Unable too keep up with Insanity work out!!



  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    I need some of you insanity friends!!!

    Like everyone else has said and I will mirror them. Form over keeping up. That is the beauty of this product do what you can, rest if you need it, etc. Later when you are more fit then you can keep up once you build endurance.
  • rich347
    rich347 Posts: 508 Member
    Insanity is super hard but do it at your own pace and remember "FORM IS EVERYTHING" , I think after a few rounds you'll (Kinda) get the hang of it. Even the people in the video (including Shawn T) need to take additional breaks but to get 70% done is still amazing keep up the good work.
  • Jeeto115
    Jeeto115 Posts: 48 Member
    Don't stress! Half the people in the video cant keep up! I already did the program all the way through and now use if for my cardio days and I still am not a pro. I either go a little slower with extra breaks or bust *kitten* and go as fast as I can but usually need a few more breaks. You will see a MASSIVE change after the 90 days, as far as endurance goes. i could never run a mile without dying before this workout program, and ran my first 5k right after I finished it. Just keep up the hard work!

    That's awesome!!! I would love to run as well, hopefully this work out will help with that too because right now I can't go past two minutes!
  • Scarlett_Belle
    Scarlett_Belle Posts: 145 Member
    Beauty of INSANITY- is you push yourself to YOUR limit and then build up from there. Don't give up! You feel amazing in a few more days- and ready to take on the world!
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    If you watch the video, the people in it cant keep up either! That one dude Johnny with the corn rows is always dogging it!!

    70% is pretty good for your first day. Remember you have a remote control, pause, rewind, and fast forward wherever you feel the need!
  • Michelle_Nicole
    Michelle_Nicole Posts: 95 Member
    You will get better at it trust me! The first day after the fit test I was taking breaks left and right during my workout. Even the people in the video take breaks from time to time. Just remember to push yourself and keep at it. After doing the first month of workouts I noticed that i was able to get through the Plyometric cardio workout much better after week 1&2. Just keep going, I star month 2 today!!!
  • cton13
    cton13 Posts: 16 Member
    Yes!!! You are going to be sore and crawl to the water bottle at each break!!! But it is so worth it.... Don't feel like you can't complete because you can and you are not expected to go into this being able to do exactly what you see the ones on the video do(unless this is your 2nd time around)... you will get better with every fit test if you push yourself to do one more push up or one more globe jump cycle.... I am in month two and let me tell you..... you haven't seen nothing yet :) It is exciting!!!! Keep us posted !!!
  • zachherda
    zachherda Posts: 47
    Beauty of INSANITY- is you push yourself to YOUR limit and then build up from there. Don't give up! You feel amazing in a few more days- and ready to take on the world!

    Very very true.
  • Blessedbythebest1
    Blessedbythebest1 Posts: 971 Member
    I'm starting Insanity next week! I look forward to kicking butt!
  • jenniferanne222
    jenniferanne222 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm just finishing up my third time completing Insanity and I love it. It's a butt-kick, yes, and very difficult, yes... at first! After a few weeks in, you'll notice a definite increase in your endurance and your strength. It's worth the challenge, as it changes your body and your athleticism fast. Like all of the great advice offered so far, go at your own pace. Do what is challenging for YOU, where you are at. Buy a heart rate monitor and watch your zones. If you can't finish an exercise, modify it until the set is done and Shaun T moves on to the next, or if a certain body part is absolutely tiring out from exhaustion, try some sprinting in place to keep your heart rate up while giving that muscle a short break. Also make sure you take your recovery days, and if you don't have the recovery formula, try some chocolate milk and a protein powder after your workout to help your muscles recover. Good luck and keep at it - it DOES get easier over time, I promise!
  • SpazQ
    SpazQ Posts: 104
    If you notice... THEY can't keep up with the workout - the spinning instructor and the marathon runner - LOL. Heck, there are times Shaun T can't keep up. get a heart rate monitor and figure out what the right zone is for you for your age, and just work to max capacity. You'll get better, I promise!

    I'm in recovery week... month 2 starts next monday!

    so this. don't sweat it.
  • squirrell79
    squirrell79 Posts: 154 Member
    Very timely post!

    I ran a half-marathon 2 weeks and thought I'd try Insanity for something new. And my husband is in the military, so he keeps fit too.

    Or so we thought.

    We did the fit test last night and nearly died. It brought us both to our knees. Very humbling, to say the least. :-)
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    I'm on day 31 (recovery week) and I'm yet to complete one without stopping yet. I will not be beaten. My fit test 1 and 2 there was an incredible difference.

    Stick with it.
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    I'm on my second day of recovery week and starting month 2 on Monday! I wouldn't say it gets easier, because you can push yourself harder and harder each workout. I do them at 4:30 in the morning and I feel so great for the rest of the day! And I weigh over 190lbs and sometimes while people in the video are taking a break, I keep pounding it! Just keep going!
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    I'm on my second day of recovery week and starting month 2 on Monday! I wouldn't say it gets easier, because you can push yourself harder and harder each workout. I do them at 4:30 in the morning and I feel so great for the rest of the day! And I weigh over 190lbs and sometimes while people in the video are taking a break, I keep pounding it! Just keep going!

    You're on the same day as me I think as I start month 2 next Monday as well :D
  • myriambruneau
    Neither can I! Do what you can and keep at it :) Good job!
  • lizzieplus2
    lizzieplus2 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm about to start day 2 shortly.. I'm getting the courage to do it hahaha
    It's hard but I always tell myself.. If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you! And insanity well, it's what it is.. INSANE!
    good luck :) starting it and trying is better than nothing, there's only room for improvement
  • janebshaw
    janebshaw Posts: 168
    It's up to you what you decide to do, but I would not recommend an exercise program that caused that much soreness.

    You don't have to go through something that extreme to get results. If Insanity is too intense of a workout for you, there's no law that says you have to complete it!

    There are lots of other DVD exercise programs out there that are not as intense.

    If you enjoy an exercise program, you are much more likely to stick with it that something you know will cause you pain.
  • hmcdonald9288
    This is my second go around. The first time I got to week 3 and i suffered from a pulled muscle in the front of my shin so I forced myself to stop so that I did not add to the problem. Its been a month and I'm back on the band wagon....and I am so sore and feel like it is my first time all over again. My weakness in the first go around was trying to be as fast as the others in the video that I wore out quicker and took more and more breaks....my second fit test sucked...i did worse...way worse. I have decided this time that I will not try to go the speed of everyone in the video rather push myself to my limits. Good luck and don't get discouraged you can get through it. Push yourself and when you need a break take one. Shaun T sure does lol!!!
  • janebshaw
    janebshaw Posts: 168
    Personally, I think extreme fitness programs like Insanity set the bar WAY too high for the majority of people that try it, and a higher percentage of people are likely to get injured and/or discouraged than actually be helped by those kind of programs.

    That is one reason I am not an Insanity fan, and have never felt drawn to attempt it.