I Eat Away My Progress on the Weekends



  • dmw1980
    dmw1980 Posts: 2 Member
    I have the same problem because I like to "treat" myself a little on the weekends for being good all week - it's how I got myself started on this fitness journey. When I was at my max weight, this was not as big of an issue; I still lost weight each week. But now that I only have a few more lbs. to go, treats on the weekends really hurt my progress. There are a few things I have started doing to help me, maybe they can help you too. First, I only weigh myself once a week and only on Friday morning. This way, I’m not as stressed about it every day and I still see progress after my good week (usually). Second, I have started to only treat myself one day each weekend instead of two, eventually planning on shaving that down even further, but baby steps. I want to get to maybe 1 day a month instead of every weekend. I feel like I will always need at least 1 day to indulge or I’ll just quit. And lastly, what might have helped me the most is I plan for a long run on Saturday or Sunday morning to help equalize the treats I will be having later.

    One more thing that is a bit cliché, but it works for me (sort of) is I say to myself when I feel my will power fading “Nothing tastes as good as being fit feels.”

    Good Luck!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Alcohol to me just isn't worth the calories, or feeling crappy the next day so I pretty much always avoid it.
  • watermillion
    watermillion Posts: 87 Member
    I don't have cheat days when I am losing weight. When I reach my desired goal weight, then I have one day a week where I will treat myself. It helps me to maintain my weight
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    I don't have cheat days when I am losing weight. When I reach my desired goal weight, then I have one day a week where I will treat myself. It helps me to maintain my weight

    Amen to this.
    ...then I drink and compound the problem.

    Consider this fact...almost all of the folks who posted about their 'regretable weekends' are also mentioning alcohol. Why do you have to drink alcohol? Is it required to be a part of your social group? Too many folks drink to be 'acceptable' to their friends, then find themselves acting thoughtlessly about other things...important things.

    Alcohol has a way of making too many bad things seem acceptable...at the time. A couple of drinks later, and who is in control of what you are doing? Resistance to temptations will go right out the window. Yes, alcohol leads the way to many poor choices.

    Try making it through just one weekend, drinking low calorie, NON-ALCOHOLIC beverages instead of 'the usual'; and I'll bet that you learn a lot about your friends, yourself and 'your problem'.

    If you can't do this for even one weekend, then you might have a more serious 'problem'.
  • fenna3107
    fenna3107 Posts: 46
  • barbara4599
    barbara4599 Posts: 114 Member
    Thanks for posting this, I am struggling with the same problem. Especially love the "keeping my piehole closed " part. I'm reading through the advice and wil keep trying.
  • WonTaunTaun
    WonTaunTaun Posts: 87 Member
    You are NOT losing 2-3 lbs of fat over 5 days, and gaining it back on the weekend.

    You have water fluctuations, that's all.


    It really is hard when you get started. Maybe if you logged everything you ate during the weekend (no matter how bad) just to see how far you are putting yourself off track. Maybe it could help you with portion control. At first, still eat the same things so you don't feel overwhelmed with having to do good, but just watch the portions. You would be surprised as to what you can eat if you just stick to the recommended serving sizes. You can do this. It just takes time. :)
  • Karenjilla
    I do the same...the drinking only occasionally, but the going off on the weekends is my problem. I don't know why. It used to be because I worked and it was easy to keep an eating light routine while working, but now I'm not working (unemployment) and so the weekends shouldn't matter. I love food and watching movies on my big screen tv, and like to eat when watching. I know, bad habit, if I get hungry, I try to munch on something healthy- like veggies, lt.nonfat yougurt, or 14 almonds (98 cals). I could use some more ideas for low-cal salty crunchy foods like popcorn. I do air-popped, but I tend not to lose weight when I do the high-glycemic carbs (constipation). I lose 4 lbs during the week, but then by weigh-day (Mon), I haven't lost or even gained 'cause of the weekends. I really don't know why the weekends are harder since I'm not in a work routine anymore either... And then once in a blue moon, I'll drink too much. I do stick to vodka/club/lemon, so it's not too bad (don't gain), but it keeps me from losing. I guess I haven't helped you much, because I don't have the answer. Just to keep tracking, keeping cals low (mines 1200/day), try and eat healthy for the majority of the time, DON'T skip a meal/let yourself get hungry(ALWAYS keep 100 cal snacks with you- I keep raw almonds in the car), and make sure you drink your 8 glassed of water daily. I lost 50 lbs in '09/'10 and kept it off for a couple of years. I just love food, so I'm starting again. I'm 5'3" and just started (5/20/13) at 199 and 16 days later I've only lost 4 lbs. because of the weekend-thing. I don't know the solution. The only differece is last time I was working- but not on the weekends. Oh, and I met someone and am happy and content, and it's easy to be comfortable when someone's telling you all the time that you're beautiful no matter what you weigh. Well, let me know your thoughts on this, maybe we can help each other!
  • Lizabelle1212
    Lizabelle1212 Posts: 252 Member
    I used to have the exact same problem - it's like taking 3 steps forward and 2 steps back, because I would give myself an entire cheat day (Saturday) and then Sunday would only be so-so. I do my weekly weigh-in on Saturday morning, so now, I just hang out at the house on Friday night and relax and complete my evening like I would any other night (food/calorie-wise) and then Saturday evening, usually give myself a cheat MEAL (not a cheat DAY), and get back on it Sunday. I usually don't lose any over the weekend, but I at least stay at the same weight, so that I'm not starting over again on Monday. I do think cheat meals are important because, for me, I can get rid of any cravings I have, which helps me stay on track during the week. But a cheat MEAL is much better than a cheat DAY (or 2-3 days for that matter). Also, with the drinking, I do still drink (Sat nights only) but I have changed my drink order. I pretty much don't order anything now except Vodka & Soda Water w/ Lime - the only calories you're getting is from the vodka, which is about 65 - 80 cals per shot, depending on the vodka. Hope this helps! :) Add me if you want!

