I Eat Away My Progress on the Weekends

Every week during the week I clean eat and drop anywhere from 2-3 lbs. easily M-F. I have a lot of weight to lose and it really isnt too drastic, the #. BUT every Monday I am pretty much starting all over again after a weekend full of bad decisions. Does anyone have an suggestions as to how to keep my piehole closed? My philosophy no matter how much I say I am not going to blow it on the weekends is always "well I can eat this as long as it isnt a lot." Which 2 of 3 days works from me but then I drink and compound the problem. Should I just give myself one day to cheat and try to clean eat the other two (we are talking Fri-Sun) or should I just indluge but keep it to a minimum and try to avoid drinking?


  • tyoung8
    tyoung8 Posts: 115 Member
    I do the EXACT same thing!!!
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    Make sure you log everything. Pair every serving of alcohol with one or two servings of water. Personally, I am not drinking much anymore at all because it's just not worth the calories for me. I don't eat differently on the weekends than I do during the week, and I make sure to log everything. Also, try to work in a couple of nice workouts on the weekends. If you don't have to work on the weekends, it is the perfect time to get in some nice, long workouts -- working out, in addition to burning calories, may make you less susceptible to bad choices because you won't want to undo your hard work.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Do what you do during the week. More than likely it was the weekends that got you there in the first place, so if the habits continue, then expect to regain. If you want continued success, then you will have to change what doesn't make you successful.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I have the same problem - my desire to binge also goes up significantly. My advice is to keep as busy as possible - exercise, clean, go to the beach (with properly portioned snacks). I find my boredom leads to eating more, and it's easier to not do so during the week because of work.
  • xinit0
    xinit0 Posts: 310 Member
    It's not about "eating clean" - eat whatever you want or need, just control how MUCH of it you eat.
  • AMM160981
    AMM160981 Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks guys. I find that during the week it is easy because I am at work and have a routine down. I workout after work most days. On the weekends I typcially get in some really good workouts because I am not tired from a 9 hr day.The exercise is definitely there but its like they say, you cannot out run a bad diet. Based on the great info you all have given me, I think I need to pretty much eliminate the drinking (which screws with my sleep pattern anyway) and focus on maintaining a similar diet to what I have during the week. Dont get me wrong, I have had some success, going from 200 to 175 but theres a lot of work to be done and knowing that my body has a ton of potential is pushing me to get this right. Mind over matter!
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    my suggestions is to have a long talk with yourself. is it worth it? is it worth it to you to wake up on monday and start over from scratch? maybe it is - but maybe it isn't. only you can tell and only you can control what you do. maybe have one drink instead of what you have now. maybe have one drink and then switch to diet coke. Maybe decide that on the weekends you will spend more time at the gym instead of vegging out. pick *one* unhealthy habit at a time - and make the change

    I have a problem on weekends because that is the only time i have to cook/shop - so i end up tasting a LOT lol. I'm going to try this week to stop with the eating, it's just not worth it.
  • ScouseNerd
    ScouseNerd Posts: 119 Member
    This past weekend was my worst. I'm willing to loosen the reigns at bit on the weekends just to relax but not half-a-pizza-and-KD amount, like last. Just find out and eat under your BMR and as long as you don't gain, you don't need to beat yourself up over it. Losing 2-3lbs every Monday-Friday will still be awesome!
  • uscooleys
    uscooleys Posts: 34 Member
    I am doing the same thing. One of my biggest challenges is that we have alot of guests or are out doing things on the weekends -- that makes it really hard for me to stay on track. My goal on weekends is to get exercise, watch portions (this is a big one for me) and make better choices about what I eat. I don't drink during the week but do enjoy a glass of wine or two on the weekends. I am also trying to incorporate extra exercise on the weekends to offset the extra calories. Last Sunday, we decided to go out so I decided we had to ride our bikes to the restaurant -- only 10 miles roundtrip but it helped offset that margarita :).

