do you eat bread?



  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    Yes but less.

    I prefer to avoid carbs in the morning as much as possible. It's probably just in my head, but I feel like it makes me more hungry when I eat carbs in the morning. Cereal was my nemesis.
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    I'm definitely part of the 'don't cut things out, just regulate what goes in' crowd! I lost 86 pounds 11 years ago doing a strict Atkins plan. I ate lots of bacon and cheese and other non- and low-carb items. I lost weight, obviously, but it was not sustainable. I stalled at 200 pounds and could not lose more weight. I got frustrated. I maintained for awhile, but eventually bad eating habits crept back in, my love for bread and other carb items overwhelmed the Atkins plan, and fast forward to 2013 when I had gained all of it back + 5 more pounds.

    This time, I'm actually feeling healthier. I'm upping my intake of 'real' foods (fresh fruit and vegetables, meats, etc) and lowering my intake of processed foods, especially fast foods. However, I'm not forbidding myself anything! Down that way lies madness, failure, and dieting rather than true lifestyle change. I firmly believe I lost all I did on Atkins because the foods filled me up sooner, but in the long run, it didn't teach me to watch what I was doing, to balance it out, and to find a way to cut back. So when I'd done all I could at the calorie intake I obviously was on, then I failed. My easy button was gone, and I wasn't ready to go back to the right way I knew about :)

    It flat out boils down to burning more calories than you put into your body, regardless of where those calories come from. I do think metabolism and burning calories and all that jazz can be highly individualized, and I do believe that eating fresher, less processed foods is overall a recipe for success. But that said, you can lose weight on poptarts if you just watch your calories!

    So yes -- eat bread! Just be aware of your caloric intake. I try to hit my protein and fat intakes each day, and I don't care if I go over on either (especially if that fat intake is coming from something like an avocado or two!), I don't worry about my carb intake too much, but I do try to make sure that my sugars are coming from mostly natural sources like fruit and not from an overabundance of junk food. I'm trying to retrain my palate to love those things so if I need sweets, I can eat a bucket of raspberries and feel my sweet tooth sated versus having a handful of high calorie, high sugar milk duds and feel the need for more that might blow my calorie intake. I also try to keep my sodium intake well below the max (which is easy when I'm eating at home and doing my own cooking and not using processed foods).

    I use Dave's Killer Bread -- it tastes amazing! I also do a lot of brown rice and sweet potatoes and oatmeal. The other stuff, the more processed stuff, I save for days when the craving is just there. By keeping the balance, keeping calories in mind, and not denying my cravings, I believe I am setting myself up for long-term sustainable success.
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    No I do not eat bread anymore. But I do eat sweet potaotes , oatmeal..
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    Carbs are EVIL!! NEVER!!!!!!
  • seawolf86
    seawolf86 Posts: 55
    Yes, I eat carbs, I love carbs! I try to eat mostly whole grains and whole foods such as potatoes and sweet potatoes but I do indulge in white carbs sometimes and I love pizza. I am still losing weight at a consistent pace so I don't see a problem with it!
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member

    There is no such thing as "good" or "bad" carbs.


    This. Food does not have morals, therefore it cannot be good or bad.

    There are carbs that are healthier and carbs that are less healthy (whole grains, brown rice, beans, lentils, fruit, vegetables, low fat dairy) These all contain carbohydrate and they're all great for you!

