Posts: 76
    You are eating far to little for the amount of workouts you do. Up the cals to at least 2500.

    I had the same problem
  • tbrain1989
    tbrain1989 Posts: 280 Member
    I would definitely just have full blood works done by the doctor. Just in CASE. Sometimes our bodies have a hard time adjusting to new things, or it could be a physical thing. Normally I discount that, especially considering the amount of exercise you do - but as Spock says "If you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth" :happy:

    that is an awesome quote ... thanks very much, guess i need to find me a GP
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member

    I would not suggest eating more. In your shoes, I would cut back exercise and both decrease and cycle calories.

    Cardio - minimum level required to maintain conditioning at a reasonable level

    Weights - 3 times a week, full body, one move per body part.

    My body might just be a special snowflake, but when I eat less, I lose fat and muscle, and when I eat more, I gain. If I stay somewhere between the two, I maintain.

    I set the app to sedentary, and I follow the leangains protocol.

  • broscientist
    broscientist Posts: 102 Member
    im certain im going to go for the upping calories attempt now, that seems to be the general consensus,

    i wont have any problem eating that much, plus ill try and log at the weekends, it might be then that im eating all my weekly calories!

    thanks everyone

    I hope you are not serious. You gonna take the "General Consensus" advice. Use some logic man.

    Your problem isn't because you are not eating enough.