35 things by 35

godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
last year in september, i posted a list on my blog of 35 things i'd like to accomplish by the time i turn 35 (3 more years). with one year almost gone, i thought i should check back in and see how i'm doing.

1. read the entire bible once a year
2. read 4 'classics' a year
-emma, lord of the flies, paradise lost, a tale of two cities, my antonia
-the great gatsby, jane eyre, robinson crusoe, treasure island
-gulliver's travels, adventures of huck finn, walden and civil disobedience, the old man and the sea
3. re-read 'watership down' - *CHECK*
4. write a hand-written note once a week for three months and mail it off
5. publish a christian children's book
6. start a once-a-month girl's night out group - *CHECK*
7. exercise 3 times a week... starting now - *CHECK*
8. run a 15k
9. train myself to sleep on my back instead of my side
10. take a ballroom dancing lesson
11. take a decorating class
12. take a pottery-making class
13. take a photography class (and buy a 'good' camera)
14. take my mom to a scrapbooking-weekend-convention-type-thing
15. finish the scrapbook on my dad's life
16. refinish the guest bedroom dresser
17. make a quilt
18. make a fort/playhouse for the boys behind the garage
19. learn to play one song on the guitar
20. learn to make curry
21. find one thing i *like* to bake (signature dish)
22. can homemade pickles
23. grow strawberries in my garden
24. furnish our outdoor patio - *CHECK*
25. teach the boys to ski
26. convince hubby we need a dog - *CHECK*
27. go sailing
28. go camping with tyler and rachel at hart ranch - *CHECK*
29. go visit scotty and laura frances in missouri
30. go to the grand canyon
31. go on a cruise (10-year anniversary is coming up *grin*)
32. go tour the vatican city with my husband
33. meet my sports idol seth smith and get his autograph - *CHECK*
34. become a mentor
35. work on a political campaign

what would be on your list?


  • I don't really have a list, but it might be a good idea for me to get some goals down!

    I just wanted to ask, why would you train yourself to sleep on your back instead of your side? Are there some health effects I should know about? I'm a total side sleeper, right side to be exact.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I just wanted to ask, why would you train yourself to sleep on your back instead of your side? Are there some health effects I should know about? I'm a total side sleeper, right side to be exact.

    i think sleeping on your side is very common. :) some say that sleeping on your right side is the best way to sleep because your heart doesn't have extra weight on it and gravity is not pushing against your diaphram when you breathe. i don't know if that is scientific or just pretend. lol. sleeping on my back is something my chiropracter suggested to help with a herniated disk.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    nobody else has a 'bucket list'? :)

    start one now. i wanna know what exciting things you want to do in the next few years. what would make you happy?
  • mysi019
    mysi019 Posts: 55
    So i am 27 so I have a few more years till i am 35. My list would be

    * get married
    *start a family
    *get down to my "goal wieght"
    * grow a garden
    * go on a cruise
    * run in a 10k
    *complete a tri-athlan
    *get a dog
    *complete my masters degree
    *never eat fast food again
    *quit smoking (would like to accomplish this sooner rather than later)
    *go sky diving
    * try out one of those rope courses
    *go white water rafting

    This is my list so far, i may add more as i go.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    great list! white water rafting would be so fun. :)

    come on, people! if you are younger than 35, do a 30 things by 30 list or a 25 things by 25. if you are older than 35, do a 40 things by 40 list or 60 things by 60. we all have things, big and small, that we want to do. what are yours?
  • meriann
    meriann Posts: 5
    You made me think about some of the things I want to do....so here's mine. I only have 30!

    30 things by 35
    Since I’ll be turning 30 this year, here is my goal for the next 5 years!!!!
    1. Figure out what I want to “BE” when I grow up!
    2. Complete my associates in social work just because I’m that close
    3. Learn sign language
    4. Take a community course once a year.
    5. Finish my Germany and Australia scrapbooks
    6. Find a new hobby
    7. Exercise 3 times/week doing something I like and not something I have to do
    8. Be able to run 5K without stopping
    9. Finish a 15K marathon
    10. Be happy with my body and stop trying to reach my ‘perfect’ weight
    11. Get engaged and have a unique wedding
    12. Have a child or be pregnant
    13. Go to Maine and stay on the beach
    14. Go to Greece
    15. Go fishing in the ocean
    16. Buy a new house with a garage
    17. Save $20,000 dollars for a rainy day
    18. Get a retirement savings started so that I can retire comfortably at 55
    19. Learn to be a better cook
    20. Learn how to control my emotional eating without picking up another bad habit.
    21. Be better at recording and photographing my life
    22. Take a photography class
    23. Go camping at Hart Ranch once a year in honor of my dad
    24. Make time for myself without feeling guilty
    25. Stay in better touch with my brother and sister
    26. Try something new with my mom once a year
    27. Go to one professional sports event with Joe each year
    28. Get my back tattoo’d (tree growing on a rocking cliff where no tree should have grown)
    29. Get my prostate cancer ribbon tattoo
    30. Form a monthly book group
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i love your list meri! i would love to learn sign language too and start a monthly book club. maybe i'll add them to my 40 things by 40 list. :) thanks for taking the time to share!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    bumping this to see if anyone else will share. :)
    AkBUTLER Posts: 107
    I have a bucketlist that I started over a year ago. I have a list of over 50 things I want to do and Im still adding. These are some of the things I set aside to do before fall semester starts :-)

    Go to a major league baseball game
    Catch a fish
    Successfully kneeboard--CHECK
    Ride a mechanical bull
    Float the river
    Go gambling
    Tragus piercing--CHECK
    Cooking lessons--CHECK

    Sometimes routine gets in the way but its just a reminder/ motivator to enjoy and live life

    These are the others I have checked off my list

    Learn to drive a stick
    Try sushi
    Get drunk off my *kitten* (haha)
    Go to a broadway show
    See George Strait in concert--16th row center stage!!
    Hold a snake
    Skinnydippin' :blushing:

    Most importantly I would like to

    Earn my college degree
    Sew a blanket with my Grandmother for my son

    Just live life and make the most of it. i started this bucketlist a month before my husband passed away and I have slowly been checking items off.
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