    Any diet that requires you to completely eliminate a food or food group (barring food allergies or diseases related to food) is highly suspect.
  • Lili0817
    Lili0817 Posts: 109 Member
    Ummm... YES, you have to eat Carbs! They are good for you. Stick to sweet potatos, quinoa, farro, Ezekiel, brown rice .....
  • RambyPandy
    RambyPandy Posts: 118 Member
    Not as much as I used to. Maybe once every other day, down from 2-3/x a day. I can't resist my homemade pizza!
  • jonathanp2
    jonathanp2 Posts: 41 Member
    You are Exactly correct. Cutting things out is not the answer. Eating in Moderation and watching Calories is the answer.
  • Rjohnsonjr32
    Rjohnsonjr32 Posts: 117
    Well, I will say this, there are a lot of people saying don't cut it out. You do what you feel is necessary. I myself are not eating those things as well. I am Type II diabetic and I don't eat bread, pasta, Rice. I will have an occaisional potato or sweet potato. I haven't had pasta in quite awhile and I have gone two months of very little bread. I won't say NO bread but very little. I would say as long as you are working out and exercising you should be fine!!! Bread is high in Sodium so if you have Blood pressure problems prob best to lay off of the bread. I have and my vitals have been tremendous!!! Do what you feel is good for you!!!
  • DeeDiddyGee
    DeeDiddyGee Posts: 601 Member
    I don't restrict my intake when it comes to any type of foods. When I find myself avoiding carbs or sweets or dairy or WHATEVER, I find myself in a diet mentality. I am practicing portion control, food group representation (need to work on increasing veggies), and burning more calories than I take itn. This is what I find sustainable.

    I have found, however, that by focusing on portion control and by eating snacks between main meals, my cravings for high calorie, sweet things has vanished. I would much spend my calories on protein-dense foods that will satisfy me than empty calories.

    When I crave chocolate, I find the Met-Rx Colossal Protein Bar, either chocolate or peanut butter, is a nice chewy treat that not only satisfies the sweet tooth, but helps me with my protein macro.

  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    i love bread (and pasta), but i also experience far more bloating and inflammation in my gut when i eat them, so i try to limit it to one meal or snack per day. i've been a carb junkie my whole life, and over the past several months, i've been trying to focus on cutting out a lot of processed foods and eating more natural foods like fruit, raw veggies and unsalted nuts for snacks. so, while i've cut out potato chips, i'll still eat a baked potato. it's been far easier than i thought it would be to make the transition and i feel much better.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    I lose weight and I eat plenty of carbs. Sweet potatoes are one of the healthiest vegetables that you can eat !

    I am prone to overdo it on bread so I eat several 100% whole wheat slices a day and try to get the rest of my carbs through fruit.

    I work out 5 - 7 days a week for 30 minutes to 1 hour and have still managed to lose weight.

    I tend to eat most of my carbs in the morning and afternoon, around workout time.
  • nuttingh
    nuttingh Posts: 65
    Just like many, I love carbs. I eat them daily but try not to go crazy with how much. This is why: when I start eating carbs, for instance pasta and/or garlic bread, I want to keep eating. I love the taste and seem to have a control issue with it. So I guess I limit some items so that I don't go bananas on my calories and fat. Nothing wrong with calories though, unless it's all junk food.
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    Just finished my slice of whole wheat seedy bread with two wedges of light laughing cow cheese spread
    for a very nice 160 calories... wow!!!
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I had used up all my share of bread,pasta, rice and potatoes on Christmas Eve 2011... I do not eat them anymore. I do not eat anyof the "gluten free" substitues either.

    The closets I come is baked fish or chicken with some type of crumbs on it, but I generally scrape most of it off before I eat it. I eat out about 14 out of 21 meals a week, so I have to just work with it and it is amazing how much easier it is to maintain and eat healthy without bread pasta rice or potatoes. I only allow myself cheese now about twice a week, never twice in the same day.

    I eat carbs, just not bread,pasta, rice or potatoes. To each own their own nutrition plan and calorie counts!
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    Yes...I love me some sourdough bread...Or fresh chocolate croissants...or a regular french baguette with bruschetta. I always buy it fresh from the bakery though, it's my main rule.

    Macro timing is a farce-at least for me. I eat carbs at night, before or after a workout, when I don't workout, and I have successfully lost and kept off the weight.

    As long as you meet your macros, I don't see why a little bread will hurt you, no matter what time of day.
  • asdelmonte
    asdelmonte Posts: 171 Member
    I very rarely eat any wheat products as they bother me if I eat too much. I haven't been tested, but experience leads me to believe I have an intolerance. I do eat brown rice, beans, and sweet potatoes. If I didn't I would end up falling off the healthy eating wagon.
  • SCtolulu
    SCtolulu Posts: 154 Member
    Yep, white potatoes too.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Bread is good. I'd just rather eat other things, most of the time.