Struggling to hit protein targets (without shakes)

I'm trying really hard to reach my protein targets as I've started strength training, plus I can see the health benefits. I've set my macros at a 40/30/30 ratio. Every day I'm about 40g short but everything recommended as a protein snack - peanut butter, eggs, cottage cheese, nuts etc still won't reach that target but will put me over in calories.

I'm generally not a wimp but I really hate shakes dating back to a childhood thing and the thought of a protein shake makes me gag. I can't afford bars and can't buy them near where I live anyway.

So do I keep plugging away at the protein target and not worry about the calories, or am I actually eating enough anyway and shouldn't stress it so much? I'm certainly not hungry except just before meals. The diary is open so any advice and support would be welcome.


  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member

    how i love jerky, it's a great snack. and helps me with my macros (they are set at the same)
  • cals83
    cals83 Posts: 131
    If you aren't a vegetarian try chicken. 4oz of boneless skinless chicken breast will give you 32 grams of protein for like 160 calories (different brands may differ)
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    Will it really? The neighbours got some chooks I wonder if they'd miss one?
  • mich1902
    mich1902 Posts: 182
    Here's what I have:

    Breakfast: 150g of total 0% yoghurt/15g protein
    1 scoop of vanilla whey protein/20g protein
    10g of flaked almonds/3g protein
    50g of berries(strawberries/raspberries)
    2 tsp stevia if needed

    total 38g protein

    am snack 1 wholegrain rice cake
    20g whole earth peanut butter/5g protein

    Total 5g protein

    Lunch 1 can of tuna in springwater/36g protein
    50g salad leaves
    balsamic vinegar
    1 boiled egg/7g protein

    Total 43g protein

    pm snack same as am 5g protein

    Total 5g

    Dinner 150g chicken breast/38g protein
    130g sweet potato
    80g peas
    fajhita seasoning

    Total protein:140 grams.

    I usually have a couplle hundred cals left for a treat. I always try and hit my protein and fat macros and have a treat like chocolate if I want it, or just eat more food.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    If I'm going to end up short I'll just eat a can of tuna with a fork.
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    Here's what I have:

    Breakfast: 150g of total 0% yoghurt/15g protein
    1 scoop of vanilla whey protein/20g protein
    10g of flaked almonds/3g protein
    50g of berries(strawberries/raspberries)
    2 tsp stevia if needed

    total 38g protein

    am snack 1 wholegrain rice cake
    20g whole earth peanut butter/5g protein

    Total 5g protein

    Lunch 1 can of tuna in springwater/36g protein
    50g salad leaves
    balsamic vinegar
    1 boiled egg/7g protein

    Total 43g protein

    pm snack same as am 5g protein

    Total 5g

    Dinner 150g chicken breast/38g protein
    130g sweet potato
    80g peas
    fajhita seasoning

    Total protein:141 grams.

    I usually have a couplle hundred cals left for a treat. I always try and hit my protein and fat macros and have a treat like chocolate if I want it, or just eat more food.

    Thanks for taking the time for this detail. Thanks to everyone else too :)
  • mich1902
    mich1902 Posts: 182
    your welcome :smile:
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    I second the jerky. I have become a big fan of turkey jerky. I keep like 3 bags in the pantry!! haha

    Also, chicken, steak, etc...

    Mix egg whites with eggs to get the boost of protein without all the extra calories and fat. I usually will do 2 eggs with maybe half cup of egg whites. Also, could throw some cottage cheese in for a protein filled breakfast! Although I would have that for dinner... haha I LOVE breakfast food for dinner. :bigsmile:
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    I eat a lot of protein.

    yesterday - breakfast was a huge egg white omelet with 4 cups of chopped sauted veggies, garlic and 1/4 avocado
    lunch - leftover pork tenderloin, raw veggies with hummus
    snack - greek yogurt, nuts, fruit (if I am shy on my protien I throw in a scoop of protien powder in my yogurt)
    dinner - steak with grilled veggies

    on workout days I have a post workout smoothie to get my calories up, have a strong protien after my workout (I do weights).