    *Edit - I should add that even though I give myself a cheat meal on Saturday night, my eating for breakfast/lunch/snacks stays the same. I eat the same portions and calories I eat on a normal day, so that I don't get too off track or off my routine. Then instead of my normal dinner, I just have a cheat dinner out with friends or something. And still log everything!
  • 1duffwf
    1duffwf Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks for posting this! I struggle with this too...and it's good to see tips and suggestions.
  • Karenjilla
    This is to lisaamartin1:

    What do you typically have for breakfast? Just curious. I lost 50 lbs with my usual breakfast being oatmeal with raisins (only about 12). It's extremely hard now though, 'cause my bo' and I got in a bad habit of Country Boys Drive-In for breakfast (typical American breakfast of eggs, hash-browns, bacon, toast and coffee. NOT doing THAT anymore! (I've gained 40 back in a YEAR!) I'm back to the oatmeal even though I LOVE thoughs breakfasts- I wanna be skinny again and fit in my JEANS (wearing leggings 'cause I got rid of all my fat clothes- donated a trailer FULL to the Delta Humane Society. I'm NOT buying new fat clothes. I'm gonna fit in the clothes I was wearing a year ago! But it's SO hard when you love food like I do!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I think the key is structure.

    M-F tend to be very structured for many people. Work schedules, school schedules, meal times = structure, structure, structure. And where there is structure, there tends to be control.

    On the weekends, structure flies out the window, and so does control.

    Find a way to put some structure or consistency into your weekends and you may find control coming back to you.
  • lisy28
    lisy28 Posts: 156 Member

    do it every weekend!
  • kmgstevens
    kmgstevens Posts: 32 Member
    One thing that has helped me is to log what I am going to be eating or drinking before I actually consume it. When you enter in that big plate of nachos and pitcher of margaritas and see a huge calorie count staring at you and giving you those dreaded red results numbers, you might be more inclined to make a better decision in the first place. Also, if you are going out to a bar/club with friends, enter in your drinks before you go so you have a limit set in your mind "Okay I budgeted for 3 drinks, and after that I am absolutely done"
  • danibu98
    danibu98 Posts: 281 Member
    You wrote this post about ME! LOL

    I am awesome M-F and fall off the wagon on Saturday and Sunday. I'm still losing, but while I was once averageing a pound a week now it's slowed to a half pound. Must.get.control.back!
  • kiekokay
    kiekokay Posts: 101 Member
    I do the EXACT same thing!!! Im sure others have suggested this (haven't had time to read through all the replies, using this as a "bump" though!), but what I do is make sure to log everything, even if it puts me waaaay over on calories. Its just to easy to say "well, today is ruined, whats the point of continuing to log?!" but when I make myself put it all in on a Friday or Saturday, I tend to do better on Sunday. Just a thought :smile:
  • lougalan
    lougalan Posts: 10
    I struggle with the same thing with Sunday night dinner being the biggest problem because my friends and I get together and cook and drink wine, lots of wine!

    1. I make sure to have some sort of work out day on Saturday or Sunday in the morning. That way I resist getting drunk the night before.
    2. I always do the indulgence before noon so I have all day to try and burn it off.
    3. Guzzle plenty of water to feel full through out the day.
    4. I make sure there is plenty of food to snack on. I'll have more fruit since it's sugary and can sort of replace the bad stuff.

    Make it a goal to go one weekend without "blowing it" and you'll go into the new week feel accomplished.
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    Here's what I do....

    When I think about being bad, I say "Is THIS what I want? No... I WANT to be fit.. and this donut (cookie, chocolate shake, etc..) will NOT give me what I want. So I distract myself with exercise, cleaning, or playing with my child.
  • RobP1192
    RobP1192 Posts: 310 Member
    Don't feel bad. I've been doing the same thing, especially in recent weeks. At least when you live a healthy lifestyle, you know that the weekend won't be the death of you. You can get back in business in no time. In the end, we're all... human. To some degree. Superhuman still counts as human.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    I have the exact same problem:


    30 days and I'm down one pound. You can easily see the weekends go by on the chart.

    And the thing is, on those weekends I don't think I hardly ever go over the amount of calories it should take to just maintain my weight (280 pounds x 10 = 2800 calories).

    To the person who said that we just really aren't logging well during the week and don't have the deficit we think we do, holy crap, if I have to eat even *less* I don't know how I'm going to cope. I'm starving all the time and for nothing, it seems.