    It is definitely mind over matter and a change in lifestyle for me. Baby steps are my key to changing the habits long term.
  • JMfan
    JMfan Posts: 20 Member
    It's MENTAL. You tell yourself it is the weekend and you proceed to go against everything you have done all week. You probably do this because you haven't completely accepted your lifestyle change and instead are doing something you feel is a hassle during the week. If it is your lifestyle, it would be how you eat 7 days a week. The day wouldn't change your approach. This is one of the most challenging aspects of healthy living in my opinion and I too still struggle with it at times.
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    I'm the same - it's so much easier to eat healthily during the week because you have a routine. So, just extend that routine to your weekends too. Just like I do Sunday to Thursday, I also pack myself a salad for lunch on Friday and Saturday nights so I have my lunch all prepared for Saturday and Sunday lunch times. I plan what I'm going to eat throughout the week so I have a plan and don't get sidetracked by takeaways. I always used to have a fried breakfast on the weekends, but now I have got into the habit of just having the same breakfast as I have all week. I don't drink alcohol during the week, and I'm trying to curb my drinking at the weekends by offering to be designated driver on some occasions, and also switching my usual tipple (cider) to gin and slimline tonic, which is only 56 cals per glass.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Do what you do during the week. More than likely it was the weekends that got you there in the first place, so if the habits continue, then expect to regain. If you want continued success, then you will have to change what doesn't make you successful.

    This. Make a new routine on the weekends.

    What's more important to you? Having too many drinks or getting the body you want? If your body is your priority, you'll stop your current habits and find new ones.

    I'm not saying people should have a drink now and then, or that you shouldn't eat what you want. I'm just saying you have to change what you're doing in order to get results.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    There are no fancy tricks here..... you just have to do what you do during the week. If you want it bad enough you will find the will power to do so on the weekends. Many people are like that. They have a very structured M-Th or F and they are on point....then comes the days off and everything goes to hell.

    I personally just prepare a few days worth of food so all I have to do is pull it out of the fridge. It helps me a little to do this because if I skip the meals I am wasting my money away because I will have to throw away the food if I do not eat it. This does not mean that I never go out to eat or what not... I just plan it out the best that I can in my daily eating.
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    avoid situations which make it easy for you to indulge if you can't exercise caution.

    In regards to alcohol, I personally used to drink every weekend... but then I realised. Why do I need it? I have just as good a time with one drink or NO drinks than by binge drinking. Plus I save lots of money that can be used on shoes ;) I only drink alcohol these days when my partner and I go to a nice wine bar and share a bottle of French or Aussie wine, or go to a fancy course meal.

    In regards to controlling how much you eat, if I know I will go somewhere with lots of temptations I make sure to already have something in my belly and PROMISE myself I will stop. I usually eat a little more than I plan (1 chocolate = 2 chocolates), so set these limits very low but not unrealistic.

    You will realise how much better your body feels when you start respecting it more :) good luck!
  • ractrev
    ractrev Posts: 426
    I believe some of the problem is the same issue I have. I do the same thing - lose all week, and gain back on the weekend. I tell myself to only step on the scale once a week so I do not stress about it - but I seldom follow my own rule. Last Tuesday to Friday, I was down 8 pounds. On Monday, I had gained a lot of that back. But this morning, I was down 4.4 pounds from the previous Tuesday - and that is an awesome week. The day to day weigh in provides too much stress.
  • kavanaghev
    kavanaghev Posts: 75 Member
    I am less strict on the weekends now, but when I was losing my strategy was two-fold. 1) Schedule one of my weekend days as my "long run day" and I would try to eat well (albeit MORE) to fuel that run. Usually, I upped my carbs just a bit for the day before Sunday Runday, which was intentional, but also allowed me to feel like I was splurging without feeling guilty about it. And 2) I made fun exercise plans for Saturday, so a hike or a bike ride, or I'd sign up for volunteering or pick up trash in my community or something like that, etc. Remember that so much of weight loss is mental, and feeling good about yourself is connected to how you treat your body. I really found that doing something GOOD with my Saturday made me value myself more and made me less likely to binge.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    My problem as well... exactly.
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    Keep yourself busy doing active things on the weekend. Eat the same as during the week. Think of it as changing a habit. Commit to making the change for 4 consecutive weekends, and see if your attitude towards eating and exercise over the weekends hasn't changed by week 5.
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    I had this same problem but then after some soul searching I was able to decide that this weight loss is more important than any food that may be in front of me. So I yea I eat boring but Im ok with it, because the number on the scale is finally dropping. Do some soul searching, really the only way to do it is to decide you can and will stick with it. You can get there, good luck!
  • chloeobe
    chloeobe Posts: 72
    I always tell myself calories dont count at the weekend...

    Ive tried to limit myself to either Saturday or Sunday for treat days, and it seems to do the trick