Abs-Stomach Fat and Cheat Meals

So of course I have fat around my belly-last time I lost weight, I barely lost any from there.This time, I'm sticking to my lifestyle change and I'm seeing more progress than last time.

So what I hear is you should eat cheat meals to trick your metabolism in a way to keep losing fat and stop plateauing. Is this true? Because I happen to have McDonald's once every two weeks or even longer, to achieve that effect ^ (just a cone or a Spicy McChicken, no fries, drink, etc.). If given the choice, I would not have it- I'd seriously rather wait till I get home to eat...

Anyways, should I be having a cheat snack/meal once every two weeks or so or will this prevent me from losing the stubborn belly fat and getting a toned stomach? By the way, I'm about 10 pounds away from my goal weight. Thanks!


  • pestopoli
    pestopoli Posts: 111 Member
    I don't know that having a cheat meal "tricks" your body into doing anything. Cheat meals are simply a useful tool to keep you on track with a strict nutrition diet. This is a great link about how to successfully use cheat meals. http://scoobysworkshop.com/cheat-meals/

    I do think it's true, however, from what I've read around here, that eating too little may slow your metabolism in such a way that you eventually reach a plateau. Many people have reported upping their calories - and I assume level of physical activity - to overcome a plateau. If you're eating a strict nutrition diet and not getting enough nutrients or calories, small cheat meals or snacks may help pad out those calories.

    Edit: having a treat from McDonalds every once in a while is awesome :)
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Eating low-quality food you don't want to eat sounds like a bad idea. At least find some "cheat meal" food you enjoy, if you buy into the "cheat meal" concept.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    No. Cheat meals are for people who don't have the ability to control themselves or who haven't figured out how to have a healthy, balanced, sustainable approach to eating.

    Read up on refeeds if you want, but you should be worrying more about a healthy sustainable diet and less about gimmicks and trickery.
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    Thank you everyone!

    I think Subway is a treat meal for me, seeing as it has one-third of my daily carb serving in a six-inch sub. :P

    I think I'll have a treat on occasion if I feel like it, but I'm not too sure about using it to get over a plateau still.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Thank you everyone!

    I think Subway is a treat meal for me, seeing as it has one-third of my daily carb serving in a six-inch sub. :P

    I think I'll have a treat on occasion if I feel like it, but I'm not too sure about using it to get over a plateau still.

    Why do you consider that a cheat?
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    Because one six-inch has about 50 or so carbs, and my daily intake of carbs is set at 169g!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    But that's still well within your daily limit. I still don't see why it's a cheat. Cheating is about breaking the rules, no? You aren't doing that (as you said, it's 50g out of 170).
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    That's true. My idea of a cheat meal (how it's been so far) is a food that's not clean, but keeps me within my caloric limits and other macros for the day. But just like some other days (when I consume nuts and fruits), I go over my sugar and fat.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    wow... ok, but that sounds like a rip-off of a cheat meal to me.
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    Haha, I guess I shouldn't call it a cheat meal then.. :P
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Oh, back to your original question...

    If you aren't eating at least maintenance, then you aren't going to "trick" (or reset or whatever else) your body/metabolism/whatever into thinking/doing anything.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't know if there is any science behind cheat meals or not. I'm inclined to think not. I have days where I eat much more than other days, but they are not regular or planned. Well, sometimes planned if it's a birthday, holiday, etc. I've never thought of it as a way to trick my body into anything, though. I just think it's my life. I like to celebrate occasions with food and drink.

    But, I sure would not plan to eat McD when I didn't even want it. If I'm going to eat a lot of extra calories, it's going to be something I really enjoy.
  • sbella666
    sbella666 Posts: 4
    Hi All

    My weight is 135 @ 5.6’ height-I’m a 47yr female. My problem area is around just below the waist only as far as fat. The waist is 27 and hips at about 36 but around the belly button is 30-31!

    My goal is to lose it but want to firm and flatten with muscle the abs area.

    I was on a combination of insanity and BBL workout schedule for 8 weeks. Taking in about 1200-1300 cal a day. Up to week 6wks no real fat lose results-- but my muscles were getting some tone and strength in legs butt and high waist. so I reduced cal intake to about 950-1000. Assumed about at least 339 cal burned each day exercising (energy was an issue for the insanity workout days). Last Thursday after about week and a half of doing this I weighed in at 130- so lost five pounds and lost almost 1 inch around the waist. After the weekend on Mon however I weighed in at 134-but don’t seem to have gained the lost inch back. I can only tell by how the clothes fit so it’s a little confusing. The calorie tool on this website really helped me identify that on weekends I am slipping by too much cal food intake and also I average about three to five alcohol drinks total over the weekend (wine with dinner or rum and seltzer) each drink is about 50-125 cal each so I didn’t assume it would hurt. But coupled with one high calorie meal on same day (cheeseburger etc) I think this is what is blocking my results. What do you think? I was under the impression taking a day off each week would not hurt results. I am thinking now to raise the cal intake to 1300 by incorporating protein shakes which will also add protein that I know I am not getting more than 20-30 percent otherwise, hoping to increase some muscle to cause more fat lost. Now do I also have to totally abstain from alcohol on the weekends? Or can I just be more strict about the one bad meal each Friday and Saturday when dining out?

