Shortie! :)

I'm a 5'0 shortie who would love to lose 2 stone ish. Mostly i want to get healthy and I want to look good, so the number on the scale not too important.
I started today...would love friends and encouragement and I will return the favour ... :)


  • RIVAL916
    RIVAL916 Posts: 108
  • Thank you ????
  • Hey I'm not just limiting friends to shorties!
  • AmyRW1971
    AmyRW1971 Posts: 8
    Hi You can add me if you like! I'm new here and I'm short too, I'm 5'2 " :)
  • nolypoly1
    nolypoly1 Posts: 6
    Hi, I have just joined MFP today and I am also a shortie looking to lose weight. Like you I'm 5ft but I am looking to lose about 4 stone as I have piled on the pounds in the last few years after an accident but now looking to get a bit more active as hopefully my leg will hold out now!!! XX
  • I'm an extreme shortie! 4'11" :) Add me if you'd like, I need friends also!
  • maryrosenavoa
    maryrosenavoa Posts: 53 Member
    add me too guys.. I'm short but my height is average for asian. 5'1''
  • SweetpeaHu
    SweetpeaHu Posts: 45 Member
    You can add me. I'm 4"11. I'm a shorty too.
  • debpope82
    debpope82 Posts: 1
    Welcome. I am willing to encourage anyone that wants to better them selves.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    Well, I am 5'6" but most of my closest friends are shorties :) I am regular here and I'd love more friends!
  • CAS317
    CAS317 Posts: 267 Member
    So I guess I'm a tall shorty??? 5'4"
  • BettyIW
    BettyIW Posts: 103
    Hi Shortie! LOL I'm 5' 1 1/2 inches tall. I'm always being called 'shortie'. I'd look forward to being friends on MFP. By the way, yesterday a friend of mine who is tall--5' 7" she and I went for a walk............I'm telling you my short little legs had to work at least twice as much as her one long stride with those long legs of hers. What a workout!!! LOL

    Betsyirene.....interesting....My Dad used to call me Betsy and my middle name is Irene! :wink:
  • GAB219
    GAB219 Posts: 27 Member
    Welcome and I'm a shortie too :) Feel free to add me!
  • Hi! I'm a shortie, too. It's always seemed harder for me to lose weight because my base calorie requirement is so low it's hard to cut enough out to make it count. I just started almost three weeks ago on MFP and a new nutrition plan which seems to be working. I hope so anyway. Good luck to you, too! If you'd like, I'd welcome a friend who is in the same situation.
  • Thank you all:)
    Betty my nan was called betsy Irene :)
  • purpler1
    purpler1 Posts: 7
    Hi, I just added you! :)
  • Thank you x
  • Hey, prepare to become addicted to this! haha,
    I'm also quite the short *kitten*, at 5.2"
  • karl39x
    karl39x Posts: 586 Member
    Is 5' 11" considered short for a guy?
  • fongsl
    fongsl Posts: 17 Member
    Welcome! Add me if you like. I would be glad to help you out on your goal. Motivation and encouragement from others are a boost!