Healthy Kid Friendly Recipes or Meal Ideas

PamGeirng Posts: 165 Member
I have a group of ladies that I am on a journey with losing weight. A lot of them have small kids and want things that kids really like to eat that adults would like as well. They don't want to make two meals. Any ideas from those who have small kids or picky eaters. If you have kids that would eat anything your comments wont help. Thanks!


  • PamGeirng
    PamGeirng Posts: 165 Member
    Anyone with ideas? I know a lot of you have kids so do you eat the same things or make two meals?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    chicken or fish tacos, bean or chicken burritos, nachos, spaghetti, vegetable or chicken lasagna, bbq chicken, omelet, grilled cheese and homemade soup, chili, pork chops w/ fried apples, chicken parmesan, grilled chicken and green beans
  • sutton8401
    sutton8401 Posts: 10 Member
    All kinds of grilled stuff! Also, I make everything I used to make, I just add a salad with Italian dressing. Chicken tacos, BBQ chicken in the crockpot.
  • PamGeirng
    PamGeirng Posts: 165 Member
    Thanks, those sound great! I will pass those on to my friends.
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I am no help, I end up making something different for my picky kid.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    All kinds of grilled stuff! Also, I make everything I used to make, I just add a salad with Italian dressing. Chicken tacos, BBQ chicken in the crockpot.

    I find salads to be the hardest sell to most kids.
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    Yeah that is what I was going to say, the only time I will do mine something different is when we eat salad. Otherwise he eats whatever I am making for DH and myself. I want him to join in with me on my new better eating choices, so he doesn't struggle with it as an adult as it will be more normal for him. The only thing extra I do for him is get him full fat yogurt and milk rather than eating the 1%, low fat stuff. Sometimes he is not too keen on certain things - I have never liked any kind of beans so it was not in our diet till recently, I have found black beans are ok and so include them in our chili and chicken and black bean bake. He is not a huge fan so I pick out some of them from his bowl, but leave some too. And I explain that everyone's tastes buds change, sometimes we used to not like something and then we might change our mind so that is why we should keep trying new foods and foods we might think we don't like. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose lol.

    Anyway typical meals for us are still the meals we had before, but with certain changes. Spaghetti now has spaghetti squash and less spaghetti, the spaghetti is wholewheat, the sauce has more veges in it, sometimes I use ground chicken/turkey instead of beef. Ground beef is always extra lean. Meals come with at least 2 portions of veg. I add other root veg to mashed potatoes like rutabaga, carrot, sweet potatoes. If your kid will only eat chicken nuggets, try various recipes to make them yourself so they suit your health requirements and their fussiness. If they love pizza make your own flatbread base and let them make their own but insist on them having at least 1 veg on them. Mine will accept mushrooms. There are many dessert recipes out there that hide veges in cakes and cookies. I am lucky at the moment in that I dont have to go that far, although he is starting to resist onion and red peppers which is annoying as I use them in tons of things! I have just started chopping them really small hoping half the time he doesn't notice!
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    Forgot to mention when DS (4) has taken part in the cooking process I can normally get him to try it, because it is something he has made. He made his own flatbread the other night when we had pizzas and while he did say to me he still liked pizza the man brings best (takeout) he did eat it all. And cheese, if they like it, makes all things better.
  • Jenny_Ren1
    Jenny_Ren1 Posts: 65 Member
    I've found that sometimes your kids will enjoy foods you've never thought to give them. I would offer them what you're eating first just in case. My 4 yr old LOVES tilapia cooked on the Foreman grill with a little lemon juice. He's also started requesting salads just because we are eating them more often!

    I personally keep fresh veggies cut up in the fridge and fresh fruit like berries and tangerines. These are easy snacks that my children automatically go to 1st now because they are convenient. I also use the cauliflower "potatoes" a lot, as well as things like baked sweet potato fries. Those are things my kids enjoy, but they are healthier than the regular versions. Most often, though, for simple dinners, I make whatever protein and veggies I want and add a side of mac-n-cheese. That way we're all happy!
  • meganw5638
    meganw5638 Posts: 45 Member
    My daughter loves a lot of the recipes we've made from the skinnytaste blog. We try to encourage her to eat what we're having most of the time, because she is a pretty hearty eater and if she's like me, she'll likely struggle with her weight through adolescence like I did (she's only 6 now). However, if we're having something unique that I know she won't tolerate, I try to just fix her something simple and healthy separately.
  • skinnyforhi
    skinnyforhi Posts: 340 Member
    Most often, though, for simple dinners, I make whatever protein and veggies I want and add a side of mac-n-cheese. That way we're all happy!

    THIS! I was the pickiest eater in the world as a child but I never turned down a plain simple grilled pork chop or lean cut of steak, a vegetable and mac n' cheese or potatoes for the starch.
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    Presentation is everything. If we try something new, usually make sure it is in a fun bowl or that they get a toothpick to eat it with ( I have boys, so they get to pretend they are swords). We call fruit 'nature's candy' and that will get them to try all kinds of things. Vegetables are sliced for easy eating and we make a ranch dip with plain greek yogurt and spices added (or they can cheat and get a packet of hidden valley). The other day they tried jicama, because I had sliced it about 1/4" thick and then used cookie cutter to make it into fun shapes. Yogurt is the go-to afternoon snack with fresh fruit on top and either a few candy sprinkles or chocolate chips.

    One supper a week is pizza night where each person makes their own pizza. They have to choose two vegetables to go on it. Me and the hubby will make ours on tortilla or pita. Or we'll make one to share and then a salad with all the topping options. Another night is cold night - where we have sliced meat, cheese, fresh fruit and vegetables all pre-cut to bite size all piled into the middle of the table and just pick and choose and see who can come up with the craziest combo. For every piece of meat and cheese, they have to have 3 bites of fruit/veggie. I love this night, because then all the leftovers are put into tubberware and they can easily access what they for snacks. This was the night that they tried the jicama and kumquats.

    Summer drink - I make fruit flavored ice tea. The boys helps make the ice cubes that go in it by putting pieces of fruit in the ice tray prior to freezing. It is sweetened with honey.

    Good luck to your friends. Let them know not to be discouraged and even if the child refuses something once to try it again and again. It took 4 tries with Brussel Sprouts on my oldest, but now it's one of his favorite. If they have something that they don't like, we usually give them the option of adding sauce or butter to it. They do have to eat 3 bites of it though.