    this puts me in the 140-160 range.
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    Hmm hummus I never thought of. For those adding protein powder to yogurt, does it make the texture gritty?
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    I eat a lot of protein.

    yesterday - breakfast was a huge egg white omelet with 4 cups of chopped sauted veggies, garlic and 1/4 avocado
    lunch - leftover pork tenderloin, raw veggies with hummus
    snack - greek yogurt, nuts, fruit (if I am shy on my protien I throw in a scoop of protien powder in my yogurt)
    dinner - steak with grilled veggies

    on workout days I have a post workout smoothie to get my calories up, have a strong protien after my workout (I do weights).

    this puts me in the 140-160 range.
    looks like you got it handled, with tasty food as well.:smile:
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    I just eat Greek yogurt in order to help with my protein instead of adding protein powder. Plain Greek yogurt from Chobani is 140 calories and 23g of protein.
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    Hmm hummus I never thought of. For those adding protein powder to yogurt, does it make the texture gritty?

    the hummus I have here says only 2g of protein per serving . . . that's not really very much
  • 6spdeg
    6spdeg Posts: 394 Member
    eat egg whites no yolks straight protein.. low cal no fat no carb. i eat about 8 a day average.
  • claires89
    claires89 Posts: 10 Member
    I quite often have greek yoghurt with protein powder for breakfast. I find that it does taste a bit weird and gritty if you eat it straight away but for some reason if I mix it all up then put it back in the fridge for 20 mins or so, then the grittiness has gone away and it just tastes like normal yoghurt. I'm not promising it'll work with your particular powder, but it's worth a try. Also, I only use about 10g of protein powder mixed with 100g yoghurt so it may not work so well if I was using a whole scoop of powder. Hope that helps :)
  • mich1902
    mich1902 Posts: 182
    Hmm hummus I never thought of. For those adding protein powder to yogurt, does it make the texture gritty?

    No, not at all. To be honest when I first open greek yoghurt I hate how it looks and smells. I buy the 500g tub and just weigh out portions in a tall tupperware pot. I add in vanilla whey. I did try chocolate the first time and it was horrible, too sweet so I never went with that idea. Then the thought of using vanilla sounded good as I do like vanilla yoghurts. I also keep pure vanilla extract in case I want to boost the flavour. Once you give the greek yoghurt and whey a good stir it will go smooth really quicly and just looks like a normal yoghurt you would buy in the individual pots. I then just add the berries and nuts. I like squashing my berries into it too for extra flavour.
  • hmg90
    hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
    I usually go over my protein limits.
    For breakfast, I'll have egg scramble made from 1 whole egg and 3 egg whites. Then I'll usually have something with chicken for dinner. That's all it takes to reach the limit really.
  • mewtwo500
    mewtwo500 Posts: 29 Member
    I struggle a lot with this too! I am trying to reach 40% (Insanity meal plan) and consistently fall under. I tend to reach for more carb-heavy things so I really have to think a lot about the kinds of food I choose. You said you hate protein shakes, but maybe you just haven't found a protein powder you like? I don't care for the taste either, but I throw it into a regular smoothie and it is really not too bad. My favorites are Jay Robb and/or Natural Whey proteins...a little pricey, but lasts a while since you would only use one scoop a day. Things like greek yogurt, sliced turkey breast, and cottage cheese are other good choices. You could also use a mixture of egg/egg whites to cut down on calories. You can also buy low carb flax wraps (I buy the Damascus brand) that tend to have a good bit of protein in there. Hope that helps!
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Cottage cheese(Daisy seems to have the most protein)
    Greek Yogurt
    Any lean meat and fish-this seems to be what most people need to eat more of, 3-4 oz here and there won't cut it. When I eat meat it is usually by the 1/2 pound to a pound.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Another for 'more lean meat'.

    You could consider getting egg whites (you can get them ready-separated in a bottle) rather than whole eggs - can be added to other food in various ways, or use one whole egg and the rest whites.