    Also I will be going to just doing another 4 weeks of BBL workout schedule as I think the insanity is too hard right now to keep up with until I’m stronger 

    Please advise thoughts—looking for some input from anyone who has had this similar experience during their journey 
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    That's true. My idea of a cheat meal (how it's been so far) is a food that's not clean, but keeps me within my caloric limits and other macros for the day. But just like some other days (when I consume nuts and fruits), I go over my sugar and fat.

    Oh, I can't imagine how eating a junk food meal would do anything but lessen your overall nutrient content (not necessarily a bad or dangerous thing). Generally, a cheat meal means a meal where you go over in calories.
  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    No. Cheat meals are for people who don't have the ability to control themselves or who haven't figured out how to have a healthy, balanced, sustainable approach to eating.

    Read up on refeeds if you want, but you should be worrying more about a healthy sustainable diet and less about gimmicks and trickery.
    I have a weekly cheat meal, usually with the girlfriend as then I have something to look forward to through the week and I usually still hit my macros and calories that day, so no, it's not just for people who are unable to control themselves.
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    Oh, back to your original question...

    If you aren't eating at least maintenance, then you aren't going to "trick" (or reset or whatever else) your body/metabolism/whatever into thinking/doing anything.

    I amn't eating maintenance because I still have to lose, and I hit a plateau about two and a half weeks ago.

    @bcattoes: Thank you for your input- I don't really have cravings for cheating really, but I do feel like my weight loss has plateaued, which is why I thought of doing this.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    No. Cheat meals are for people who don't have the ability to control themselves or who haven't figured out how to have a healthy, balanced, sustainable approach to eating.

    Read up on refeeds if you want, but you should be worrying more about a healthy sustainable diet and less about gimmicks and trickery.
    I have a weekly cheat meal, usually with the girlfriend as then I have something to look forward to through the week and I usually still hit my macros and calories that day, so no, it's not just for people who are unable to control themselves.

    If you're still hitting your cals/macros, it's not a cheat meal. It's eating within your macros/cals. It may not be eating "clean" which apparently some consider cheating, but in most cases "cheating" means going over your cals.
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    That's true. My idea of a cheat meal (how it's been so far) is a food that's not clean, but keeps me within my caloric limits and other macros for the day. But just like some other days (when I consume nuts and fruits), I go over my sugar and fat.

    Oh, I can't imagine how eating a junk food meal would do anything but lessen your overall nutrient content (not necessarily a bad or dangerous thing). Generally, a cheat meal means a meal where you go over in calories.

    I see now that I misunderstood the definition of a cheat meal then! So it's basically going over your calories, and not hitting your macros as you would on a normal day I guess.

    Edit: So it's just disregarding your diet for that meal altogether. Hm.. but the thing is I can't live with that. I'd really feel guilty, and then if I didn't get any progress in the next week, I'd just blame it on that... :/
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Oh, back to your original question...

    If you aren't eating at least maintenance, then you aren't going to "trick" (or reset or whatever else) your body/metabolism/whatever into thinking/doing anything.

    I amn't eating maintenance because I still have to lose, and I hit a plateau about two and a half weeks ago.

    @bcattoes: Thank you for your input- I don't really have cravings for cheating really, but I do feel like my weight loss has plateaued, which is why I thought of doing this.

    IME, most people plateau because they get lazy. Either they aren't logging as accurately/honestly as they did when they started, or they aren't working out as hard as they were when they started.
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    Oh, back to your original question...

    If you aren't eating at least maintenance, then you aren't going to "trick" (or reset or whatever else) your body/metabolism/whatever into thinking/doing anything.

    I amn't eating maintenance because I still have to lose, and I hit a plateau about two and a half weeks ago.

    @bcattoes: Thank you for your input- I don't really have cravings for cheating really, but I do feel like my weight loss has plateaued, which is why I thought of doing this.

    IME, most people plateau because they get lazy. Either they aren't logging as accurately/honestly as they did when they started, or they aren't working out as hard as they were when they started.

    Thank you for your candor! I know I'm logging accurately for sure, but my exercise has definitely decreased.